AI Research Perspectives from the AI community - relating to my course at the University of Oxford
Here is an interesting idea I am working on - and which could benefit you
As you know, I am the course director of the University of Oxford course Artificial Intelligence: Generative AI, Cloud and MLOps (online) (and also other courses on AI). These are pioneering courses - at the very cutting edge of AI.
Every three months, I spend time with my team formally discussing where AI is going.
But AI is moving very fast for all of us.
There are many areas of AI which I am personally unfamiliar with - for example the synergies between nuclear and quantum for Artificial Intelligence
We are going to launch a series of Open articles called AI Research Perspectives from either tutors on the course or invited collaborators to explore interesting areas of AI applicable today. This will be shared openly and will be associated with our course as perspectives students should explore.
Format for AI Research Perspectives
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Research Gap
We are interested in identifying research gaps. See this as an example of using literature reviews to identify a research gap. Note that we don't ask for an academic review - but we value the process of finding research gaps and the work which will show why an AI perspective is relevant now. You may reference good sources - academic or industry. So, you would use the literature review to indicate the state of the art in the domain and then to demonstrate how your perspective extends the body of knowledge in the field.
Next steps
If you are interested please suggest through this Google form
I welcome feedback to the concept of AI perspectives but please do not ask me to give feedback on your ideas. Please use the Google form above for all ideas.
AI Research Perspectives is an initiative to foster and nurture ideas in AI. It is associated with the Oxford University Courses I run as a way to benefit our students. The initiative is a personal initiative created by Ajit Jaokar and an advisory team for the purpose of sharing knowledge and ideas.
AI Services | Doctorate topic : how is AI impacting consulting business models?
1moDone ! But you know about it ;-)
#IIT Jodhpur # Ex-BEL # Startup #Author #Innovator #Climate Change # AI for Sustainable Development # Policy and Research
2moWill do my best.
IBM Thought Leader | S/4HANA Business Transformation Architect | SAP Generative AI Inventor | Author | Keynote speaker
2moI am in and looking forward to contribute.
Strategy & Innovation Creator - Helping Leaders succeed in the age of AI | Thought Leader | Digital Twins | IoT | Smart Cities | Smart Buildings | Manufacturing | Data Strategies | Healthcare | AI |
2moDone! Interdisciplinary research is extremely important and I sincerely welcome this initiative from a reality researcher like myself.