AWS: AVEVA (Case Study: Use of AWS for Continuous Integration and Delivery of Application)
Before going to forward , first of all we discuss some about cloud.
✦ What is cloud computing ....?
Basically as we see , the term "cloud computing" means availability/accessiability everywhere. As we see in simplest term , it means storing and accessing our data and program over internet instead of our system's hard drive.
✦ What's Importance Of Cloud Computing...?
As we see , Cloud Computing is one of the most flamboyant technological innovation of the 21st century. Here we are probably using cloud computing right now, even we don't know about it. Suppose if you are use an online services to send mails, edit documents, watch movies or TV, listen to music, play games or store pictures and other files, it is likely that cloud computing is making it all possible behind the scenes.
As we most of the cases seen that, like one of the startup company running their program on the top of their own system with some limited resources(RAM/CPU). In case their program goes viral within a day/night/hours and millions of users hitting their site and due to ample/lack of resources their server goes down , site will crashed and goes down , they face down time/server down problem , by the mean time company incurring loss.
Generally Company think, "what to do ,then clients don't face down time/server goes down and program goes running continuously without any issue?"
That time the Cloud Computing Play a important role to solve that specific problem.
► Suppose if we have an idea in mind and due to lack of resources(RAM/CPU) we can't able to deploy it, then that time we can buy resources from cloud and can deploy our program on the top of it.
► We don't want o more invest money in purchasing the hardware from cloud resources . As per our usages cloud resources provides Services like IaaS PaaS, SaaS , Serverless . This services sometimes called "cloud computing stack" because they build on the top of another.
1.IAAS(Infrastructure As A Service): By using this service we can take rent IT infrastructure servers and virtual machines (VMs), storage, networks, operating systems—from a cloud provider on a pay as we go basis.
2. PAAS(Platform As A Service) : This Services provide us on-demand environment for developing, testing, delivering and managing software applications.
3.SAAS(Software As A Service): By using this service cloud providers host and manage the software application and handle any maintenance related to software
Importance of cloud computing:
If we have heavy traffic on our site we can increase our resources and vice versa. Cloud computing gives us the flexibility to work from wherever we want and whenever we want all you require is an internet connection.
2.Auto Updating:
Software updates and upgrades can be a painful thing, cloud computing simplifies it for you as all the software maintenance and upgrades are looked after and regulated by your cloud service provider.
Cloud computing services have a very prompt and customer-centric SLA’s (Service Level Agreements). Cloud Service providers offer up to 99.99% uptimes which ensure continuous flow of business operations and executions.
✦ Types of Cloud Computing:
1.Public Cloud:
Public clouds are owned and operated by a third-party cloud service providers , which deliver their computing resources like servers and storage over the Internet. AWS is an example of a public cloud. With a public cloud, all hardware, software and other supporting infrastructure is owned and managed by the cloud provider.
2.Private Cloud:
A private cloud refers to cloud computing resources used exclusively by a single business or organisation. A private cloud can be physically located on the company’s on-site datacenter. Some companies also pay third-party service providers to host their private cloud.
3.Hybrid Cloud:
Hybrid clouds combine public and private clouds, bound together by technology that allows data and applications to be shared between them. By allowing data and applications to move between private and public clouds, a hybrid cloud gives your business greater flexibility, more deployment options and helps optimise your existing infrastructure, security and compliance.
4.Community Cloud:
A community cloud is a shared between organizations with a common goal or that fit inti a specific community.
Now a days AWS Provides Cloud Computing Service known as "AWS Cloud".
Lets see some interesting statistics about AWS.
► AWS cloud (Amazon Web Services) is one of the most secure cloud platform which provides us compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow and many more features.
► As we see any region technical ,foods,networking,banks and almost each and every sector different organizations uses AWS for develop , depoy , hosting application.
Here are some names of users record publicely by using AWS:
Aon, Adobe, Airbnb, Alcatel-Lucent, AOL, Acquia, AdRoll, AEG, Alert Logic, Autodesk, Bitdefender, BMW, British Gas,Docker etc..... and many more.....
► Big Spenders:
Aws has one compute as a service that provide compute unit(RAM/CPU) for us known as Elastic Compute i.e. EC-2 service. Many of the top companies in world using ec-2 services for providing 24x7 accesiability.
Here are some Top Spender who uses AWS ec2-instance services and pay as usages:
- Netflix: $19 million
- Twitch: $15 million
- LinkedIn: $13 million
- Facebook: $11 million
- Turner Broadcasting: $10 million
- BBC: $9 million
- Baidu: $9 million
- ESPN: $8 million
- Adobe: $8 million
- Twitter: $7 million
► As we see AWS has achieved a big milestone recently. But as we see in market shares AWS currently has a market share of 47.8% in the Infrastructure as a Service sector, along with a share of 25.2% in the Platform as a Service arena.
► AWS Data Centers: Aws have availability across the world wide and privide accessibility anywhere without any latency.
AWS mainly launches 3 availability zone in specific region for many resons like due to any disaster condition one availability zone goes down then it switch another availability zone without any down time . Behind the scenes , aws spread same data in different zones of data centers for future use.
Like in Mumbai (ap-south-1) have 3 Data Centers Az1,Az2,Az3 (ap-south-1a,ap-south-1b,ap-south-1c)
► AWS currently provides “175 featured services from data centres globally”.AWS also operates a large partner network, which is comprised of over 8,000 businesses that can help customers implement and build applications on the platform.
✦ Now Proceed To Case Study of AVEVA:
AVEVA is one of the cloud platform who build Automated CI/CD Pipeline in AWS to Deliver Innovative New SaaS Applications.
AVEVA is one of the comprised of global strategic technology and consulting partners, distributors, product partners, systems integrators, solution providers, and machine builders, the AVEVA Partner Ecosystem represents one of the largest and most active value-adding global networks in the industrial automation market today.
Basically AVEVA provide each service like any other enterpises provides. As we see it is a cloud platform who delivers almost all ther services which makes our future better and handy. Let's see some of the Products of AVEVA Company.
1.AV/VR Immersive Training System.
3. AVEVA APM Assessment
4.AVEVA APM Consulting
5.AVEVA Assembly Planning
Such like provides more services .
➤ Which challenges Faced by AVEVA at the beginning....?
As we see in todays fast moving world every enterprise is keep trying to , how to provide ever-better experience of their product.
According to AVEVA "to increasing market pressure to provide better digital experience for its customer , AVEVA is diversifying its offering by providing Software as a service( SaaS ) solutions."
AVEVA is fully based on SaaS programme, so many of the AVEVA'S applications are being deployed on the top of AWS cloud. By recognizing the need to accelerate and provide expertise in the key area for Continuous Delivery , they faced such a problems.
➤ How AVEVA find solution....?
As we see in what challenges faced by AVEVA at their earlier stage , actually they want continuous Delivery and AWS infrastructure architecture.
After that ,AWS Professional Services team recommended Contino as a trusted Enterprise DevOps partner. Contino’s role was to ensure that AVEVA started with best practices to ensure successful delivery on time and within budget, whilst also building up capability and knowledge within the AVEVA development team.
Contino was engaged with a dual delivery and upskilling approach. This demonstrates that as well as helping clients deliver their most strategic projects, Contino focuses on skills transfer and improving its clients’ DevOps capability.
With this mandate, the Contino team assisted with building the foundations for a continuous delivery pipeline, improved automated deployment mechanisms, and assisted with automating the creation of configuration managed Amazon Machine Images.
Contino provided architectural oversight and guidance for the agile development of the cloud platform, governance and advice on DevOps and AWS security best practices, and helped ensure AWS best practices were applied.
Additionally, Contino provided knowledge and experience with serverless architecture, design and implementation using AWS native resources including AWS Lambda with JavaScript, DynamoDB, API Gateway, SNS, SQS, CloudFormation and CloudFront.
Contino’s knowledge and experience contributed to the development of AVEVA’s cloud platform, which is based on serverless architectures with AWS Lambda.
Contino was able to coach and upskill AVEVA staff to understand each delivered work package so that it can be re-used with other teams. Filmed lunch-and-learn sessions were socialised within AVEVA in order that new technologies like HashiCorp Consul and Vault could be consumed and understood where future needs require them.
➤ Final Result of using Contino's Services:
By using the Contino's engagement,the core development teams of AVEVA get a deeper understanding of microservices,CI/CD pipeline,AWS platform.
By the meantime AVEVA is better placed to bridge the gaps between development and operations and accelerate the future innoviation of their applications and innovation platforms.
Now we can see that AVEVA'S A journey.
Now we can see that AVEVA is one of the most spender on AWS for continuous delivery of their application. As per survey AVEVA yield $766.6 million REVENUE and $33.8 million Net Income.
As we see virtually every business sector is betting big on cloud. 9 out of 10 organizations are using at least one cloud application today.
It is quite evident as according to Forbes “Cloud computing is projected to increase from $67B in 2015 to $162B in 2020 attaining a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19%.” and numbers don’t lie 😊
Thank You For Reading !!!!
Integration Developer @Motorola Solutions | Mulesoft | API Gateways | Finalist Microsft-BIAL Hackathon
4yGood one 👍
DevOps Engineer @Amdocs
4yGreat research ✨
Software Engineer