AMK Wire No 3 - #Pharma News
The 7 more relevant news of the week by #Pharmachief
#DigitalHealth #DigitalPatients #DigitalMedicine #Pharma
- #AppleWatch will now provide warning notifications if an elevated heart rate is detected during a period of inactivity.
2. #Modern's heart drug, developed along with #AZ, met the main goal in an early-stage trial. #Pharma #Pharmachief @jdpuentes_
3. Time for #Pharma to embrace #DigitalHealth: Virtual reality games might help ease pain not just by distracting players from what ails them, but also by triggering changes in the brain, a recent research review suggests.
4. #Halozyme to license (#Enhanze) drug delivery tech to #Roche, #BMS
5. #Pfizer & #Astellas #Xtandi met the goal of a trial testing it for a more common form of #prostatecancer
6. A Phase-III trial of #Regeneron and #Sanofi's Dupixent reduced asthma attacks by 46%, significantly lower than mid-stage results of 71% reduction
7. Is coming...Tim Cook told Fortune that the #Apple is working on “a lot of stuff” in health and is particularly interested in medical and health activity