The Art of Sales Negotations
Sales negotiation is a delicate art. You can quote a price, send over a contract, bank on landing a deal, and start celebrating — only to receive the dreaded email: "I'd like to talk about some of the details of this contract before I sign."
Even if you've properly qualified a prospect and correctly managed their expectations through the sales process, the deal can still end in a negotiation. That's why every salesperson needs to have a solid grip on how to negotiate effectively.
Here, we'll cover what a sales negotiation is, review why they're important in sales, and go over the most critical skills every salesperson should incorporate into their negotiation repertoire.
What is a sales negotiation?
The term 'sales negotiation' generally refers to a conversation (or series of conversations) between a buyer and seller in the interest of arriving at a deal. Negotiations typically include some degree of back and forth — with both parties approaching the discussion with concessions they're willing to make.
The sales negotiation is one of the most stressful, potentially anxiety-inducing elements of sales. Each one involves significant preparation, empathy, perceptiveness, and willingness to compromise strategically.
You need to strike a balance between accommodating your prospect and bringing back a financially viable deal. That's a tricky line to toe. Arriving at a mutually beneficial outcome is much easier said than done, especially in an era where buyers are more empowered and well-informed than ever.
And the fact that negotiation is a staple in sales, as a practice, makes understanding having to navigate it as essential as it is potentially frustrating. Let's take a closer look at why negotiation is so important in sales.
Why is negotiation important in sales?
The value of negotiation in sales is multifaceted. For one — and perhaps most importantly — it helps buyers and sellers arrive at agreeable deals. Without it, salespeople and prospects are more prone to conflict and frustration when trying to determine appropriate prices and mutually beneficial outcomes.
It also helps salespeople build lasting relationships with their customers. Negotiations give both parties the space to communicate constructively.
If the sellers involved in a negotiation can remain composed, consultative, and compassionate throughout the discussion, they can frame themselves as invaluable resources their buyers can rely on for assistance and expertise — even after their sales processes are wrapped up.
Now that we've established why you need to know how to negotiate effectively, let's review some skills you can learn to help yourself get there.
Sales Negotiation Skills
Come prepared.
Clearly define concessions.
Speak second.
Steer clear of ranges.
Refuse to 'split the difference.'
Write terms at the right time.
Speak with the decision-maker.
Get for a give.
Talk more than money.
Keep the conversation light.
Stay calm.
Walk away if necessary.
1. Come prepared.
You never want to go into a negotiation blind — these aren't the kinds of discussions you can wing. You need to be thoroughly prepared with a solid grasp of some key elements of a deal.
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For one, you have to have an intimate understanding of your prospect's business, their buying power, their pain points, and the other solutions they'll consider if your negotiation falls through.
That last point is crucial. You need to have a picture of both your and your prospect's BATNA — best alternative to negotiated agreement — the walkaway line that frames whether a negotiation is worth continuing.
If you don't understand where that line is for both parties, you're giving up considerable leverage and setting yourself up for potentially making a deal that isn't worth your time. As I said, you can't go into negotiations blindly — avoiding that starts with you conducting thorough research on your and your prospect's circumstances.
2. Clearly define concessions.
According to the RAIN Group, cost, as a negotiation success metric, is used 12 times more frequently than quality — so you need to have a feel for your position in that respect. Otherwise, you might give up too much too quickly.
In the heat of the moment, a 30% discount or additional six months of support might seem perfectly acceptable. It's only when you get back to your desk and start drafting up the contract that you realize you agreed to terms you can't or shouldn't accept.
Clearly defining the limits on price discounts, freebies, or other add-ons before you meet with your prospect will ensure you come to a mutually beneficial agreement.
3. Speak second.
You've presented the terms of the deal, and the prospect would like to negotiate them — so let them start the conversation. Salespeople are often tempted to immediately jump in and offer a discount or adjustment in the interest of being accommodating.
But there's a line between being accommodating and being overly eager. You want to give your prospect some room to air their thoughts and reveal more about their position before making concessions.
It pays to listen first and speak second during negotiations. You can't know what your prospect is thinking if you don't let them air their thoughts out. Stay composed, have them reveal where they stand in the conversation, and use silence to your advantage.
Awkwardness isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world when conducting negotiations. If you don't embrace it, you might wind up losing your footing and conceding more than you have to.
3. Speak second.
You've presented the terms of the deal, and the prospect would like to negotiate them — so let them start the conversation. Salespeople are often tempted to immediately jump in and offer a discount or adjustment in the interest of being accommodating.
But there's a line between being accommodating and being overly eager. You want to give your prospect some room to air their thoughts and reveal more about their position before making concessions.
It pays to listen first and speak second during negotiations. You can't know what your prospect is thinking if you don't let them air their thoughts out. Stay composed, have them reveal where they stand in the conversation, and use silence to your advantage.
Awkwardness isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world when conducting negotiations. If you don't embrace it, you might wind up losing your footing and conceding more than you have to.
3. Speak second.
You've presented the terms of the deal, and the prospect would like to negotiate them — so let them start the conversation. Salespeople are often tempted to immediately jump in and offer a discount or adjustment in the interest of being accommodating.
But there's a line between being accommodating and being overly eager. You want to give your prospect some room to air their thoughts and reveal more about their position before making concessions.
It pays to listen first and speak second during negotiations. You can't know what your prospect is thinking if you don't let them air their thoughts out. Stay composed, have them reveal where they stand in the conversation, and use silence to your advantage.
Awkwardness isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world when conducting negotiations. If you don't embrace it, you might wind up losing your footing and conceding more than you have to.
12. Walk away if necessary.
Salespeople shouldn't be willing to accept any curveball a prospect throws at them. If demands become unreasonable or unprofitable for the company, don't be afraid to walk away from the deal.
A customer who only agreed to sign if the contract was radically amended or the price was drastically dropped is bound to cause problems down the road.