Another Day Ending in “Y”
This Week’s Summary:
Learned: Mondays
Planning: Intention
Business idea: ROI
Vet Opp: Buy a Franchise
I met: Overnight Nurse Team
Stoic Quote of the Week
I say, let no one rob me of a single day who isn't going to make a full return on the loss.
What I learned this week:
53 Mondays! I know there are some folks out there who look at it as a burden to have an extra Monday in 2024. There are people who dread Mondays. Heck, there are people who live with a Scary Sunday because they dread their performance and life so much on Sunday that they anticipate it and ruin the day before the day that is supposed to be bad, a self-fulfilling prophecy. If Monday is a day that you dread each and every week, you need to take a closer look at yourself and ask, what actions and events am I allowing into my life that are causing this dread for this one day? After all, if you make it through Monday, will Tuesday be any better? If Tuesday isn’t, what will Wednesday leave? Do you see a pattern here? It has nothing to do with Monday. The so-called first day of the week. Why are you blaming Monday for its blues and burdens? It is no different than Wednesday or Saturday. It ends in “y,” so who decides what the day is about? You. You decide that this particular day is a bad day. If you choose that, then why? Why do you live your life in a way that you dread a particular day of the week? No Roman can be blamed for the day being dreary and blue. Only you can choose the beauty or sadness of the day. Stop blaming your life’s choices on a calendar. It’s time to make the life you want. It’s time to live your life with intention in pursuit of your purpose.
Planning thought of the week:
The only way to live your life with intention in pursuit of your purpose is to have a plan. A plan to allocate the most precious asset we have: time. The more you give your time to randomness and reaction, the less success you will have. Take those precious moments and prepare for the day, the week, the month, the quarter, the year. Today’s the day to start taking your action and stop blaming others.
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Business idea I heard about or thought of:
What is the ROI? I hear that all the time from clients and, frankly, any business person who is concerned about growing the business (Yes, there are people out there who are not concerned about growing the business and never consider ROI.) This is an extremely important business practice. You have to know that if you hire this vendor to do that service, you will make more than you spend. It’s kind of a business thing. If I pay a sales guy $100 to generate sales and the sales we get are only $100, that is a $0 ROI. I’m breaking even. I don’t know about you, but I am not in business to break even. As a businessman, everything you spend time on should have a return of more. Except, it isn’t that easy. Branding is a great example. We spend a lot of time and money on the Tribe + Purpose brand to build trust with our audience. However, there is likely never going to be a direct relation to the money we spend on branding and new clients. It isn’t that simple. Leadership is another great example of no direct tie to the ROI. You spend $10K to send your senior leader team to a leadership seminar. When will you see a $15K return? Can you tie that return on investment back to that one seminar? Back to one nugget that someone in your team learned? Nope. Sometimes, you have to believe that what you are doing is for the greater good of your team and business and see the ROI is the long-term number of growth for your business.
Reply with Steel Men, and I will add you to the list of men interested. This group is limited to 12 men. Feel free to give me a shout if you want to learn more.
Veteran opportunity of the week:
I truly believe that Veterans have the foundation for success as an entrepreneur. The one hold-up is how to get started. You don’t have to have an invention to start a business. A great way to start a business is to buy a business, and what better way than a franchise? All the SOPs and branding are already set. All you have to do is make the business better; it’s no different than taking over the weapons platoon in 2d Battalion. It’s been there nugging along. Now you get to make it better. If you want to learn more about buying a franchise, talk with my good friend, Andrea Dobkin. She is an expert and can provide you with insights on franchises that want Veteran partners. You can also learn more from this VA article, Veteran Franchise.
Someone I met this week:
I want to give a shout-out to my overnight nurse Nicole and her CNA Ira. They took great care of me Monday night in the hospital. After taking several doses of steroids (not the Arnold kind 😅), I couldn’t sleep, and Nicole kept me company most of the night with some great conversations about the Broncos and the Avalanche. Whenever Nicole was helping someone else, Ira was right there to make sure I had my ice water and didn’t wander off on my own. It was a long night of no sleep, but these two ladies and Christmas Eve eve, made it a much more enjoyable time. I know I had the best team on the floor because they were both practical and not overburdened with protocol. Their first goal was to make me comfortable.
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Here's a link to the current 10X Your Team with Cam & Otis podcast episode, Overcoming Burnout and Embracing Balance - Kristin Quattlebaum | 10x Your Team Ep. #389.
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CEO of Jetlaunch Publishing | 17x Bestselling Author | COO of Strategic Advisor Board | Jetlaunch Publishing | Creator of the Book Wealth System
3dIt’s interesting how you’re connecting different aspects of learning, planning, and exploring opportunities