Amblyopia & The Heart Protector's Job
The Heart Protector is the term that describes the Pericardium's function in Classical Chinese Medicine. The Pericardium is a Yin organ that's paired with the Yang Sanjiao organ. Both are Fire Elements along with the Heart and Small Intestine (that's a lot of fire). Probably why the puppy's tongue is so red!
Understanding the Heart Protector’s role is extremely important and relatively simple. Protect the Heart! That job doesn't require thinking. When the Heart is protected, then its Spirit is open, awareness blossoms, the truth is perceived, and correct functions can be carried out. The ancient Chinese masters gave us the image of a dog to represent the Heart Protector that is yearning for his master's love and barking at intruders that are not capable of honoring the master correctly.
The Earthly Branch of the Dog (one of twelve in the day/ year) manifests at the hours of seven to nine in the evening and from October 5th to November 5th. This is the time of day when it begins to get dark and the part of the year just after the Autumn equinox. The I Ching says nature is made up of five Yin and one Yang at this time meaning that the atmospheric Qi is beginning to turn inward.
The Heart Protector takes its job seriously and when it's interfered with there's going to be trouble on the horizon. Amblyopia manifests when the human system (body/ mind) has to deal with the ferocious energy that is often released. Why is the Pericardium becoming so aggressive? Remember, that protecting the Heart is the primary job of the Pericardium. Ever push your friends dog too far where he fears for his and his master's safety?
Now, imagine that your friend's mom was the one doing the pushing; pushing boundaries and you're friend's dog instinctively reacts ferociously. Every boy loves his mom and a quick kick to the ribs or a yank on the collar is liable to be the solution. The second round of boundary pushing sees a more timid reaction from your dog, and so on, until the dog is skulking nefariously, quietly in the corner. Poor Heart Protector!
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This is the case for the symptom of Amblyopia. Each round of boundary pushing that is ignored the Hun Spirit of the Liver starts to compensate for the underactive Pericardium. Over time the neurons, that control the muscles and tendons (Liver/ Wood Element) responsible for moving the eye, lose their capacity to fire or send a signal (through a chemical neurotransmitter).
This is why the primary prescription recommended for Amblyopia is Evergreen Pearls. Evergreen Pearls increase microcirculation in the brain by opening jueyin channels (Liver and Pericardium) and related cerebral collaterals. It is also helpful in preventing autoimmune reactions (Five Element Insults) and calming the Hun.
The next prescription, Spirit Pearls, is meant to assist Evergreen Pearls through calming the Shen and Po Spirits. It eases physical and emotional stress in head and chest areas; regulates brain chemistry and acute states of endocrine imbalance which are usually prevalent with this condition.
Lastly, there may be direct organic change happening to the eye. In this case, using Shenxian Dushi Dan is recommended. This formula helps with moistening the eye and nourishing the ocular muscles/ tendons.
The Pericardium's job is to help the Heart find love and unity through correct relationship. Hurry back to your master's house doggy and get to work!