All it takes is a spark, to light a match, to start a fire...
“20 years ago, the 2 of us sat in an office right here in Perth and shared our frustration as to the lack of women working in information technology. What was missing was a means through which to connect and network with other women from IT, to meet, exchange views and lend support to each other, woman to woman.”
These words by Yvonne Parle recall the moment the spark was created which would start a wildfire. One that would see the creation and unstoppable growth of Women in Technology in Western Australia or WITWA as we have so fondly become known as.
On behalf of Yvonne and all the women who came before us to shape what Women in Technology WA has evolved into, it is with immense pride that we marked our 20th birthday with an Awards Gala evening.
Over 250 guests joined the Hon Simone McGurk, Member of the WA Legislative Assembly for the seat of Fremantle and Minister for Child Protection; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Community Services and Women’s Interests, as well as Professor Lyn Beazley, our remarkable, ever energetic and extraordinary passionate Patron.
Image by Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne of 7 to 1 Photography
Notably and delightfully, our guests included many, many male champions and allies - husbands, partners, brothers, colleagues, employers and friends - all supporters of strong, independent and successful women. Nominating, cheering and congratulating. Thank you gentlemen for being role models in your own right!
As with all good birthday parties you always have the most fun when you are surrounded by family and friends. The Awards night was no different; whether you are a WITWA member, supporter, volunteer, mentor, champion, advocate or sponsor, you are part of our ever growing WITWA family. Thank you for choosing to be part of our tribe and such willing allies to achieve our vision.
We could have had a large birthday cake with 20 candles on it to mark the occasion; but why do things in an ordinary fashion when you can be extraordinary?
Instead we decided to celebrate this historic moment by recognising those who have embodied our mission: our champions for diversity and equality for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Innovation in Western Australia.
Whether that is by breaking new ground in their career, or by mentoring women and encouraging them to pursue their non-traditional work, or by speaking out and acting against discrimination, we want to formally recognise the impact these unsung heroines have had and pause to publicly thank them for their contribution.
In the past 20 years technology has advanced incredibly to become far more ubiquitous and the scope of what we now consider technology has evolved to embrace new and emerging industry sectors, as well as traditional sciences and engineering. Likewise, the reach and impact of WITWA has evolved.
Yet our mission still reflects that initial spark that Yvonne recalls.
- Firstly, to promote and encourage the entry and retention of women in roles within technology and STEM industries. We passionately believe that through education and support we can create a vibrant, diverse and inclusive community for all.
- Secondly to encourage future generations to embrace STEM subjects and acquire the skills needed to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities presented by a rapidly changing and unpredictable future. Now more than ever it is vital to encourage young people to consider technology as a stimulating and viable profession and to actively support them in that pursuit – we activate vision this through our Techtrails STEM & Future Skills School incursions as well as our online Digital Techtrails Toolkit.
Over two decades WITWA has grown in reach and scope, creating meaningful dialogues, connections and collaborations across an ecosystem that has evolved in parallel to our work. All as a result of a group of likeminded, determined and inexhaustible women.
Here you see the names of those who have paved the way since the very first days when Yvonne Parle sat down with Loula Papandreou and identified a gaping hole in our ecosystem. WITWA’s early days were informed by Jenny Barbour who co-founded Women are IT in Victoria in 1997. Taking this concept Loula Papandreou, Yvonne Parle, Marjolein Towler, Katrina Andronis and Jan Bryson created WITWA with a series of networking events and the Go Girl, Go for IT program – the precursor of our Techtrails program.
As is still the case today, the aim was to make a difference by increasing the participation of girls in STEM. Nothing has changed in that sense. Nor unfortunately has the need to continue this conversation abated over the past 20 years.
As activities and incursions were formalised WITWA’s ranks soon swelled to include Sheryl Frame, Diana Adorno, Adrienne Barba and Sarah Mitchell. The list of names goes on with each individual adding and building upon the foundations.
The longevity of involvement, dedication and commitment by each of our past and present committee members, supported by an incredibly stable governance framework over the years is reflected in the WITWA we know today. With only 3 Chairs to date let me make mention of my predecessor who is certainly well known to many – Marjolein Towler who served WITWA for 17 years, 10 of which as Chair. What an incredible achievement!
It is this attitude that has made WITWA what it is today. With a membership database of over 2,600 people of all genders and a social media reach in excess of 5,000. I believe I can rightly say we have done Yvonne and Loula proud!
Just like industry and the broader community, we must remain flexible, future focused and committed to changing preconceptions, redundant thinking and systemic processes which inhibit diversity not only of gender, but also importantly diversity of thinking.
Remaining consciously inclusive, relevant and open to honest and meaningful dialogue has been key to WITWA’s success to date.
At a time when boardrooms and industry as a whole are increasingly becoming more conscious as to the significant economic and social benefits of promoting, encouraging and enabling diversity, the opportunity to showcase this fantastic group of women who are creating meaningful impact within their organisations and broader sphere of influence, is invaluable.
Through our Awards initiative we are hoping to emphatically destroy the myth that our State lacks female talent, role models, STEM and innovation specialists, or thought leaders that can be part of industry panels, claim boardroom seats or indeed fill the next promotion opportunity!
The breadth and scope of women included within our nominee group is incredibly - they represent a cohort of smart, passionate and forward thinking members of our community who should be celebrated and promoted as role models for future generations.
Our inspiring role models hail from all walks of life. Each one has a connection with STEM and technology. They have either been nominated for the WiTWA 20in20 Award, have kindly volunteered to be part of our techtrails program or helped us out in other ways.
Visit and reach out to them via the links provided.
My call to action for you is simple. Visit, explore and share our role models page AND help us add pages and pages of additional female talent to this site. For to quote Sheryl Sandberg:
"In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.”
Image by Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne of 7 to 1 Photography
Image by Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne of 7 to 1 Photography
Congratulations WIT WA. Tremendous effort by so many wonderful women over the 20 year journey. Thrilled to have been a co-founder and more thrilled to witness the growth and success.
Principal WHS Risk Engineer
6yIt was a fabulous and fun night and a watershed moment reflecting the 20 years of constant and dedicated effort by the WiTWA executive and their supporters. You have my vote.
Congratulations to everyone who has built WIT WA to where it stands today and to everyone who put together what sounds like an amazing, inspiring and successful event. I certainly could never have imagined this day arriving 20 years later! I remember we were so excited when we hit a membership of 100! Wishing you every success in the future! All the best, Yvonne
Industrial | Engineering | Digital | Data | NPF | Board Member
6yA fun and inspiring evening. Congratulations to WITWA and the team currently and over the years.
Founder, Director at Typeset and Global Copywriting
6yIt was an incredible evening, Pia. I was delighted to see the culmination of what happens when a lot of smart, dedicated women work towards the same goal. I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent on the WITWA committee and launching the TechTrails project. Thanks for the shout-out.