Anyone can blame but only the smartest will manage change
India is home to a fifth of the world’s Youth. More than half of India’s population is under 25 years of age. A whole new workforce which is motivated, educated & enthusiastic to bring about big changes in the world. But look at these figures-
· More than 65% of the youth entering the workforce is UNEMPLOYABLE.
· Only 2.3% of the Indian workforce has had formal training in skills be it technical skills, soft skills or employability skills.
· Less than 1/5th of Indian graduates are immediately employable.
Job aspirants say that there are no jobs while the employers are disappointed with the unavailability of employable job aspirants.
So, who is to be BLAMED?
Albert Ellis an American psychologist once said- ‘The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own’.
If you are someone looking for a job, please understand your life is Your Responsibility. I humbly urge you to take charge of your life and stop blaming the education system, government policies or lack of opportunities because you cannot change that. However, what you CAN change is Yourself. Prepare yourself for the best of the times you could be living in.
1. Know your Purpose- Knowing What and Why you want to do something will automatically make the How of doing it easy. The biggest challenge we face today is that we do not know what we really want to do in our lives. Having a purpose is the foundation of a successful career. So, invest time in self-awareness & self-exploration.
2. Take advantage of the free-flowing information – Indian youth is spending 17 hrs per week on Social media highest in the world. Invest a little of that time in learning new skills, take up new online courses relevant to your education or industry type.
3. Stop worrying much about Grades – The job market is changing like never before. The jobs that the previous generation worked all their lives at, are getting obsolete. With extreme technological advancement one needs to keep upgrading his/her knowledge as per the new technological changes. So, stop bothering too much about your marks rather focus on skilling & reskilling yourself.
4. Technology is here to stay – The technology sector will continue to boom and your technical know how might have the power to make or break your career. Get proficient with at least your basic IT skills if you do not belong to technical background.
5. Look for Career Guidance or find yourself a Mentor – Don’t hesitate in seeking help from your teachers, counselors or mentors. The world is full of good people who are ready to support you, provided you ask for help. Be humble and show gratitude to people who help you.
6. Develop Behavioral & Soft Skills – Invest in learning and improving the skills that can set you apart from the crowd. Skills like Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Communication, Leadership, Team building, Adaptability, Creativity etc are the essential, intangible & transferable skills that can take you places.
If you are same as you were a year ago & if your results too are same as they were a year ago, you are not progressing. If you are not growing you are going backwards. It’s time to take charge of your life. SKILL UP & MANAGE CHANGE.
Finance | Economics | Post graduation 🎓 Aspirant RBI
4yPeople with Right Mindset..always Blame to themselves to Each n Every Happening to themselves weather Good or Bad..
CA | EY | Presentation Expert | Mentoring CA students & freshers | Empowering freshers and young professionals to launchpad their careers from average to exceptional using TOP model
4yAmazing.. As rightly stated by you, 'YOU SHOULD KNOW YOURSELF ' Know who you are and what you want to do and you will excel Sakshi Chandraakar 💎
Electrical Engineer| Senior Engineer at Mahindra Teqo| Beginner
4yGood information. Many of my friends and even me too waste lot of time on social media. Many of my them don't have LinkedIn profile too, information will help me lot.😊
Canada Marine Surveyor, Naval Architecture, C.Eng. First Class S&M, Test Trial of Ships, ISM Auditor. LL.B CSA& UNCLOS.
5yGrate Article. In Canada Indian students they are allowed to work 20 hours/week and after two years to stay in Canada they are allowed to apply for Canadian Immigration. Good Luck Where there is will there is way. God help those who help themselves.
Image Consultant | Soft Skill trainer | Ardent Traveler | Passionate Photographer |
5ySAKSHI CHANDRAAKAR ..A well written, thoughtful article.! India’s young population is its most valuable asset and most pressing challenge. It provides India with a unique demographic advantage. In a constantly changing environment, having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life..! Globalisation, technology, expanding webs of trade and commerce, automation and the rise of artificial intelligence are changing the work scene at a rapid, uneven pace around the world. As a global community, we must ask ourselves: are we preparing the world’s young men and women for this changing world of work? Are they getting the education and skills they need for the jobs that are available? The jobs market is well into the 21st century. So why isn’t our education system? These are important and consequential questions. Every month, 10 million young people reach working age, ready to begin productive lives. Some will continue with education, others will enter the workplace and many of them will find that they lack the foundational skills they need to succeed.! Today’s jobs are vastly different than they were a generation ago. People from present generation are facing a working world that is more changeable and unpredictable than ever. Yet education hasn’t kept pace. The school and college model doesn’t actually prepare anyone well for a flexible world, in which skills are typically outdated by the time you finish a four-year degree. Radical changes in the use of technology and the nature of work make it vital that we rethink the way we educate our young and prepare them for life.The very attributes that organisations seek in their people — flexibility, adaptability, proactiveness, creativity and collaboration — are skills that the youth of today must be equipped with to effectively navigate their life and work environment..! This skills crisis paints a bleak picture, not just for young men and women looking for opportunities and a better future, but also for entire countries and regions looking for economic growth and social stability. However, this picture is not inevitable. We can change it, if we work together to close the skills gap in a number of areas. Young people need FOUNDATION SKILLS , such as literacy and numeracy, ideally through 12 years of quality education. They need TRANSFERABLE SKILLS, such as problem-solving, confidence-building, team-building and communication. They need JOB- SPECIFIC SKILLS, such as coding, accounting, green technology, modern agriculture or engineering. They increasingly need ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS, especially in low-income countries, where the informal sector is dominant. And they definitely need DIGITAL SKILLS to participate in the global economy, which is driven by information and communications technology. Without these skills, millions of young people will be either unemployed or trapped in low-skilled work. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will pass them by. As you very well put it's youth need to take charge of their own future now, and start working on acquiring the skills they will need to have five years from now. Today's generation need to build self- belief skills.. to build motivate themselves to try new things, have the resilience to keep going..! Self-management is about making a choice to do more than you need to, and it is a great skill to build for life and work.! Skill sets are always looked at as a means to progress and succeed in anyone's professional life; however, what is often under looked is the importance of overall-exposure in life. Exposure to life-experiences, career options and education streams at a very early stage of life plays a much important role in anyone's professional life. Skill sets are obviously very important but youths should also try to increase the life-experience exposure as much as possible; this makes them wiser, resourceful and independent to make right choices..! Have a good weekend.!🌸