Airbridge DeepLinks: Best Dynamic Links Alternative
Deep Links | The Industry Status
If your deep links include, you have a problem. Google will retire Firebase Dynamic Links on August 25, 2025, which means that after this date, those links will lead to broken user journeys and inaccurate analytics, with no option for migration.
New Launch | Airbridge DeepLink Plan
Introducing The Airbridge DeepLink Plan—a straightforward alternative to Firebase Dynamic Links with ready-to-use expertise.
Optimize your anywhere-to-app experiences with Airbridge DeepLinks. Our no-code migration and seamless engagement make the switch so smooth that you (and your users!) won’t even notice.
Migrating from Firebase Dynamic Links to Airbridge is quick and easy.
It’s as simple as that! The best part? You can migrate in bulk—all at once.
Enjoy marketer-friendly deep linking features designed to save time and money.
Power uninterrupted user journeys with seamless deep linking.
Try Airbridge DeepLinks for Free
Don’t just take our word for it—try it for yourself! The Airbridge DeepLink Plan is a lightweight, ready-to-use alternative to Firebase Dynamic Links.
Get essential deep linking and analytics with flexible pricing that scales as you grow.
Book a demo to start your free trial.
Switch to Airbridge before the deadline.