The autobiography of Nature
I am Nature, the eternal and ever-evolving force that holds the tapestry of life together. My story is written in the folds of mountains, the whispers of wind, and the roar of oceans. I am both ancient and new, endlessly cycling through birth, growth, decay, and rebirth.
In the beginning, I was chaos-a swirling dance of elements. Fire met water, air embraced earth, and the dance gave rise to life. From molten rock, I shaped mountains; from raindrops, I carved rivers. Time, my silent partner, is also known as the changer of seasons, who refined my chaos into order, and from my fertile soils sprang the first living forms. Tiny, single-celled organisms were my first children, and they thrived in my oceans, evolving into the myriad forms of life that populate my lands and seas today.
I am the forests that breathe life into the air, the rivers that carry sustenance, and the mountains that stand as witnesses to eternity. My oceans are vast and teeming, home to mysteries even I still nurture. My deserts whisper ancient tales, and my tundras hum with resilience. Every sunrise is a new beginning; every sunset, a gentle farewell.
My friend time, has shown me good times in the past, but as he is moving forward, he has shown me very bad times. My children, the humans are misbehaving with me. I nurture them, I give them all they want, so now they have started taking me for granted. They feel that my resources are unlimited. My nurturing qualities have started to inculcate greed in my children. They don't understand that my resources are limited, but still enough for everyone if used in limits. Humans have started constructing buildings, overusing the fossil fuels that I provided them.
Humans, please tell me. What wrong did I do with anyone, that you are torturing me in this way? In what way have I troubled you in the past? Have I ever thought bad about any one of you? You all are my children, and a mother will never think bad about her own children, right? If I love you all so much and I care for you, then why don't you give back that care to me? Why do you overuse me? Do you know the consequences of what you are doing with me? One day I will collapse and I will not be able to nurture you anymore! You have made me face bad times, and now it's you who will pay for it, I will show bad times to you.
My sincere request to all of you, please stop this overuse, please don't be greedy. You are the ones who pollute the air and you are the ones who complain about the same, this is wrong. This is your last chance to improve, and if you still keep taking me for granted, then I'm afraid, you will have to face the consequences.