Alleviate your pain with Quantum Resonance Therapy
What is pain?
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.
What is Quantum Resonance Therapy?
Quantum Resonance Therapy (QRT) is the most recent technology used for accelerating rehabilitation. It uses Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (P.E.M.F) in combination with Magneto-Mechanical Oscillations (M.M.O) to promote healing and relieve pain.
How does QRT reduce pain?
QRT reduces pain by the following ways:
- Re-establish the membrane potential
- Increased cell membrane permeability
- Increased blood and fluid circulation
- Decreased inflammation
Let us understand the pain inhibiting mechanism….
Trans-membrane potential (TMP) is the voltage difference between interior and exterior of cell. A difference in concentration of ions on opposite sides of the cellular membrane produce the TMP. The largest contributions usually come from sodium (Na+) and chloride (CI-) ions which have high concentrations in the extracellular region, and potassium (K+) ions, which along with large protein anions have high concentrations in the intracellular region.
Opening and closing of ion channels causes a local change in TMP which causes electric current to rapidly flow to other points in the membrane. This is facilitated by the energy derived from ATP.
In non-excitable cells, the TMP is held constant at a particular stable value, called the resting membrane potential (RMP). This value of the resting membrane potential varies depending on the type of cell, its location and its function.
For example, the resting membrane potential of neurons is -70 to -80 mV, that is, the interior of a cell has a negative baseline Voltage. Opening and closing of ion channels can induce:
- A departure from the resting potential, called a depolarization if the interior voltage rises (from -70 mV to -10 mV) OR
- A hyper polarization if the interior voltage becomes more negative (from -70 mV to -110 mV).
In excitable cells, a sufficiently large depolarization can evoke a short-lasting all-or-nothing event called an action potential, in which the TMP very rapidly undergoes a large change, often reversing its sign. Special types of voltage-dependent ion channels that generate action potentials but remain closed at the resting TMP can be induced to open by a small depolarization.
How is pain transmitted between nerve cells?
During inactive times, cells possess a charge of about -70mV. Pain is transmitted across the synapse in adjacent nerve cells by changes in TMP. When a pain signal arrives, it temporarily depolarizes the cell and raises the TMP to +30mV. This opens the channels in the cell membrane allowing the exchange of the sodium (NA+) and potassium (K +) ions, which then trigger the release of neurotransmitters via synaptic vesicles into the synaptic gap. Once the signal is transmitted, the cell depolarizes back to its previous level of-70mV.
How does QRT reduces pain?
QRT has action on the inactive state of the neuronal synaptic membrane. QRT adjusts the potential to a hyperpolarized level of -90mV. When a pain Signal is received, the TMP has to be raised again in order to fire an action potential via neurotransmitters but it only achieves to raise the cell TMP to an approximate +10mV. This potential is well below the threshold of +30mV necessary to release the neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft and the pain signal is effectively blocked.
By causing a hyperpolarized state at the neuronal membrane, QRT effectively blocks pain as it prevents the threshold necessary to transmit the pain signal to be reached.
Along with the pain blocking mechanism, Quantum Resonance Therapy (PEMF) also causes other physiological changes that are important to reduce pain.
Lets understand the physiological mechanisms to reduce pain
1. Increase in blood circulation:
QRT significantly increases endothelial cell proliferation and tubulization, which are important processes for vessel formation called neo-angiogenesis. QRT primarily targets the endothelial cells which release a protein in a paracrine fashion to induce changes in neighboring cells. The fibroblast and endothelial cells undergo developmental changes in ionic concentrations in the cells’ cytoplasm and nuclei.
The low frequency-low intensity Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (QRT) causes voltage gated channels to open, increasing the flow of ions, nutrients and fluids across the cells membrane. This facilitates oxygen rich blood and removal of unwanted metabolites, thus reducing inflammation and pain.
2. Increase cell membrane permeability:
Healthy cells in tissue have a voltage difference between the inner and outer space referred to as the membrane resting potential that ranges from -70 to -110mV. This causes a steady flow of ions through its voltage dependent ion channels. In a damaged cell, the potential is disturbed causing depolarisation and an increased sodium inflow occurs. As a result, interstitial fluid enters the inner cellular space, resulting in swelling and oedema.
EMF fields influence membrane permeability as it affects the TMP and the flow of ions in and out of the cells.
As the electro-magnetic field pulses temporarily hyperpolarize and depolarize the membrane, the ion channels open and close allowing a more efficient ion exchange. Thus, increasing cellular oxygenation and nutrition.
Also, changing magnetic fields influence ATP (Adenosine Tri-phosphate) production; increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients via the vascular and lymphatic systems; improve the removal of waste via the lymphatic system; and help to re-balance the distribution of ions across the cell membrane.
This increases the rate of healing and reducing swelling and indirectly reducing pain.
3. Reduction in inflammation:
Several factors contribute to inflammation including injury, tissue damage, a poor localized circulation with oedema. Inflammation thus leads to pain.
QRT reduces the inflammation by delivering pulsed electromagnetic fields that :
- Stimulates neo-angiogenesis.
- Facilitates oxygen rich blood flow with essential nutrients, healing and growth factors.
- Removal of unwanted metabolites by increasing cell membrane permeability.
This article first appeared on the QUANTESLA Blog at: