The Art of Humble Confidence: Navigating the Delicate Balance Between Humility and Self-Worth
In this article you will learn the following
30+ Signs How to know if you are too humble - How to Know If Your Humility Has Gone Too Far
70+ Tips on How to be humble the correct way - The Art of Being Humble Without Putting Yourself Down
40 Ways How to create a Balance between Humility and Healthy Pride AND How to not let your EGO make you an arrogant person
6 Negative Consequences when You are too humble
6 Reasons Why at times you are forced to be humble
ALSO read my following articles – for greater in-depth clarity and Tips
I. 75 Proven Tips to Stop Overestimating Your Abilities & Intelligence to Avoid Dunning-Kruger Delusion
II. 28 Dangers of Overconfidence for High-Performing Leaders 70 Proven Tips to overcome the Icarus paradox
III. 19 Reasons Incompetent People Reach Top Leadership Positions & 50 Ways to Stop Them
IV. 66 Tips Overcome Imposter Syndrome Are You a Highly Successful Leader Who Feels Like a Fraud
V. Master the Art of Assertiveness: A Comprehensive Guide with 200+ Tips and Strategies
Are you being TOO humble?
Being humble is great when you have demonstrated & proven -accomplishments, expertise, talents and abilities.
Humble attitude can be a virtue – if you can practice it the way Dr. Abdul Kalam & Dr. Manmohan Singh practiced.
Humble leaders who are self-aware - are more effective for the collective good and betterment of people.
Political leaders of today who are occupying high positions - don't even recognize their ignorance & arrogance.
Display of False Humbleness is a sure sign of incompetent, pompous, arrogant, illiterate – AssHoles - like the current breed of ruling cult – especially when they try to show how common they are.
Arrogant braggarts are very unpleasant leaders to follow [of which we have plenty BEACSUE MOST PEOPLE - confuse their arrogance with bravery of great leaders [nothing could be a bigger lie].
Humility is not about avoiding BUT about recognizing - your strengths, weaknesses, accomplishments, and mistakes.
Humility is also about taking actions as per your values AND preventing your EGO control your behaviors – should the power and success get to your head & heart.
Emotionally secure people feel awesome when their unique qualities, their contributions and their achievements are – sincerely and genuinely recognized and celebrated.
It is good to feel proud of your – accomplishment, strengths and positive qualities.
Yet, many times – many great achievers undervalue their talent and expertise – and if you are among these people – you need to look objectively within yourself to recognize the unique value addition that you make.
Many people may find it difficult to acknowledge and claim themselves to be an expert.
When you are being too humble – you may feel that you are not good enough to deserve any accolades.
The worst thing about being too humble is that when you showcase yourself as - less knowledgeable, less expert, less powerful or less skilled – people may start feeling same about you – and as a result might engage other experts who are projecting themselves as an expert.
Although Modesty is a universally admired trait - There are numerous negative consequences for people who refrain from sharing their achievements and successes.
If you don’t share your personal and professional achievements – it may also impact and affect your relationships with others.
It is observed that when people hide their achievements from people closest to them – then the People close to you may feel - offended or betrayed or let down, when they hear about your own accomplishments from others.
Especially those people who would feel genuine happiness and pride for your successes and happinesses.
Some people avoid sharing their accomplishments – because people in their circle become jealous and envious of them.
Sometimes hiding your accomplishments – might hurt you more than help you – because chances do exist - of some envy with friends, family or coworkers – BUT – it might also lead to positive impressions of you.
On the other hand - Manipulative leaders know how to be strategically humble and modest by – praising others insincerely and even put themselves down to create a false impression.
All great leaders experience moments of extreme self-doubt - and may feel that their responsibilities feel too big for them to carry forward.
6 Negative Consequences when You are too humble
1. You will be perceived as a person with little or no confidence
2. Your expertise will not be recognized by others – who might need more confident and assertive expert
3. You will be a follower, instead of being a leader -You will lose leadership to others
4. You might find yourself bypassed by your colleague who becomes your boss
5. You might not get opportunities to practice, showcase and sharpen your expertise
6. Other People will use you and take advantage of you
30+ Signs How to know if you are too humble - How to Know If Your Humility Has Gone Too Far
1. Being too humble can be a sign of emotional insecurity which may trigger any of the following behaviors
2. Apologizing too much when you are not at fault
3. Downplaying your accomplishments, refusing accolades
4. Avoiding giving or receiving public display of affection
5. Feeling uncomfortable when people praise you for your genuine triumphs, etc.
6. OR showing too much gratefulness for simple help given by others
7. Or paradoxically - lapping up flattery which is given to them by people who want to take advantage of OR EVEN Craving for recognition when not given or ignored
8. You don't believe the things you say when you are trying to project humbleness
9. You thank others too much – for very little favors
10. You get into modes of self-deprecation
11. You put yourself down by making self-sabotaging statements of inadequacies
12. You Downplay your accomplishments down
13. You don’t set healthy boundaries around you
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14. You shy away from the role you are perfectly suited for and let incompetent people who don’t have any substance take the lead or occupy the position of power
15. You might give away what is rightfully yours
16. You might find it uncomfortable to assert yourself
17. You might convey unusual deference to others – might use words as if you are seeking validation
18. You might not want to hurt others and say yes to POVs even those which go against your values
19. You may find it difficult to stand up for what you value
20. You may also find it difficult to move on
21. You may give in to popular decision rather than sticking with what is right – even though you know what the best decision is
22. You keep saying sorry - but you are not sure why – and you become a chronic apologizer
23. If you keep saying sorry out of habit, remember that you may think you are humble but are cheapening your ability to show real remorse when it matters.
24. Apologizing and owning mistakes is critical for building trust and influence with people because it shows that you are willing to be vulnerable and respect their sensibilities about right and wrong.
25. But at some point, it's possible to overuse the tool of apologizing and send the message that you don't feel remorseful but would instead just get past a mistake for your benefit.
26. And when you say sorry even when you don't need to, you position yourself as someone unable to stay emotionally neutral and own when he's right just as much as when he truly is wrong.
27. You put lots of effort into creating an image of a humble and caring person by pleasing others
28. You put effort to be accepted and supported by others – even if this makes you feel very bad and embarrassed
29. If you are a leader who have official authority over others – being humble when you should not – may confuse your best talent
30. You keep receiving unsolicited feedback – great leaders genuinely seek feedback and take it seriously for growth usually need it less - The ones that resist feedback ultimately let blind spots derail them in their leadership impact.
31. 6 Reasons Why at times you are forced to be humble - Consider the following situation
I. Sometimes you might have been promoted to a position of authority and control – over a team who are more qualified, better experienced, smarter and are domain experts in few crucial subject matter
II. In this situation you find that – you need to learn from your direct reports and with a steep learning curve to climb and minimal familiarity with the roles and responsibilities
III. And to manage your feelings of discomfort – you might start the practice of – complimenting your team members – by telling how talented they are BUT it can go too far if you start telling them – that they are so skilled and experienced - that they could probably do your job better OR telling them that without their teaching him – you could never have succeeded in your role
IV. Recognizing your team as an asset is great – but it creates confusion – as your team needs guidance & clarity
V. Therefore, you need to be very careful about being too humble and self-deprecating with those over whom you have authority and power
VI. Instead of putting yourself down to their level or below TRY raising them up BY discussion how to make them grow to their full potential
70+ Tips on How to be humble the correct way - The Art of Being Humble Without Putting Yourself Down
1. Master the Art of Assertiveness: A Comprehensive Guide with 200+ Tips and Strategies – READ THIS ARTICLE
2. Understand humbleness – become aware whether you are a genuinely nice person or a pompous jerk – if you happen to be a jerk – take the corrective measures suggested in this article.
3. Being humble can backfire – when you start comparing yourself with others.
4. To be genuinely humble – you also must need to develop e the natural traits like - Calm, Cool & Confident leading to courage of acting even in the most challenging situations.
5. You need to learn when to blow your own trumpet and share your achievements – some situations demands that you this in correct manner.
6. Understand that by not sharing your accomplishments in the right moment means that you are setting yourself for failure OR putting obstacles in your growth path.
7. This can be done – say – during a job interview, in a sales interview, during negotiations, while trying to convince others why they should follow your guidelines, OR you need to take the lead and by sharing your expertise and accomplishments you can get selected, when you must prove your credibility to secure an order, etc.
8. Understand that most situations are not a competition – and it is also not about one upmanship or about proving that you are superior.
9. BUT if the situation demands – you must claim your space Practice sharing your accomplishments – in factual manner – with practice you can create a classy, sassy and sophisticated way to share your accomplishments in most impactful manner.
10. While sharing your accomplishments never focus on making you look superior by making others’ achievements look inferior
11. Understand if you are trying to look better - this happens because of your deep-rooted insecurity - your EGO is trying to create a way to make you feel better temporarily - by unhealthy means.
12. Accept that - If you acknowledge, recognize and appreciate other accomplishments sincerely – and share yours it would make you come out as a mature and good human being.
13. Give everyone the just due that they deserve – learn to praise sincerely
14. Make others feel good when they share some of their strengths and strong suits
15. Know your strengths, victories and core expertise – to remind yourself that you are good enough and don’t need to show off by pretending or bragging
16. Understand that you don’t have to prove anything to anyone
17. Let your results do your talking – most of the time
18. You need to decide when and with whom to share your doubts to avoid disappointment
19. Learn to Trust your instinct to correctly self-assess your leadership style to strike the right balance between overconfidence and humility
20. In the process of empowering others and seeking acceptance from those that follow them – you also need to be aware of the pitfalls that exist in not just being too arrogant but also in being too humble.
21. Learn to handle the criticism effectively - you might say -Maybe you are right – let me think about it -Thank you and tell them that you are sure that they want to help you
22. Objectively reflect on whether there’s any truth in their criticism and WHAT you can improve – BUT you don’t have to confess or admit your faults to that person
23. If there is more at stake. You can - calmly state that you disagree and suggest that perhaps there is a better time to discuss it - calmly - that you disagree and suggest that perhaps there is a better time to discuss it
24. Be truthful by stating your views respectfully
25. Humility means also being impartial even as it regards your own opinions, desires, and self-image.
26. Introspect deeply to make inner changes
27. You also need to keep this mind all the time that – only a very Few people have your best interests in mind. Most are thinking of themselves and their own opinions and convenience.
28. Under this situation- humility means keeping a certain distance, mentally and emotionally, from others knowing that each person has a unique path to maturity and Self-realization and that you, too, must find your way to truth, unconditional love, and right action.
29. 40 Ways How to create a Balance between Humility and Healthy Pride AND How to not let your EGO make you an arrogant person
Read the remaining article as per the following details
This article was originally published as “70 Tips On The Art Of Humble Confidence The Ultimate Guide To Balancing Humility And Pride And Avoiding Arrogance Managing EGO” in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life - personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships - please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
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