Android Tamer : Future Road Map
AndroidTamer started out as a Virtual Machine for Android (Security) Professionals, however from today onwards we are broadening our scope and are including multiple other activities which we will be performing under the umbrella of AndroidTamer
In Short following sections are now taken care by Android Tamer
- AndroidTamer Debian based VM [Version 4 Released]: Our Flagship Android Tamer VM
- DEB / YUM Repository for Tools / Software Distribution : Debian / Redhat Package repository currently comaptible to Debian 8 with aim for compatibility with Ubuntu, Kali, Fedora, Redhat, Suse and more.
- Android-Emulator customized for Pen-testing (both x86 and arm version) (W.I.P.): Custom Emulator for Android Pentesters to include tools like Xposed along with preconfigured extensions and settings.
- Extensive Tools Documentation (W.I.P.): Documentation around each tool available in AndroidTamer
- Knowledge Base: Full length articles on Android Security as well as resources like android file system overview and android security enhancement will be part of Knowledgebase.
- Android Tools Repository : Portal to share android applications for offensive and defensive purposes.
How you can contribute
The project needs constant support from volunteers and hence any and all help is welcome. It should be clear that writing code is not the only way you can help the project. I am outlining multiple ways in which androidtamer can benefit from volunteers
- Test the Build, suggest changes or improvements / enhancements. Please raise an issue here
- Promote the Distribution, via writing blogpost or creating video's or presenting sessions using this tool.
- Help with bringing in new tools in the distribution. Writing Build scripts: Sample apktool build and dex2jar build
- Test the repository on other distributions like Kali or Ubuntu or other pentest distributions and report issues : To configure repo on other distro Follow the guide
- Help us in solving issues by tracking them and contributing back via patches or fixes or suggestions. One major issue list to keep an eye will be the Tools Repository