Life is a race and for sure it is. It is a race to realize how quickly and efficiently you learn to accept yourself,knowing your pace of doing things, your capabilities, your strength and your weakness and moreover your emotions. How boundlessly beautiful is acceptance!Acceptance of self which eventually leads your way to content.
Don't see life as a rat race. If you watch people do good in their life, don't feel envious of their success instead learn to celebrate for them, with them and on the other hand if you feel someone is lacking behind don't pity them instead help them by guiding them the right path but also among all this don't ever forget your destination. Being a responsible human being and caring about self is a great talent in itself.
No matter how fast or how slow the world around you functions, keep working on your own designed pace. Work on yourself. See your reflection and be proud of it. Always feel content and satisfied. Don't give up!
Understand the value of time and that you see in the clock of your own life. You will get a hold of everything you ever needed when the clock of your life will show it's time until then keep working towards your goals, don't give up and strive for self actualization.
Keep running towards your goals and imbue yourself with motivation, confidence and positivism.