Automating Kubernetes on Azure - AKS and DevOps - Part 1
Azure Kubernetes Service a.k.a AKS - is a fully managed service that helps to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster on Azure.
The post management of cluster - Upgrade, Patching, Monitoring - all come as a package. The other important feature is the management of the Master Nodes of the cluster - this is completely a black box for the user and is entirely maintained by Azure. Users are left with managing only the Worker Nodes and associated components.
But AKS cluster is not the only thing that user(s) are going to create; rather the ancillary services around the cluster helping build the entire architecture is most important, painfully redundant and difficult to manage in long terms - more so when you think of the Operations team or Infrastructure management team - who might need to do this for multiple cluster to be managed and many applications to be deployed!
Hence a disciplined, streamlined and automated approach is needed so that end to end architecture becomes robust, resilient and easily manageable.
The purpose of this workshop would be to:
- Use Kubernetes as the tool or orchestration of micro-services
- Build micro-services of varying nature and tech-stack - NodeJS,
- Build an automated pipeline and workflow for creating Infrastructure for the deploying micro-services - 3-Step Approach
- Extend the pipeline to automate deployment of micro-services
- Leverage AKS as a hosted service around Kubernetes (a.k.a K8s) for better manageability, less complexity
- Use the built-in features of AKS for monitoring, security and upgrades
- Define Resource Quota and appropriate Storage for micro-services
- Integrating with Azure AD and define RBAC for the cluster and its sub-components
- Secure cluster as well as various ancillary resources using Private Endpoint
Pre-requisites, Assumptions
- A basic knowledge on Containers and MicroServices - L100
- How to build docker image and create containers from it
- Basic knowledge on K8s (AKS is not mandatory) - L100
- Some knowledge on Azure tools & services viz. Azure CLI, KeyVault, VNET etc. would help
- Apps and Micro-Services would be used interchangeably i.e. both are treated as same in this context
With this much ammunition, let us get into some action
- Review the reference architecture depicting all components
- Understand the 3-step approach for creation of the infrastructure
- Use the 3-step approach locally and create a cluster; deploy and test some micro-services
- Discuss on how to do this through Azure DevOps; understand ADO pipelines structure and its usage and then implement the same
AKS Reference Architecture
Let us list down all the necessary components to be used as we move along:
- Azure Container Registry - ACR - Used to store application images which then would be used by the K8s (AKS) cluster to create Containers and deploy micro-services in it
- Azure KeyVault - Stores all Keys, Secrets or Certificates needed by the micro-services as well as the automation process while creating the infrastructure. This would be used by the entire automation process as mentioned to make sure that creation, sharing or usage of Secrets are absolutely secured and automated as much as practicable. Few exception that we would be highlighting in due course of time
Pods -
- The most important component holding the micro-services(s) primarily; will be highly available for apps that need so
- Each Pod contains one or multiple Containers - each container defines template that would specify configuration
- This should not be created directly (although one can do that); instead a Deployment object (explained below) would be responsible for the creation
- Pods are ephemeral - that means Pods can be removed from Nodes and recreated again from the template - and this removal is happens for many reasons - Cluster failure, Scaling down etc. and is managed by K8s orchestration process
- Pods are assigned IP addresses by K8s based on the Network plugin you choose - the IP addresses can be either real IPs or virtual ones.The assignment happens after Pods are scheduled by K8s system and before being started; the IPs are not known to the external clients and hence they have to resort to another K8s object called Service (explained later) to reach to the Pods
- Pods would be auto scaled horizontally when the load increases
- Pod comes to a Pending state if the K8s Scheduler does not find a suitable Node for the Pod; these would be scheduled automatically when new Nodes come up
Deployments -
- The management plane for Pods and is responsible for rolling updates, rollbacks etc.
- Defines ReplicaSets which would define the no. of replicas and their configs
- ReplicaSets are not be created directly (although one can do that), just like Pods and would be handled by Deployment object
Services -
- The premium object for networking within the cluster and communication between Pods (i.e. apps or micro-services)
- As Pods are ephemeral, their IPs can change when they are deleted and re-created; hence Service has to provide a unique IP so that external clients can reach to the correct Pod
- This is how outside world reaches to the Pod and makes it workable
- A Deployment object exposes the Pods through a Service so that those (pods) can be reached at and apps can perform
- Service can be defined as LoadBalancer - in which case it exposes a Public IP address for the callers to call this service publicly; service then reaches to the corresponding Pod (app) and load balances between multiple Pod replicas
- Service can be defined as NodePort - in which case every Node in the cluster will open up a port for the Pod and external client can connect to a Node on the designated port and then reach to the Pod - so it is basically more restrained than LoadBalancer option
- Default type for a Service is ClusterIP - This means the Pods behind the Service can be reached only from within the cluster - other process, programs, jobs etc. This is the most secured options and more restrained than other two!
Ingress -
- As the name suggests it is the gateway to the cluster…allowing entry to it for the external client(s)
- Did not we say Service object as LoadBalancer type also does the same thing? That is true…but imagine multiple services each having a load balancer is another problem to solve - manageability. Whereas, Ingress, juts like a gateway, is a load balancer and proves one unique IP to the external world
- Behind Ingress are a series of Service objects that it can route to…hence it works as a Router for all services - which can be a ClusterIP or NodePort - making these as completely secured, cut-off from outside and only leaving Ingress as the single entry point
- Ingress provides many other features like handling Authentication, SSL termination, Session affinity (Cookie-based)
- Ingress also needs an Ingress Controller object which manages multiple Ingress instances for high availability - the implementation is kept open in K8s and depends on the cloud provider. On AKS we have multiple options - Nginx, HAProxy etc. can be installed as ingress controller Or Azure Application gateway can be used as so. In this exercise, we would go with Nginx as the controller
- Azure API management - first class service from Azure for managing APIs, handling Authentication, applying a huge set of policies to APIs
- All done outside the API landscape and without touching or requiring any change to API code
- This can be placed in public/private virtual network yielding a public/private IP and accordingly controlling its access
- We would NOT use APIM here though and it would be part fo a separate article where we would show how APIM can fit into this architecture
Application Gateway -
- Another first class service from Azure as Layer7 load balancer as a PaaS. Since L7, it can route to Http paths of the backend API
- A pool of backend API routes can be managed through gateway
- In this exercise, Application Gateway would redirect to the Nginx Ingress Controller, which would be configured as an *Internal LoadBalancer, resulting in a Private IP. So all calls from outside is blocked and only Application Gateway would be the single route to reach to Ingress and hence to the cluster
- A closer examination of the reference architecture diagram would explain this; things would be more clearer as we move along
Azure Monitor -
- Azure default monitoring for containers would be used
- Future plan would be to use Azure monitor for Prometheus
Azure DevOps -
- The first class product from Azure for all DevOps needs
- As mentioned earlier, entire infrastructure creation, maintenance and repeated deployments of APIs all would be done through DevOps - so we DO NOT say 100% automation, which is not feasible; rather it is better to say - Maximum Automation
CosmosDB/SQL DB - Only used for the sake of completeness of the apps or micro-services and make it more realistic…no major contribution to the entire workflow
Items not listed here -
- As is evident from the diagram, there are many other components shown which are not needed for the current exercise
- These could very much be useful for any such architectures - rather every real life example would have mentions for these
- Logic App - for enterprise integrations
- Azure SignalR - for real time chat apps
- and so on and so forth…
Let us now get into some action with all Plans in-place!
As we had mentioned, it would be a 3-step approach to create the cluster. We would first do this with scripts from command line and then would do the same using Azure DevOps. Once the cluster is ready, we can start deploying applications onto it. Let us set the ball rolling…
Before getting into actual action, couple of minutes to understand the folder structure that we would be following (most important)
DEV denotes the namespace for which below scripts would work; For other tiers like QA there would be similar folders to be created
- Certs - Contains all certificates needed; in this case basically the SSL certificate for Application Gateway (Ref:
- Setup - Contains all the scripts to be used in this process (Ref:
- Security - Scripts for all security tasks - Secret creation, Private Link creation, IP Config for Cluster (Ref:
- Templates - The key folder which contains all ARM templates and corresponding PowerShell scripts to deploy them. This ensures a completely decoupled approach for deployment; all ancillary components can be deployed outside the cluster process at any point of time! (Ref:
- YAMLs - Contains all YAML files needed post creation of cluster - Post Provisioning stage where created cluster is configured by Cluster Admins (Ref:
- ClusterAdmin - Scripts for Cluster Admin functionalities (Ref:
- Ingress - Scripts for Ingress creation for the DEV namespace(Ref:
- RBAC - Scripts for RBAC definition for entire cluster as well as namespaces resources (Ref:
Step 1 - PreConfig (Pre-Provisioning)
This is the Pre-Provisioning of the cluster where the corresponding script would create all necessary resources for the AKS cluster as depicted in the diagram. Primary responsibilities would be -
- Create 2 Service Principals - One for Network roles and another one for ACR; new pull explain that in details shortly
- Create a Virtual Network which would AKS cluster as well as other ancillary components. Now the most important question - what would be address space for VNET and also its subsequent Subnets? This is a decision to be taken by Infra team. Assuming that we are going with Azure CNI networking plugin (to be discussed later), all IPs are real ones; no virtual IPs; the Point of considerations for deciding the AKS subnet address space would be -
- How many micro-services approximately to be deployed (now and in future)
- What would the minimum and maximum no. of replicas for each
- How much CPU and Memory that each micro-services could consume approximately
- And based on all these -
- What is Size of each Node (VM) i.e how many Cores of CPU and how much GB of Runtime Memory
- how many Nodes (VMs) that the cluster could expect (initially and when scaled up?) - basically minimum and maximum no. of such Nodes
- Finally maximum number of pods or app replicas you want in each Node - Ideally whatever be the size of the Node, this value should not go beyond 40-50; not an hard and fast rule but with standard VM sizes like 8 Core 16 GB, 40-50 Pods per Node is good enough Based on all these info, let us try to define a formulae to decide what would be the address space of VNET and Subnet for AKS.
Let us assume,
Np = Max. Number of Pods in each Node (Ideally should not be more ethan 40-50)
Nd = Max. Number of Nodes possible (approx.)
Then the total no. of addresses that you would need in AKS Subnet = (Np * (Nd + 1) + Np)
+1 for reserved IP by system for each Node
+Np for additional IPs you might need while Upgrade - normally K8s system will pull down one Node at a time, transfer all workloads to another Node and then upgrade the previous Node
It is advisable to keep some more in buffer based on workloads and other unforeseen situations
What we have seen, for high end workloads, ideally for a DEV-UAT cluster, we should go with /21 or /22 which means around 2k or 1k Nodes.
PROD cluster should have a bit more like /18 or /20 which means around 16k or 4k Nodes.
These are all based on experiences form various projects and values to be decided by Infra team as per their convenience and infrastructure constraints!
Once AKS subnet is decided, think how many other Subnets you might need - ideally one for Application Gateway, One for APIM (if present) etc.
Based on that, decide a VNET address space of an address space e.g. xxx.0.0.0/16; this accounts for 65k Ip address approximately - This is also Infra team's discretion
So, let us create Networks -
- One VNET for AKS + other resources - /16
- One Subnet for AKS cluster - /22, /20
- One Subnet for Application gateway - /27
- One Subnet for APIM - /29
- Network role assignment - Once VNET/Subnets are created, the service principal for Network should be assigned a Network Contributor role scoped to the above VNET
- Create ACR - Azure Container Registry for holding container images in a private docker registry provided by Azure as service (Ref:
- ACR role assignment - Once ACR is created, the service principal for ACR should be assigned a ACRPush role scoped to the above ACR
- Create KeyVault - KeyVault instance on Azure for holding various secrets - basically the entire automation of AKS and its success would depend on the proper management of this (Ref:
Let us see how the script is designed to achieve this -
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $resourceGroup = "aks-workshop-rg", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $projectName = "aks-workshop", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $location = "eastus", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $clusterName = "aks-workshop-cluster", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $acrName = "akswkshpacr", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $keyVaultName = "aks-workshop-kv", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aksVNetName = "aks-workshop-vnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aksVNetPrefix = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aksSubnetName = "aks-workshop-subnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aksSubNetPrefix = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $appgwSubnetName = "aks-workshop-appgw-subnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $appgwSubnetPrefix = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $vrnSubnetName = "vrn-workshop-subnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $vrnSubnetPrefix = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $appgwName = "aks-workshop-appgw", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $networkTemplateFileName = "aksauto-network-deploy", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $acrTemplateFileName = "aksauto-acr-deploy", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $kvTemplateFileName = "aksauto-keyvault-deploy", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $subscriptionId = "<subscriptionId>", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $objectId = "<objectId>", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $baseFolderPath = "<baseFolderPath- local or remote>") $vnetRole = "Network Contributor" $aksSPIdName = $clusterName + "-sp-id" $aksSPSecretName = $clusterName + "-sp-secret" $acrSPIdName = $acrName + "-sp-id" $acrSPSecretName = $acrName + "-sp-secret" $certSecretName = $appgwName + "-cert-secret" $templatesFolderPath = $baseFolderPath + "/Templates" $certPFXFilePath = $baseFolderPath + "/Certs/aksauto.pfx" # Assuming Logged In $networkNames = "-aksVNetName $aksVNetName -aksVNetPrefix $aksVNetPrefix -aksSubnetName $aksSubnetName -aksSubNetPrefix $aksSubNetPrefix -appgwSubnetName $appgwSubnetName -appgwSubnetPrefix $appgwSubnetPrefix -vrnSubnetName $vrnSubnetName -vrnSubnetPrefix $vrnSubnetPrefix" $networkDeployCommand = "/Network/$networkTemplateFileName.ps1 -rg $resourceGroup -fpath $templatesFolderPath -deployFileName $networkTemplateFileName $networkNames" $acrDeployCommand = "/ACR/$acrTemplateFileName.ps1 -rg $resourceGroup -fpath $templatesFolderPath -deployFileName $acrTemplateFileName -acrName $acrName" $keyVaultDeployCommand = "/KeyVault/$kvTemplateFileName.ps1 -rg $resourceGroup -fpath $templatesFolderPath -deployFileName $kvTemplateFileName -keyVaultName $keyVaultName -objectId $objectId" # PS Select Subscriotion Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId # CLI Select Subscriotion $subscriptionCommand = "az account set -s $subscriptionId" Invoke-Expression -Command $subscriptionCommand $rgRef = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location if (!$rgRef) { $rgRef = New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location if (!$rgRef) { Write-Host "Error creating Resource Group" return; } } $aksSP = New-AzADServicePrincipal -SkipAssignment if (!$aksSP) { Write-Host "Error creating Service Principal for AKS" return; } Write-Host $aksSP.DisplayName Write-Host $aksSP.Id Write-Host $aksSP.ApplicationId $acrSP = New-AzADServicePrincipal -SkipAssignment if (!$acrSP) { Write-Host "Error creating Service Principal for ACR" return; } Write-Host $acrSP.DisplayName Write-Host $acrSP.Id Write-Host $acrSP.ApplicationId $networkDeployPath = $templatesFolderPath + $networkDeployCommand Invoke-Expression -Command $networkDeployPath $acrDeployPath = $templatesFolderPath + $acrDeployCommand Invoke-Expression -Command $acrDeployPath $keyVaultDeployPath = $templatesFolderPath + $keyVaultDeployCommand Invoke-Expression -Command $keyVaultDeployPath Write-Host $certPFXFilePath $certBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($certPFXFilePath) $certContents = [Convert]::ToBase64String($certBytes) $certContentsSecure = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $certContents -AsPlainText -Force Write-Host $certPFXFilePath $aksSPObjectId = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $aksSP.ApplicationId ` -AsPlainText -Force Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName -Name $aksSPIdName ` -SecretValue $aksSPObjectId Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName -Name $aksSPSecretName ` -SecretValue $aksSP.Secret $acrSPObjectId = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $acrSP.ApplicationId ` -AsPlainText -Force Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName -Name $acrSPIdName ` -SecretValue $acrSPObjectId Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName -Name $acrSPSecretName ` -SecretValue $acrSP.Secret Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName -Name $certSecretName ` -SecretValue $certContentsSecure $aksVnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $aksVNetName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup if ($aksVnet) { New-AzRoleAssignment -ApplicationId $aksSP.ApplicationId ` -Scope $aksVnet.Id -RoleDefinitionName $vnetRole } $acrInfo = Get-AzContainerRegistry -Name $acrName ` -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup if ($acrInfo) { Write-Host $acrInfo.Id New-AzRoleAssignment -ApplicationId $acrSP.ApplicationId ` -Scope $acrInfo.Id -RoleDefinitionName acrpush } Write-Host "------Pre-Config------"
Step 2 - Setup Cluster (Provisioning)
The is step is fairly straight forward -
- Get ACR reference using PowerShell cmdlet, which was created in the PreConfig step
- Get KeyVault reference using PowerShell cmdlet, which was created in the PreConfig step - primarily to read the Service Principal values with Network Contributor role which should be assigned to the Cluster
- Get Network reference created in previous PreConfig step
- Azure AD integration - this is done so that all RBAC can be performed on the cluster later on...Azure AD being first class service on Azure for Identity protection, would be leveraged for the same.
- Create the Cluster with all the above info
- The same script can be used to Update or Scale the Cluster
Let us see how the script is designed to achieve this -
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $mode, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $resourceGroup = "aks-workshop-rg", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $location = "eastus", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $clusterName = "aks-workshop-cluster", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $keyVaultName = "aks-workshop-kv", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aksVNetName = "aks-workshop-vnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aksSubnetName = "aks-workshop-subnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $version = "1.16.8", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $addons = "monitoring", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $nodeCount = 3, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $minNodeCount = $nodeCount, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $maxNodeCount = 20, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $maxPods = 40, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $vmSetType = "VirtualMachineScaleSets", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $nodeVMSize = "Standard_DS3_V2", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $networkPlugin= "azure", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $networkPolicy = "azure", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $nodePoolName = "akslnxpool", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $winNodeUserName = "azureuser", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $winNodePassword = "PassW0rd@123", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $apiServerAuthIP = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aadServerAppID = "<aadServerAppID>", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aadServerAppSecret = "<aadServerAppSecret>", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aadClientAppID = "<aadClientAppID>", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aadTenantID = "<aadTenantID>") $aksSPIdName = $clusterName + "-sp-id" $aksSPSecretName = $clusterName + "-sp-secret" $configSuccessCommand = "length(@)" $keyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -VaultName $keyVaultName if (!$keyVault) { Write-Host "Error fetching KeyVault" return; } $spAppId = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName -Name $aksSPIdName if (!$spAppId) { Write-Host "Error fetching Service Principal Id" return; } $spPassword = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName -Name $aksSPSecretName if (!$spPassword) { Write-Host "Error fetching Service Principal Password" return; } $aksVnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $aksVNetName ` -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup if (!$aksVnet) { Write-Host "Error fetching Vnet" return; } $aksSubnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $aksSubnetName ` -VirtualNetwork $aksVnet if (!$aksSubnet) { Write-Host "Error fetching Subnet" return; } if ($mode -eq "create") { Write-Host "Creating Cluster... $clusterName" $result = az aks create --name $clusterName ` --resource-group $resourceGroup ` --kubernetes-version $version --location $location ` --vnet-subnet-id $aksSubnet.Id --enable-addons $addons ` --node-vm-size $nodeVMSize ` --node-count $nodeCount --max-pods $maxPods ` --service-principal $spAppId.SecretValueText ` --client-secret $spPassword.SecretValueText ` --network-plugin $networkPlugin --network-policy $networkPolicy ` --nodepool-name $nodePoolName --vm-set-type $vmSetType ` --generate-ssh-keys ` --windows-admin-username $winNodeUserName ` --windows-admin-password $winNodePassword ` --aad-client-app-id $aadClientAppID ` --aad-server-app-id $aadServerAppID ` --aad-server-app-secret $aadServerAppSecret ` --aad-tenant-id $aadTenantID ` --query $configSuccessCommand # --api-server-authorized-ip-ranges $apiServerAuthIP ` Write-Host "Result - $result" if ($result -le 0) { Write-Host "Error Creating AKS Cluster - $clusterName" return; } } elseif ($mode -eq "update") { Write-Host "Updating Cluster... $clusterName" $result = az aks nodepool update --cluster-name $clusterName ` --resource-group $resourceGroup --enable-cluster-autoscaler ` --min-count $minNodeCount --max-count $maxNodeCount ` --name $nodePoolName --query $configSuccessCommand Write-Host "Result - $result" if ($result -le 0) { Write-Host "Error Updating AKS Cluster - $clusterName" return; } } elseif ($mode -eq "scale") { Write-Host "Scaling Cluster... $clusterName" $result = az aks nodepool scale --cluster-name $clusterName ` --resource-group $resourceGroup ` --node-count $nodeCount --name $nodePoolName ` --query $configSuccessCommand Write-Host "Result - $result" if ($result -le 0) { Write-Host "Error Scaling AKS Cluster - $clusterName" return; } } Write-Host "-----------Setup------------"
Step 3 - PostConfig (Post-Provisioning)
This is the Post-Provisioning of the cluster where the corresponding script would perform all necessary configuration actions, which would depend on requirement. So there is no hard-n-fast rule for this script...and is completely at the discretion of the Developer Architect(Not Cluster Admin excatly) team. Tis script would also create necessary ancillary resources for the AKS cluster as depicted in the diagram -
- Get KeyVault reference using PowerShell cmdlet and get secret values - primarily Login credentials for ACR
- Call Azure CLI to switch context to appropriate cluster
- Perform ACR Login using credentials read from KeyVault as above
- Create namespaces for various tiers/tenants - as the case may be
- Install Ingress controller (in this case it was NGINX) using Helm chart
- Deploy Application Gateway using ARM template and PowerShell(Ref:
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $resourceGroup = "aks-workshop-rg", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $dvoResourceGroup = "devops-workshop-rg", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $projectName = "aks-workshop", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $location = "eastus", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $clusterName = "aks-workshop-cluster", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $acrName = "akswkshpacr", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $keyVaultName = "aks-workshop-kv", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $appgwName = "aks-workshop-appgw", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aksVNetName = "aks-workshop-vnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aksSubnetName = "aks-workshop-subnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $appgwSubnetName = "aks-workshop-appgw-subnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $dvoVNetName = "devops-workshop-vnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $dvoSubetName = "devops-workshop-subnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $appgwTemplateFileName = "aksauto-appgw-deploy", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $pepConfigFileName = "aksauto-pep-config", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $pepTemplateFileName = "aksauto-pep-deploy", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $acrPvtLinkFileName = "aksauto-acr-plink-config", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $kvPvtLinkFileName = "aksauto-kv-plink-config", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ingControllerIPAddress = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $baseFolderPath = "<baseFolderPath- local or remote>") $acrSPIdName = $acrName + "-sp-id" $acrSPSecretName = $acrName + "-sp-secret" $templatesFolderPath = $baseFolderPath + "/Templates" $yamlFilePath = "$baseFolderPath/YAMLs" $devNamespace = $projectName + "-dev" $qaNamespace = $projectName + "-qa" $ratingsNamespace = "ratingsapp" $ingControllerName = $projectName + "-ing" $ingControllerNSName = $ingControllerName + "-ns" $ingControllerFileName = "internal-ingress" # Enable these lines if you want Private Endpoint # $setupFolderPath = $baseFolderPath + "/Setup" # $acrAKSPepName = $projectName + "-acr-aks-pep" # $acrAKSPepConnectionName = $acrAKSPepName + "-conn" # $acrDevOpsPepName = $projectName + "-acr-devops-pep" # $acrDevOpsPepConnectionName = $acrDevOpsPepName + "-conn" # $acrPepResourceType = "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries" # $acrPepSubResourceId = "registry" # $kvDevOpsPepName = $projectName + "-kv-devops-pep" # $kvDevOpsPepConnectionName = $kvDevOpsPepName + "-conn" # $kvPepResourceType = "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults" # $kvPepSubResourceId = "vault" # $acrAKSVnetLinkName = $acrAKSPepName + "-link" # $acrDevOpsVnetLinkName = $acrDevOpsPepName + "-link" # $kvDevOpsVnetLinkName = $kvDevOpsPepName + "-link" # $acrAKSPepNames = "-pepName $acrAKSPepName -pepConnectionName $acrAKSPepConnectionName -pepResourceType $acrPepResourceType -pepResourceName $acrName -pepTemplateFileName $pepTemplateFileName -pepSubResourceId $acrPepSubResourceId" # $acrAKSPepDeployCommand = "/Security/$pepConfigFileName.ps1 -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -vnetResourceGroup $resourceGroup -vnetName $aksVNetName -subnetName $aksSubnetName -baseFolderPath $baseFolderPath $acrAKSPepNames" # $acrAKSPvtLinkNames = "-pepName $acrAKSPepName -pepResourceName $acrName -vnetLinkName $acrAKSVnetLinkName" # $acrAKSPvtLinkDeployCommand = "/Security/$acrPvtLinkFileName.ps1 -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -vnetResourceGroup $resourceGroup -location $location -vnetName $aksVNetName $acrAKSPvtLinkNames" # $acrDevOpsPepNames = "-pepName $acrDevOpsPepName -pepConnectionName $acrDevOpsPepConnectionName -pepResourceType $acrPepResourceType -pepResourceName $acrName -pepTemplateFileName $pepTemplateFileName -pepSubResourceId $acrPepSubResourceId" # $acrDevOpsPepDeployCommand = "/Security/$pepConfigFileName.ps1 -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -vnetResourceGroup $dvoResourceGroup -vnetName $dvoVNetName -subnetName $dvoSubetName -baseFolderPath $baseFolderPath $acrDevOpsPepNames" # $acrDevOpsPvtLinkNames = "-pepName $acrDevOpsPepName -pepResourceName $acrName -vnetLinkName $acrDevOpsVnetLinkName" # $acrDevOpsPvtLinkDeployCommand = "/Security/$acrPvtLinkFileName.ps1 -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -vnetResourceGroup $dvoResourceGroup -location $location -vnetName $dvoVNetName $acrDevOpsPvtLinkNames" # $kvDevOpsPepNames = "-pepName $kvDevOpsPepName -pepConnectionName $kvDevOpsPepConnectionName -pepResourceType $kvPepResourceType -pepResourceName $keyVaultName -pepTemplateFileName $pepTemplateFileName -pepSubResourceId $kvPepSubResourceId" # $kvDevOpsPepDeployCommand = "/Security/$pepConfigFileName.ps1 -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -vnetResourceGroup $dvoResourceGroup -vnetName $dvoVNetName -subnetName $dvoSubetName -baseFolderPath $baseFolderPath $kvDevOpsPepNames" # $kvDevOpsPvtLinkNames = "-pepName $kvDevOpsPepName -pepResourceName $keyVaultName -vnetLinkName $kvDevOpsVnetLinkName" # $kvDevOpsPvtLinkDeployCommand = "/Security/$kvPvtLinkFileName.ps1 -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -vnetResourceGroup $dvoResourceGroup -location $location -vnetName $dvoVNetName $kvDevOpsPvtLinkNames" # $acrUpdateNwRulesCommand = "az acr update --public-network-enabled false --name $acrName --resource-group $resourceGroup" # $kvUpdateNwRulesCommand = "Update-AzKeyVaultNetworkRuleSet -DefaultAction Deny -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -VaultName $keyVaultName" $acrInfo = Get-AzContainerRegistry -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $acrName if (!$acrInfo) { Write-Host "Error creating Service Principal" return; } Write-Host $acrInfo.Id $acrUserName = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName ` -Name $acrSPIdName if (!$acrUserName) { Write-Host "Error fetching Service Principal Id" return; } $acrPassword = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName ` -Name $acrSPSecretName if (!$acrPassword) { Write-Host "Error fetching Service Principal Password" return; } $dockerServer = $acrInfo.LoginServer $dockerUserName = $acrUserName.SecretValueText $dockerPassword = $acrPassword.SecretValueText # Switch Cluster context $kbctlContextCommand = "az aks get-credentials --resource-group $resourceGroup --name $clusterName --overwrite-existing --admin" Invoke-Expression -Command $kbctlContextCommand # Docker Login command $dockerLoginCommand = "docker login $dockerServer --username $dockerUserName --password $dockerPassword" Invoke-Expression -Command $dockerLoginCommand # Configure ILB file $ipReplaceCommand = "sed -e 's|<ILB_IP>|$ingControllerIPAddress|' $yamlFilePath/Common/$ingControllerFileName.yaml > $yamlFilePath/Common/tmp.$ingControllerFileName.yaml" Invoke-Expression -Command $ipReplaceCommand # Remove temp ILB file $removeTempFileCommand = "mv $yamlFilePath/Common/tmp.$ingControllerFileName.yaml $yamlFilePath/Common/$ingControllerFileName.yaml" Invoke-Expression -Command $removeTempFileCommand # Create Namespaces # DEV NS $namespaceCommand = "kubectl create ns $devNamespace" Invoke-Expression -Command $namespaceCommand # QA NS $namespaceCommand = "kubectl create ns $qaNamespace" Invoke-Expression -Command $namespaceCommand # nginx NS $nginxNSCommand = "kubectl create namespace $ingControllerNSName" Invoke-Expression -Command $nginxNSCommand # Install nginx as ILB using Helm $nginxILBCommand = "helm install $ingControllerName stable/nginx-ingress --namespace $ingControllerNSName -f $yamlFilePath/Common/$ingControllerFileName.yaml --set controller.replicaCount=2 --set nodeSelector.""""=linux" Invoke-Expression -Command $nginxILBCommand # Install AppGW $networkNames = "-appgwName $appgwName -vnetName $aksVNetName -subnetName $appgwSubnetName" $appgwDeployCommand = "/AppGW/$appgwTemplateFileName.ps1 -rg $resourceGroup -fpath $templatesFolderPath -deployFileName $appgwTemplateFileName -backendIPAddress $ingControllerIPAddress $networkNames" $appgwDeployPath = $templatesFolderPath + $appgwDeployCommand Invoke-Expression -Command $appgwDeployPath # Enable these lines if you want Private Endpoint # Invoke-Expression -Command $acrUpdateNwRulesCommand # $acrAKSPepDeployPath = $setupFolderPath + $acrAKSPepDeployCommand # Invoke-Expression -Command $acrAKSPepDeployPath # $acrAKSPvtLinkDeployPath = $setupFolderPath + $acrAKSPvtLinkDeployCommand # Invoke-Expression -Command $acrAKSPvtLinkDeployPath # $acrDevOpsPepDeployPath = $setupFolderPath + $acrDevOpsPepDeployCommand # Invoke-Expression -Command $acrDevOpsPepDeployPath # $acrDevOpsPvtLinkDeployPath = $setupFolderPath + $acrDevOpsPvtLinkDeployCommand # Invoke-Expression -Command $acrDevOpsPvtLinkDeployPath # Invoke-Expression -Command $kvUpdateNwRulesCommand # $kvDevOpsPepDeployPath = $setupFolderPath + $kvDevOpsPepDeployCommand # Invoke-Expression -Command $kvDevOpsPepDeployPath # $kvDevOpsPvtLinkDeployPath = $setupFolderPath + $kvDevOpsPvtLinkDeployCommand # Invoke-Expression -Command $kvDevOpsPvtLinkDeployPath Write-Host "-----------Post-Config------------"
The script is self explanatory...only thing to note here is the commented out section(s) which are for PrivateLink enablement which is optional
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $secretName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [array] $secretKeys, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [array] $secretValues, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $namespaceName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $isDockerSecret = $false) $index = 0 $secretTokensList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $secretName = "'" + $secretName + "'" $secretNameCommand = "kubectl get secrets -n $namespaceName -o=jsonpath=""{.items[?($secretName)]}""" $existingSecretName = Invoke-Expression -Command $secretNameCommand $existingSecretName = "'" + $existingSecretName + "'" if ($existingSecretName -eq $secretName) { return; } if ($isDockerSecret -eq $true) { foreach($key in $secretKeys) { $tokens = "--" + $key + "=" + $secretValues[$index++] $secretTokensList.Add($tokens) } $secretTokens = $secretTokensList -join " " $dockerSecretCommand = "kubectl create secret docker-registry $secretName $secretTokens -n $namespaceName" Invoke-Expression -Command $dockerSecretCommand } else { foreach($key in $secretKeys) { $tokens = "--from-literal=" + $key + "=" + $secretValues[$index++] $secretTokensList.Add($tokens) } $secretTokens = $secretTokensList -join " " $genericSecretCommand = "kubectl create secret generic $secretName $secretTokens -n $namespaceName" Invoke-Expression -Command $genericSecretCommand }
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $secretName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $namespaceName) $secretName = "'" + $secretName + "'" $secretNameCommand = "kubectl get secrets -n $namespaceName -o=jsonpath=""{.items[?($secretName)]}""" $existingSecretName = Invoke-Expression -Command $secretNameCommand $existingSecretName = "'" + $existingSecretName + "'" if ($existingSecretName -ne $secretName) { return; } $deleteDockerSecretCommand = "kubectl delete secrets/$secretName -n $namespaceName" Invoke-Expression -Command $deleteDockerSecretCommand
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $resourceGroup = "aks-workshop-rg", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $projectName = "aks-workshop", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $clusterName = "aks-workshop-cluster", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $acrName = "akswkshpacr", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $keyVaultName = "aks-workshop-kv", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $aksVNetName = "aks-workshop-vnet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $appgwName = "aks-workshop-appgw", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $subscriptionId = "<subscriptionId>") $aksSPIdName = $clusterName + "-sp-id" $publicIpAddressName = "$appgwName-pip" # $acrPrivateDnsZone = "\/url-687474703a2f2f707269766174654c696e6b2e617a75726563722e696f" # $kvPrivateDnsZone = "\/url-687474703a2f2f707269766174656c696e6b2e7661756c74636f72652e617a7572652e6e6574" $subscriptionCommand = "az account set -s $subscriptionId" $acrAKSPepName = $projectName + "acr-aks-pep" $acrDevOpsPepName = $projectName + "acr-devops-pep" $kvDevOpsPepName = $projectName + "kv-devops-pep" $acrAKSVnetLinkName = $acrAKSPepName + "-link" $acrDevOpsVnetLinkName = $acrDevOpsPepName + "-link" $kvDevOpsVnetLinkName = $kvDevOpsPepName + "-link" # PS Select Subscriotion Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId # CLI Select Subscriotion Invoke-Expression -Command $subscriptionCommand az aks delete --name $clusterName --resource-group $resourceGroup --yes Remove-AzApplicationGateway -Name $appgwName ` -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Force Remove-AzPublicIpAddress -Name $publicIpAddressName ` -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Force $keyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup ` -VaultName $keyVaultName if ($keyVault) { $spAppId = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName ` -Name $aksSPIdName if ($spAppId) { Remove-AzADServicePrincipal ` -ApplicationId $spAppId.SecretValueText -Force } } # Remove-AzPrivateEndpoint -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup ` # -Name $acrAKSPepName -Force # Remove-AzPrivateEndpoint -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup ` # -Name $acrDevOpsPepName -Force # Remove-AzPrivateDnsVirtualNetworkLink ` # -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ZoneName $acrPrivateDnsZone ` # -Name $acrAKSVnetLinkName # Remove-AzPrivateDnsVirtualNetworkLink ` # -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ZoneName $acrPrivateDnsZone ` # -Name $acrDevOpsVnetLinkName # $dnsRecordsList = Get-AzPrivateDnsRecordSet -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup ` # -ZoneName $acrPrivateDnsZone -RecordType "A" # Remove-AzPrivateDnsRecordSet -RecordSet $dnsRecordsList[0] # Remove-AzPrivateDnsRecordSet -RecordSet $dnsRecordsList[1] # Remove-AzPrivateDnsZone -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup ` # -Name $acrPrivateDnsZone # Remove-AzPrivateEndpoint -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup ` # -Name $kvDevOpsPepName -Force # Remove-AzPrivateDnsVirtualNetworkLink ` # -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ZoneName $kvPrivateDnsZone ` # -Name $kvDevOpsVnetLinkName # $dnsRecord = Get-AzPrivateDnsRecordSet -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup ` # -ZoneName $kvPrivateDnsZone -RecordType "A" # Remove-AzPrivateDnsRecordSet -RecordSet $dnsRecord # Remove-AzPrivateDnsZone -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup ` # -Name $kvPrivateDnsZone # Remove-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $aksVNetName ` # -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Force # Remove-AzContainerRegistry -Name $acrName ` # -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup # Remove-AzKeyVault -VaultName $keyVaultName ` # -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Force Write-Host "-----------Remove------------"
Components and User Roles
The MOST important work to be performed by Cluster Admins after the cluster is created.
- Define 3 User groups in Azure AD viz. Cluster Admin, Architect, Developer
- Define Architect Roles in YAML files
- Define Developer Roles in YAML files (Ref:
As you can see from the figure -
- Cluster Admins - have all access to all resources and components within the cluster
- Architect - having less access than CAs - primarily Nodes, Secrets, Network Policies, PVCs, Namespaces, HPAs, CRDs etc.
- Developer - having least access to cluster resources & components - primarily Pods (apps/micro-servies), Deployments, Services, ConfigMaps, Events, Logs etc.
Storage - Persistent Volumes & Volume Claims
An important step for Cluster Admins, post creation of the cluster - define the PersistentVolume(s) for the entire cluster. This can be multiple or single with definite volume quota assigned to this. every application would have q corresponding PVC - Persistent Volume Claim object to request for a Slice from PersistentVolume object.
The purpose for this session is not to discuss PV or PVC in details and assume the reader has a certain level of knowledge on these.(Ref:
Automate Deployment
Let us now see how to do this AKS deployment automated i.e. running through these scripts using Azure DevOps so that the entire creation process becomes automated. The diagram is self-explanatory and one can build the DevOps pipeline quite easily; still let us discuss the salient points from the diagram for easy reference -
- Devops process would run in a Self-hosted agent on Azure Devops -
- The Folder structure described should be followed if you want to run the scripts as-is; else some path references need to be modified
- CI Pipeline is very simple with only two tasks - Copy and Publish of files for the Release pipeline to use
- Release pipelines - This is where the magic is…and one has to understand the flow very carefully
- PreConfig-Infra -
- This pulls the published CI artefact from the last step
- A Manual Verification task would help user to check pre-requisites
- A PowerShell task to run the PreConfig script
- A Manual intervention task with housekeeping job would help user to perform - Checks, Manual additions/changes in the portal etc. before proceeding for the next step
- Setup-Infra -
- A PowerShell task to run the Setup script and create the cluster
- A Manual intervention task with housekeeping job would help user to perform - Saving secured keys in KeyVault etc. before proceeding for the next step
- PostConfig-Infra -
- A PowerShell task to run the PostConfig script and post-provision the cluster
- Nodepool-Config-Infra -
- A PowerShell task to run the NodepoolConfig script and Add/Update/Scale Nodepools in the cluster
- Secrets -
- A series of PowerShell task to perform various security task on the cluster
- Create/Delete Secrets
- Create/Delete Private Endpoints for ACR an KeyVault
- Remove-Infra -
- A PowerShell task to run the Remove script and clean all resources from the cluster
- AKS Docs -
- Azure DevOps -
- ARM template -
- Source -