Yesterday, I completed an interview and one of the words that stood out was authenticity. This word has appeared several times, for me, over the last couple years. The domino effect of authentic phrases was probably started by Dr. John Lee (one of my favorite people). Dr. Lee said, “Man, I’m just searching for true authenticity.” Dr. Lee is currently traveling to X and is spreading his version of authenticity to willing listeners in a humble and giving format. Shouldn’t we all be spreading authenticity? How can I be a better authentic leader? The root of the word authenticity is really, in Greek and Latin, all about having the authority of somethings’ original creator (English word information). Not to word-warrior the meaning, but I think now we look at the word as more of a meaning of ownership. When a person is authentic, they own the responsibility of their actions. Moreover, they are proud of whom they are and they do not present a façade of who they feel like they should be. In lesser words, they “keep it real.”
The word has grown in popularity since the twenties (Google Books), which surprises me, as I feel as if the act has declined. Perhaps people have become better at speaking it than doing it. In this day and age, it is hard to be authentic. What will my friends on Facebook think? Will my co-workers like me? The truth is that there is more transparency now than there has ever been before. So, yes, it is challenging to say how I feel at times. Yet, being authentic is truthful. The journey to becoming truly authentic is one of courage and confidence. Being an authentic leader then, is not only projecting one’s authenticity but encouraging others to be authentic as well. We should all look to Dr. Lee and try to be a little more authentic today. After all, we do not know who we can inspire.
English word information. “Root of the word Authenticity.”
Google Books. “Graph on the word Authenticity.”