AI’s Rising Role in Sales and Marketing

AI’s Rising Role in Sales and Marketing

Look out, it’s Thursday!

In this week’s newsletter, we cover: 

  • 📈The Increasing Role of AI in Sales and Marketing 
  • 👀 What’s the Latest in B2B SaaS This Week?
  • 🧠 This Week’s Brain Food 
  • ➕ The Best Content across the Web 

Let’s get into it.

📢 Introducing Create Once, Distribute Forever: The Book 📢

We’re very excited to announce the launch of Ross Simmonds’ new book: ‘Create Once, Distribute Forever.’

These days, how and where you distribute your work is more important than the work itself if you want to make an impact — amazing products and extraordinary ideas are no longer enough. 

That’s why Ross put this book together. It’s about how to build a sustainable, long-term marketing strategy and ensure as many people see your content as possible. With real-world examples, helpful checklists, and a step-by-step playbook for crafting your own distribution plan, you don’t want to miss this!

Ready to radically transform your content distribution strategy? Order the book today.


The Increasing Role of AI in Sales and Marketing

Even though it often feels like we’re still in the early days of generative AI, tools like ChatGPT have now been around for over a year and a half (since November 2022!). And the writing is on the wall for how these solutions are changing many industries for good.

Sales and marketing professionals are among the vanguard, leading the way in AI use, and we at Foundation certainly haven’t been quiet about how we think it can apply to content strategy and creation.

But many sales and marketing professionals are still skeptical about how to incorporate AI into their work. 

That’s why my colleague Ethan wrote a full breakdown of every way that leading sales and marketing teams are innovating with AI. That includes use cases such as:

  • Meeting summaries and analysis for efficiency and clarity
  • Conversational chatbots that save time and leave customers more satisfied
  • Copilots that simplify complex tasks

Ethan also covers how to implement each of these in your own workflows.

Sound useful? You bet it is. You can read the full analysis of how sales and marketing leaders are using AI in this Foundation Labs article.

🚨 New Podcast Alert: Four Marketing Experts on AI 🚨

Ross recently sat down with four of his marketing idols for his podcast ‘Create Like the Greats,’ and he’s picked out the most actionable insights from the interviews for you.

This episode focuses on how each of these innovators sees the future of AI in marketing. First, he talks to Bryan Casey of IBM about the role of AI in non-SEO content — content that’s designed to build trust.

Next, Rowan Tonkin, CMO of Planful, talks about his vision for AI in the future and how to build a strategy around it. 

After that, Case Study Buddy’s founder, Joel Klettke, gives his two cents on why he thinks people are underestimating AI. He’s got a unique perspective on a wide range of AI tools and what they can do for sales and marketing professionals right now.

Finally, we get to hear OpenPhone’s Ronnie Higgins share his approach to ensuring cohesive storytelling across marketing and other departments and his technique for "feeding two birds with one spoon” using SEO.

To get all of these insights and more, you can listen to the full episode of ‘Create Like the Greats’ now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

👀 What’s the Latest in B2B SaaS This Week? 👀

📚 Learn Marketing Secrets Straight from Ross 📚

If you’ve been following Foundation for a while, you know that Ross really is at the cutting edge of marketing.

That’s why the folks at LinkedIn asked him to start teaching marketing courses. It’s an amazing opportunity for Ross to share what he knows with others, and we’re all very excited that people are already getting so much value from these courses. 

In fact, Ross just added two new mini-classes called nano tips — they contain quick, actionable pieces of advice that you can start using immediately. One is on social media strategy, and the other is about building an AI prompt library. 

If you’re ready to update your marketing strategy with fast, actionable lessons, check them out here.

🧠 This Week’s Brain Food 🧠

We are so lucky to live in a world full of experts on every subject you can imagine who are often more than happy to lend a helping hand to curious minds. 

It doesn’t matter how obscure or narrow the subject matter is — there’s someone out there who knows more than you, and they’re probably so passionate about the subject that they love answering questions.

The other day, I was reading this article about an ancient olive tree. It mentioned that the olive tree is so old that the middle of it rotted away long ago. This means they can’t tell its age with radiocarbon dating. It left me with so many questions that I had to know more, but I couldn’t find any other information that wasn’t locked behind a journal or some arcane scientific language. 

So, I emailed the author of a paper about the ages of olive trees.

He replied with an answer that was thoughtful and detailed but simple enough for someone like me to understand. Plus, he started with one of my favourite email openings I’ve ever gotten:

The point is, don’t wait to ask an expert for their opinion. They’re likely experts because they love what they do, and that means they’re usually happy to help. Just make sure to thank them afterward!

🏅Twitter/X Thread of the Week

To be a better writer, pivot faster by David Deutsch

🎖️ LinkedIn Post of the Week

Evaluating the potential impact of your GTM Plays is...hard. by Millie Beetham

🤳🏽 Nice Finds You Should Binge

🎧 What We’re Wired into This Week

Suno AI: The Foundation of Success

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