The American Psychological Association is responsible for tens of 1000's of suicides.
I have personally seen over 50 Suicides posted on Facebook in the past 4 years from emotional abuse.
This is not a coincidence or speculation but is actually cold calculated murder.
This is not me saying this but the APA itself.
In a letter dated June 14th, 2018 from the APA to President Donald Trump the APA admitted the separation of parents and children causes both childhood and parental TRAUMA (higher ACE's scores) & SUICIDE of children and parents.
The APA backs this statement up with empirical data and decades of experience. They specifically explain within that letter that this emotional abuse CAUSES SUICIDE.
I have personally been in contact with the current and past presidents of the APA, 2017 Antonio E. Puente, PhD, 2018 Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, ABPP , and Rosie Phillips Davis, PhD, ABPP.
To put it simply, these people are murderers and are responsible for the largest mental illnesses of a special population in our society today.
To read more about this please go to: