AMP Newsletter & AMF Journal Index
The Asset Management Partnership (AMP) Newsletter launched in early 2023. The Asset Management Framework (AMF) Journal followed and was first published in early 2024. The AMP Newsletter focuses on asset management concepts and topics. The AMF Journal provides “how-to” insights and instructions. Both promote asset management as a professional discipline. This AMF Journal provides an index to their content as a resource for Asset Management Change Agents.
The following are the most popular AMP Newsletter articles and AMF Journal entries:
- AMP#002 – The Evolution of Facility Asset Management
- AMP#003 – Asset Management is All About Outcomes
- AMP#027 – Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities
- AMP#053 – AM Framework Activation
- AMP#056 – What is Management System Thinking?
- AMP#060 – Management System Thinking is a Superpower
- AMP#081 – Asset Management System Outcomes
- AMP#098 – Asset Management System Implementation Principles Activation and Conclusion
- AMF#04 – Playbook on How to Engineer an Organization's Asset Management Culture
- AMF#07 – What the ISO 55000 and ISO 55001 Updates Achieved and Failed to Achieve
The following are two popular AMP Newsletter articles that focused on the definition of asset management and its relationship to managing assets. This distinction is important because it defines the essence of asset management and its role in value generation:
- AMP#025 - Managing Assets in the Context of Asset Management
- AMP#029 - The Asset Management Paradox
The following is a group of AMP Newsletter articles and AMF Journal entries that focused on risk management. This is important because asset management value generation is about how risk is managed through decision making frameworks.
- AMP#024 - ISO 31000 – Risk Management
- AMP#066 - AMS Behavior: Risk Management
- AMP#067 – Support of Asset Management Systems - Resources
- AMP#075 - AMS Behavior: Performance Management
- AMP#076 - AMS Behavior: Continual Improvement
- AMP#079 - AMS Behavior: Processes
- AMP#088 - Mission Alignment
- AMP#091 - Operational Readiness
- AMP#092 - Operative Asset Management System Implementation Principles
- AMP#102 - US Government Failure: Understanding Enterprise Risk
The following is a group of AMP Newsletter articles that explore the union of technology enabled asset management and Artificial Intelligence:
- AMP#004 – Asset Management’s Lucent Edge
- AMP#005 – Asset Management Principles for Implementation of Asset Management Systems
- AMP#006 – Leadership in Asset Management and AI’s Role
- AMP#007 – Pathway to Limitless Asset Management
- AMP#008 – AI and Limitless Asset Management
- AMP#009 – Introduction to Asset Management Foundational Thinking
- AMP#061 - The Optionality Doctrine
- AMP#062 - Management System Thinking Implementation
- AMP#080 - AMS Behavior: Enabling Technology
- Get the Data Right – Leveraging AI in Asset Management Strategies (podcast)
The rest of this AMF Journal lists its entries and AMP Newsletters group by the miniseries they were issued under:
AMF Journal entries:
- AMF#01 - Introducing the AMF Journal - January 2024
- AMF#02 - How to Define an Asset Management System's Scope - February 2024
- AMF#03 - Asset Management and Cybersecurity Integration - March 2024
- AMF#04 - Playbook on How to Engineer an Organization's Asset Management Culture - April 2024
- AMF#05 - Asset Management Maturity Assessment Playbook (Part 1) - May 2024
- AMF#06 - Asset Management Maturity Assessment Playbook (Part 2) - June 2024
- AMF#07 - What the ISO 55000 and ISO 55001 Updates Achieved and Failed to Achieve - July 2024
- AMF#08 - Asset Management Strategy - Part 1: Strategy and Tactics - August 2024
- AMF#09 - Asset Management Strategy - Part 2: Planning, Plans, and Strategy - September 2024
- AMF#10 - Asset Management and Operational Readiness (Part 1) - October 2024
- AMF#11 - Asset Management and Operational Readiness (Part 2) - November 2024
AMF Journal / AMP Newsletter – Asset Management (AM) Framework Miniseries: This miniseries is in three parts. The first part covers the origin story and context for the AM Framework highlighted in the AMF Journal and AMP Newsletter. The second part details AM Framework parts and mechanics. The last part details a pathway for AM Framework implementation and activation:
Part 1: Introduction
- AMP#031 - Overview & History
- AMP#032 - Context
Part 2: AM Framework - Management Activity Groups
- AMP#033 - MAG #0 - Operating Context
- AMP#034 - MAG #1 - Organizational Objectives
- MAG #2 - Asset Management Objectives
- - AMP#035 - Overview, Purpose, Outcomes
- - AMP#036 - Alignment, Scope, Outputs
- MAG #3 - Capabilities Assessment
- - AMP#037 - Overview, Purpose, Outcomes
- - AMP#038 - Alignment, Scope, Outputs
- MAG #4 - Risk Management & Resource Planning
- - AMP#039 - Overview, Purpose, Outcomes
- - AMP#040 - Alignment, Scope, Outputs
- MAG #5 - Strategic Asset Management Plan
- - AMP#041 - Overview, Purpose, Outcomes
- - AMP#042 - Alignment, Scope, Outputs
- MAG #6 - Execution of Asset Management Plans
- - AMP#043 - Overview, Purpose, Outcomes
- - AMP#044 - Alignment, Scope, Outputs
- MAG #7 - Performance Evaluation & Reporting
- - AMP#045 - Overview, Purpose, Outcomes
- - AMP#046 - Alignment, Scope, Outputs
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Part 3: Implementation & Activation
- AMP#047 - Alignment
- AMP#048 - Objectives & Requirements
- AMP#049 - Investment Decision Making
- AMP#050 - Optimization
- Implementation
- - AMP#051 - How to Start
- - AMP#052 - What to Focus On
- AMP#053 - Activation
General Topic AMP Newsletters: the following are a list of AMP Newsletters that cover a variety of topics.
- AMP#001 – What is Asset Management, and Why a Newsletter
- AMP#002 – The Evolution of Facility Asset Management
- AMP#003 – Asset Management is All About Outcomes
- AMP#004 – Asset Management’s Lucent Edge
- AMP#005 – Asset Management Principles for Implementation of Asset Management Systems
- AMP#006 – Leadership in Asset Management and AI’s Role
- AMP#007 – Pathway to Limitless Asset Management
- AMP#008 – AI and Limitless Asset Management
- AMP#014 – ISO TC 251 Asset Management Plenary Session (Philadelphia – May 2023)
- AMP#029 - The Asset Management Paradox
- AMP#030 - Management Systems are Like Orchestras
- AMP#054 – A New Year, A New AMP Horizon (2023)
- AMP#055 – The AMP Newsletter’s New Home
- AMP#059 – ISO TC 251 Asset Management Plenary Session (Rio de Janeiro – January 2024)
Asset Management Foundational Thinking Miniseries: This miniseries provides a line of sight on the development of asset management for built infrastructure in the US Federal sector. Across the globe, there are similar stories about how asset management has evolved in different countries and sectors. This highlights how asset management evolution is universal and a shared experience.
- AMP#009 – Introduction to Asset Management Foundational Thinking
- AMP#010 – Fragile Foundations (1988) – established awareness that chronic underfunding of public infrastructure was an national issue that would impact US prosperity for decades to come
- AMP#011 – Facility Planning Guidelines for Facility Renewal and Adaption (1989) – introduced formulaic asset management forecasting capabilities and the precursors of the Facility Condition Index (FCI)
- AMP#012 – Committing to the Cost of Ownership (1990) – released by the US National Academies, established baseline expectations for US Government management of its built infrastructure and introduced the FCI to the US Federal sector
- AMP#013 – Managing the Facilities Portfolio (1991) – introduced detailed methodologies for asset management analysis that are still currently in use
- AMP#015 – The Institute of Asset Management (circa 1994) – establishment of one of the world’s leading professional organizations that has developed and perpetuated asset management knowledge
- AMP#016 - IPWEA’s International Infrastructure Maintenance Manual (IIMM) (circa 1995) – another one of the world’s leading professional organizations on asset management and their flagship manual
- AMP#017 - Stewardship of Federal Facilities (1998) – released by the US National Academies, advanced expectations for asset management in the US Federal government and the catalyst for US Executive Order 13327 and the Federal Real Property Council
- AMP#018 - Investment in Federal Facilities (2004) – released by the US National Academies, introduces facility asset management as a management discipline
- AMP#019 - BSI Publicly Available Specification 55 – Specification for the Optimized Management of Physical Assets (circa 2004) – introduces the precursor to ISO 55000 and ISO 55001
- AMP#020 - Buildings… The Gifts that Keep on Taking (2007) – professional organization focused on higher education and introduction of total ownership cost definitions and principles
- AMP#021 - Core Competencies in Federal Facilities Asset Management (2008) – released by the US National Academies to promote development of facility asset management competencies in the US Federal sector
- AMP#022 - Predicting Outcomes of Investments in Maintenance and Repair of Federal Facilities (2012) - released by the US National Academies, established requirements for knowledge-based asset management
- AMP#023 - ISO 55000 – Asset Management Standards Series (circa 2014) – the international evolution of BSI PAS 55 into broad industry standard for a management system for asset management covering tangible and intangible assets
- AMP#024 - ISO 31000 – Risk Management (2018) – a standard that complements ISO 55000 that introduces risk management principles, frameworks, and processes
- AMP#025 - Managing Assets in the Context of Asset Management (2017) – ISO TC 251 article that clarifies the relationship between “managing assets” and “asset management”
- AMP#026 - GAO-19-57 – Federal Real Property Asset Management (2018) – provides clarity for and establishes expectations for disciplined asset management and ISO 55000 in the US Federal government
- AMP#027 - Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities (2023) – released by the US National Academies, recommends use of ISO 55000 to improve management of US Federal facilities
- AMP#028 - Where is the Asset Management Discipline Going… - conclusion and final observations about this miniseries.
Management System Thinking Miniseries: This miniseries identified and develops precursors for disciplined asset management and management system thinking. These precursors are needed to develop intelligent, technological-enabled asset management solutions, such as for AI:
- AMP#056 - What is Management System Thinking?
- AMP#057 - Asset Management and the Price of Regret
- AMP#058 - How does Management System Thinking Happen?
- AMP#060 - Management System Thinking is a Superpower
- AMP#061 - The Optionality Doctrine
- AMP#062 - Management System Thinking Implementation
Asset Management System Behavior Miniseries: This miniseries does a deep dive on how ISO 55000 asset management system thinking evolves decision making and behavior in organizations:
- AMP#063 - AMS Behavior: Context
- AMP#064 - Leadership through Asset Management Systems
- AMP#065 - AMS Behavior: Plans, Planning, and Strategy
- AMP#066 - AMS Behavior: Risk Management
- Support of Asset Management Systems
- - AMP#067 - Resources
- - AMP#068 - Competence
- - AMP#069 - Awareness
- - AMP#070 - Communication
- - AMP#071 - Documented Information
- - AMP#072 - Data and Information
- - AMP#073 - Knowledge
- AMP#074 - AMS Behavior: Operations
- AMP#075 - AMS Behavior: Performance Management
- AMP#076 - AMS Behavior: Continual Improvement
- AMP#077 - AMS Behavior: Policy
- AMP#078 - AMS Behavior: Objectives
- AMP#079 - AMS Behavior: Processes
- AMP#080 - AMS Behavior: Enabling Technology
- AMP#081 - Asset Management System Outcomes
Principles for Asset Management System Implementation Miniseries: This miniseries chronicles the eleven asset management system implementation principles detailed in the US National Academies’ Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities:
- AMP#082 - Introduction
- AMP#087 - Foundational Principles:
- - AMP#083 - Data Integrity
- - AMP#084 - Whole Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
- - AMP#085 - Portfolio Management
- - AMP#086 - Accounting Transparency
- AMP#092 - Operative Principles:
- - AMP#088 - Mission Alignment
- - AMP#089 - Facility Performance
- - AMP#090 - Decision-Making Alignment and Accountability
- - AMP#091 - Operational Readiness
- AMP#095 - Formative Principles:
- - AMP#093 - Performance-Budget Integration
- - AMP#094 - Balance Sheet Analysis
- AMP#097 - Forever Principle:
- - AMP#096 - Facility Asset Management Maturity
- AMP#098 - Activation and Conclusion
US Governments’ Failure to Efficiently Manage its Built Infrastructure Miniseries: This miniseries is only halfway through at the end of 2024. It details US Government’s failure and a solution on how to improve its management its real property / built infrastructure portfolio:
- AMP#099 - US Government Failure: Built Infrastructure Accounting
- AMP#100 - US Government Failure: Real Property Inventory Management
- AMP#101 - US Government Failure: Program Management Blind Spot
- AMP#102 - US Government Failure: Understanding Enterprise Risk
- AMP#103 - US Government Failure: Transparency and Accountability
Written by: Jack Dempsey | December 31, 2024
AMF Journal #012
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