ATRI’s ‘Critical Issues in the Trucking Industry’ report spotlights parking woes
The American Transportation Research Institute recently released its report outlining what over 3,700 industry stakeholder respondents across North America see as the most critical issues facing the trucking industry. The report remarks, “among respondents represented were motor carrier executives and personnel (45.9%), professional truck drivers (31.3%) and other industry stakeholders (22.8%), including industry suppliers, driver trainers, and law enforcement.” The report includes a combined top concerns list and a split version, which polls motor carriers’ and drivers’ concerns separately.
Looking at the combined top concerns, the economy came in first followed by truck parking, similar to last year’s ranking. Third place was lawsuit abuse reform, fourth was insurance cost and availability, and fifth was driver compensation. Notably, the driver shortage fell from fourth place in 2023 to ninth place. From 2017-2021, the driver shortage was the top combined issue among respondents.
Splitting up the respondent data between drivers and motor carriers yields a more nuanced picture of what each side sees as top issues. Truck drivers ranked truck parking first, followed by driver compensation, economy, detention/delay at customer facilities, and speed limiters to round out the top five. For motor carriers, the economy remained the top concern followed by lawsuit abuse reform, driver shortage, insurance cost and availability, and driver retention.
One growing issue that failed to make the top 10 list for overall concerns was driver retention. The report notes, “This is the first year since 2012 that Driver Retention has not been a Top 10 industry concern. As is the case with Driver Shortage receiving its lowest ranking ever this year, this drop from the Top 10 list is likely tied to the freight recession and the broader economy.”
CDL A Truck Driver, Advocate, Expert Witness, Consultant, Founder & President of REAL Women in Trucking 501(c)(6) and Truckers Emergency Assistance Responders 501(c)(3)
2moMotor Carriers don't care about the truck parking problem because they don't assist or help truck drivers obtain it. They just tell you to get the load and get it delivered. I went to every single FHWA Jason's Law truck parking coalition workgroup that ever took place. There were no carriers there, there was no FMCSA there Sometimes there was no ATA there. Drivers are expected to haul thousands of dollars of merchandise and fend for themselves. Then the industry is scratching their heads on why cargo theft is on the rise. Industry people are so very out of touch with workers in the trenches. They live in an alternative universe.
Truck Driver (CDL-A)🚛 Disaster Response 🦺 Truck Driver Advocate🇺🇸 Business Owner🧳
2moI know a group of truck drivers on here that would be MORE than vocal about explaining the truck parking problem. TPC is one major reason why truck parking is a huge mess. Let us know if you’re interested… we got some secrets that would help you understand the why. Drivers, let’s not all respond at once! 🤪 Jayme Anderson Desiree Wood James Parks