„The Bad News Bears“ – but this time in water… A journey of inclusion and shared leadership.
Usually, I try to restrict my posts and articles to topics that concern my professional life and I try to post selectively whenever I feel the community can benefit from the content. So, I reflected a long time whether I should post this short article – but the decided to do so.
This journey started amid the pandemic – a hard time for all of us – but for me having practiced competitive sports for almost four decades, closed pools and weightlifting rooms were a nightmare. In the first phase of the lockdown, I somehow figured a way around that with long Yoga sessions, intense trail-running and nighttime skateboarding in parking lots. Nevertheless, after first lockdown I felt it in my bones - I had to get back into the water. Not so easy with all pools being closed and lakes with less than 10°C in spring.
A series of coincidences led to a conversation between Pierre Hilbich (first trainer of the fist team of WSV Vorwärts), Uwe Dessloch (president of the club WSV Vorwärts) and me. After my career in martial arts, I had decided to quit sports in the context of clubs and competition. My focus was on training that keeps me fit for my surfing - pushing my stamina and my flexibility. I participated on certain occasions in triathlon events – but apart from that I shied away from any competitive events. The question came up: could I step in as fitness coach for a water polo team and help them in gaining overall momentum. I had to give this some thoughts before agreeing, but I finally thought this opportunity sounded like a challenge very much to my taste with the benefit of water-time for myself.
But I had to come up with a plan. I wanted the team to accept me as a sportsman and I wanted them to benefit from the experiences I had made during my career in sports and how I had prevented becoming part of the “old iron” myself.
The first three months I decided to take the team´s training routines and to study the motion routines in depth. Goal was to analyze the stress factors that the team was exposed to and also to learn how well the individual players react and regenerate. I also wanted to see how the team interacts and understand their social routines.
Not a big surprise to most of you: Water Polo creates immense stress on the body. I had a hard time in keeping pace with the guys in the water, most of them are more than 30 years younger than me. But I found my place in the water and I also studied carefully (thanks goes to the players for enduring endless questions and comments from my side). Seeing and analyzing the torque forces that the body is exposed to when throwing the ball, or the dynamics and force of the infights completely amazed me – no wonder the guys felt pain and sometimes did not regenerate well. Another important factor for me were the long anaerobic sprints – which were upon an attack usually concluded by a shot on the goal – a true paradigm in stress which must be resolved by the player.
I put a plan together of yoga exercises, functional fitness, and finally mediational exercises with a focus on breath control and mindful breathing and a mindful experience of your body and its reactions and shared it with Pierre. We agreed that the modest concept was, that if we could enable every player to perform 3 to 5% better compared to before, it would have an immense impact on the team performance. Pierre and I integrated the sessions into the training routines, and I had usually some “homework” for our players – and of course homework needs control.
So – when did I get a feel the guys liked it and they could see it had an effect: I had to miss a training session. And guess what: I got complaints for not being there and offering the sessions. That was the point where I knew we were on track.
How did the story go on? As everybody we had to go through the second pandemic winter, but our excellent and strict Corona Management and support by the City of Ludwigshafen allowed us to continue the training efforts. And we started to grow. Not only physically, but also as a team and individuals havening to go through another cancelled season we grew even more together and got more and more hungry for the season after the pandemic.
To make a long story short: it was a magic season that we went through in 2nd league. No games lost in the first half of the season. Only two games lost in the second half. And since end of last week its official: Silver Medal for the team. Points equal with Gold Medalist Bad Cannstatt – Cannstatt beating us with the better goal difference. Why so? Cannstatt had a clear strategy for winning the league – our strategy was averse to it: we wanted to build and sustain the best team and to grow the team responsibly. Give the young players a chance in third and fourth quarter to gather to gain experience and be part of the game, give the experienced players their space to perform and lead the pack. What are the results of this policy? A high performing team acting very respectfully and integrative with each other also making a lasting impression on external parties. A solid list of players from the south-west of Germany is trying to connect to the team to join us. What you need to reflect in this context is that Ludwigshafen was never a “top” team, but rather the “underdog” with the big heart at the right place.
For me this season and the preparational time during the pandemic was an unforgettable journey of shared leadership, diversity and inclusion and creative thinking. Not to forget the benefits of regular physical exercise and focused recreation.
Being still in session, we will enjoy Willersinn Lake at the WSV Club Beach with a great and scenic view of BASF´s Ludwigshafen site.
And finally, why do I put a story like this on linkedin? In writing these lines I asked myself: do we as leaders put the same efforts in our teams to allow every member to improve 3 to 5%? Are we ashamed to study the tasks of our team members in such detail that we can really understand the difficulties? I am not always sure – for myself I think I learned a valuable lesson.
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I tried to make the link to a well-known movie from the seventies. I admit we lack certain characters, others fit quite well.
I thank Uwe Dessloch and Volker Becker as presidents for their support. Thanks goes also to the WSV “Masters”.
Thanks to the team for trust and the will to perform.
Thanks to the City of Luwigshafen for support in tough times.
Thanks to SC Neustadt Waterpolo Club (especially Neustadt 1st squad [of course premier league]) for challenging us in various trial and friendly matches. We especially are happy about how well the relationship with Neustadt has developed.
Thanks goes also to Pierre Hilbich as friend and trainer for the willingness to try something new. And by the way: good luck with your new School. It will be the best in the region – for sure.
Finally: Sponsors welcome!
Here are some impressions of the final match:
For the rest of you: Enjoy the video! And please spend a thought on those who are in fear of their lives and freedom. We all hope that peaceful solutions to mindless conflicts can be realized soon.
Dear Stephan, Many thanks for sharing! Waterpolo is an amazing sport, having almost no age limit. I used to play waterpolo for 25 years (in Russia, France and Belgium), and had to stop due to my EMBA study. We should try to play together one day.
Enthusiast for HR and Finance Transformation | Sales Leader @Workday for Manufacturing and Transportation
2yThank you Stephan for beeing with us over that difficult time during the pandemic and during that great season! You have helped us a lot to understand our own movements and therefore to improve regeneration! I‘m looking forward to our next sessions and our next season!