Aquent Monthly Newsletter - November
And just like that another year comes to a close with our last newsletter of the year—but never fear as Christmas came early with lots of goodies inside our newsletter for you.
Explore our latest work opportunities, news, resources, blogs, and more below.
Happy reading and happy holidays!
—Your friends at Aquent
Aquent is now a carbon-negative company
We are proud to be the first company in our industry to become carbon negative, setting a bold new standard.
How did we do it? Watch the video to hear Chris Bambacus, our Director of Social and Environmental Responsibility, discuss our innovative approach to mitigating climate impact.
Know exactly what you’re worth 👏
Ensure you’re getting the salary you deserve by using our Compare My Salary tool. It helps you compare your salary against 37,000+ accurate, anonymously-entered salary profiles in real-time to see how your salary really measures up.
Our 2024 events wrapped 🎉
We had a big year of events (including returning to in-person events!) and wanted to share some successes with you.
Want to stay in the loop for our events? Email us at and we’ll keep you updated!
Is this you at work right now? Never fear, our freelancers are here!
We get it. It has been a year 😵💫 Fatigue and burnout are high, but you're as busy as ever. Save yourself the time and budget and get help right where you need it with our specialist freelance Talent. Whether it’s to ease the workload right now, holiday cover, or to take on a new project entirely, our freelancers are ready to roll.
Featured Content
5 Simple Steps To Be Job-Ready In The New Year
By Kate Verran , HCD Talent Specialist at Aquent Australia
Spotting Interview Red Flags: Tips For Hiring The Best Candidate
By Aquent
Recommended by LinkedIn
Interviews are fundamental in hiring the right candidate. Here are red flags and green flags hiring managers should keep an eye out for to ensure you hire the best talent.
How To Prevent Burnout When Times Are Tough (Like Now!)
By Lisa Tahu , Design Talent Agent at Aquent Australia
How “Privilege Blinkers” Damage Inclusivity In The Workplace
By Gemma Saunders 🌈 GAICD , Founder of Workplace Edit
7 Important Soft Skills Your Team Need To Have
By Aquent
Looking For Work?
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Take 5: Short & free tutorials 👀
Learn practical skills and knowledge in just 5 minutes through Aquent Gymnasium’s Take 5 tutorials. Explore Gymnasium’s full range of free training courses across all things digital accessibility, development, design, UX, and career skills.
2024 Australian Salary Guide
Arm yourself with the salary insights you need with our 2024 Australian Salary Guide. Access salary data from nearly 6,500 Australian professionals across marketing, design and technology.
Thank you & happy holidays 🧡
May your holidays sparkle with moments of love, laughter, and goodwill.
We look forward to a bright 2025 together!
—Your friends at Aquent