Andrea Sanche's Secret Sauce for Success
1. Who are you? What's your story?
Who am I?! (This is what I lie awake asking myself at 4 a.m.!) I’m a quintessential Leo, an only child to two embattled parents, mother of Max, old and new friend to as many people as I can get my arms around, champion, devoted former Winnipegger, neighbourhood busybody, basketball fan/atic, gifted parallel parker (if I do say so), boisterous laugher, globetrotter, and committed citizen of my street, neighbourhood, city, province, country, world.
I’m also a commercial litigator, with a penchant for fraud cases (injunctions), employment litigation, and corporate disputes, especially involving family owned or closely held companies.
2. What's your definition of success?
I take the long view, and for me success requires personal and professional contentment. I’m also a bit of an iconoclast. And a camper. In respect of the latter, from a professional standpoint, I want to leave this profession in a better state than it was when I joined it. Professional success, to me, is shaping a practice (and a firm) where people want to practice; a place that is humane and supportive and rewarding. Success is knowing that I have helped my clients and colleagues. I answer emails and calls not because I must, but because I want to; I want to provide guidance and to be there when people need me. This dovetails with feeling personal success, as well; I want to be a good friend, a great parent, and an engaged citizen. Maybe I’m a doer, maybe it’s my zest for life, and maybe it’s just assuming everyone wants to hear my opinion! I am a Leo, after all. Regardless, I’m a “belonger” and a team-player. Having a personal and professional network that supports me and needs my support is real success to me.
3. How did you achieve success?
My parents had a little statue on a bookshelf in our house and as a kid I used to think about it a lot. It said, “To thine own self be true”. I think that has been my lodestar, for better or worse, my whole life. Of course, figuring out who you are is the biggest challenge. You must forgive yourself your failings and foibles and work to be better where you can and should. If being true to yourself is real success, I’m still working towards it, and frankly I always hope to keep working. Success changes through your life and career and setting new goals and working to attain them is the best part of life.
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4. What's your secret sauce for success?
I can’t help it, but I think a great sense of humour is critical to success. There is really nothing a long and sustained laughing fit (ideally with a friend or even a tolerant pet) can’t fix. I value people who are quick on their feet, and I think a wry observation or funny quip (especially at one’s own expense) is that secret ingredient that makes everything better.
5. How do you prioritize peace?
I don’t know if I prioritize peace. I do know that as an only child, I am deeply comfortable being alone. I really enjoy my own company! Carving that time out – whether it’s staring out the window of a streetcar or doing a crossword before bed – is very important.
6. Anything else you would like to share?
At some point I realized that if you are not everyone’s cup of tea, you just need to find a new tea party or host your own. There is room in this profession for everyone. You do not have to reinvent your personality or contort yourself to fit into a mold. We all have things/issues/habits we need to work on, and true personal and professional growth involves doing the hard work on (and for) ourselves that just makes life better: work on your anger, seek therapy to help with your mental health, get coaching where you need it. Get yourself a punching bag! There is no shame in any of this. What is shameful is the way in which the same behaviour is either stigmatized or championed depending on who exhibits it; there is always a derogatory synonym for a celebratory adjective. Don’t ignore your flaws, but don’t allow others to weaponize them. You belong here.
Lawyer, Lecturer, JAC member
1yBrilliant! #leosunited 🦁
Lawyer, writer and mediator with experience in civil litigation, labour relations and public policy
1yOnly child Leos unite!