Arslan.A Psychology of Selling
Arslan .A always try to learn how to sell. He understands the psychology of sales, from both the sales professional's side and the customer's. Taking himself from "national market to international market" through his passion/innovative thinking & sales has earned him the respect of sales professionals around the warehousing solution groups. But it is his skills to teach to others how to sell more effectively that earned him fame, wealth and the admiration of thousands, if not millions of sales professionals.
Here, Arslan .A is discussing on the 7 Steps in a Sales Cycle, beginning with Prospecting. These steps are so effective that simply learning them and implementing them can drastically improve anyone's sales results & passion toward to get success.
The magic of these steps is that they are not only highly effective in a sales cycle but also in finding a sales job.
1- The first you have to give a view, you are here to give solution, NOT sell and It should be like that, ultimately end of day you will getting your sales, so same customer should have right efficient solution against that.
2- The second you will need to understand/analyze that you OR your product/solution can solve the problem.
3- The Third is that they have any current requirement/need and try to identify that against problem your product could fulfill.
4- Fourth, you should give customize solution to customer according to their valued operations or If you are going to recommend that solution which's changing customer operation then always go with valued reasons along with comparison of existing and recommended solution efficiency and how could long that will work based on related norms.
5- The Fifth is negotiation, which is one of the major step in your "Psychology of Selling" and also its depends on front of your customer, what is most important keys after solution.
- Commercial Offer
- Payment Terms
- Delivery Timeline
- Warranty
- After Sales
These are all keys negotiable by your side, but how or when lets have a look on below of interactions of keys.
Commercial Offer: is always interact with solution and solution is not really always but expensive. But Here you will need to justify total cost of owner ship.
Payment Terms: are always depends on method of importing i.e. (Ex-works, FOB, C&F, C&IF, FOR, Ex-Stock) and interact with total cost of solution.
Delivery Timeline: is always interact with what solution you are recommending, Is it really customize or standard. Here you need to teach a little bit to customer of process how you will get that solution, what is timeline for Production, shipping, customer clearance or till at your site.
Warranty: is always interact with your recommended brand reputation/well known, If Its world renowned brand then it will remain same standard OR if you are recommending a new one then customer always asks for extra.
After Sales: is always interact with your next sales, Here Arslan .A says first solution/product sold by sales guy, But second always will be sold on efficiency & after sales.
6- Sixth is time to fulfill above commitments what you had with customer regarding delivery, installation and commissioning & training.
7- Seventh is keep connected with customer for business relation building and to keep update future opportunities.
*** You can always makes a difference with innovative thinking ***
Thank You!
Assistant Manager Corporate Sales
5yInformative (Y)