Atlas App Services Schema Generator
Have you ever needed to create several documents with different values for load testing, proof of concept and/or testing new features/schema migration, etc?
I created this public repository to solve this problem. Here, at you will find a CLI-like tool that allows you to read a JSON file with an App Services Schema format (formerly known as Realm) and create as many documents with random values as you want.
You can read the README file for a full set of instructions on how to use the tool. However, I will summarise here how you can use it.
You need to install the package dependencies by running:
npm install
And executing it by running
npm run start
However, binary files for MacOS Silicon or Windows are in the v1.0.0 release.
You can specify the options and commands to generate random data based on your Atlas App Services schema.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
The --help options command will show how to use the tool and what parameters there are available.
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generate [schema] Generate data
The generate command will create documents based on a JSON schema definition file. To use the command a /path/to/file.json must be provided next to the generate command.
The available Options are
--number Number of documents to generate [number] [required] [default: 1]
--uri MongoDB Atlas conection URI with username and password [string]
--col Atlas Collection name [string]
--db Atlas Database name [string]
If a --uri is not provided, an output.json file will be created with the example documents. When a --uri is provided, then a --col and --db is mandatory. This will create the database and collection in your Atlas cluster for the documents.
bin/realm-schema-generator generate --number 100 files/example.json
bin/realm-schema-generator generate files/example.json --number 100 --uri mongodb+srv://<user>:<password>@<cluster> --db test --col schema