A Balance Life
How balance do you think your life is at this moment?
Sometimes it can be like we are always in a rush to get results immediately. Why not enjoying each step? – Patience has become one of the most valuable virtues nowadays.
Like William James (father of psychology in America) said once:
"Little by little we build our power"
Why can be so difficult to understand that important things in life requires TIME and EFFORT, and a CHANGE of MINDSET.
And in order to get what we really want we have to be CONSTANT and PATIENT. It´s actually very simple and we all know the reality, but sometimes because of the fast pacing changing world, with the technological advancements and the idea of having instant gratification (with a single Click!), made people FOCUS too much on the RESULTS and not in the PROCESS. And the process, is the JOURNEY we should embrace with LOVE and JOY!
That´s the key I believe, to find the BALANCE in our lives.
What can we do to achieve balance?
In order to find a balance in our lives we need to take care of all areas of our live (professional, personal, spiritual, etc.) and have a clear understanding on where we are and where we want to be. For each of this area that we want to improve, the following 6 steps are helpful to achieve the desired state.
1. Have a clear VISION, direction and purpose – What do you want? Who do you want to be?
2. FOCUS. PRIORITIZE and avoid DISTRACTIONS. We CAN´T do everything! Choose QUALITY over quantity (Pareto Principle, 80-20 rule). Less is more!
3. Have the right MINDSET. This is probably the most critical. We sometimes have too many mental barriers and worries. These can have many roots such as, pressure to succeed, social pressure and conformity, etc. Also, we can dislike the discomfort when going through changes, however as Steve Clarke said
There is no growth in the comfort zone; there is no comfort in the growth zone.
4. ACTION. Just do it! START NOW! Once you have all the above clear, you want to take action and DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. Otherwise, nothing will change. Douglas Horton said:
“Action cures fear and inactions creates terror”
5. Take a break and make sure you schedule time to REST to renovate yourself. Life is not all about doing all the time things and working endlessly.
6. REFLECT and update. How can I do better? What are the lessons learned?
Taking time for self-reflection or getting support from mentors, coaches, etc. can help us evaluate our goals, our mental barriers, and effectiveness, to consider other strategies or tools that could benefit the process to successfully achieve your goals. Experiment and Transform!
“Insanity is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results” Widely credited to Albert Einstein
If you feel that you don´t have control, or could have more balance in your life and want to change things, reflect and ask yourself powerful questions, like How could I be better?
“An unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates
What immediate action can you take to get you a bit closer to your goal? – Get the momentum and let yourself FLOW!
What else do you find useful to find balance in your life?
Share your thoughts and experiences below so we can all grow together.
The goal is to create my own intercultural coaching company.
3yI would like to add, that instant gratification is possible, but not in a usual but personal way. I always tell my costumers, that for every little task they accomplish throughout the day directly afterwards they should be thanking themselves and value that they did it. For people with a lingering and very strong procrastination habit this helps a lot. It will create a good feeling afterwards something you have finished and helps to be positive about your work day.
Pós Graduação em Gestão de Pessoas ( Gestora de Pessoas) | Bacharel em Administração CRA Ativo | Technical Support Analyst Jr na IOB I RH /DP
3yTómate un tiempo solo para ti y trata de evaluar cada momento de la vida. Elija un espacio que brinde reflexión y tranquilidad, como un jardín, un parque o incluso una habitación en su hogar. Guarda silencio y trata de reflexionar sobre todo y sobre todos los que te rodean. Trabaja tu mente para que sea una herramienta capaz de brindar la asistencia necesaria para un mejor discernimiento sobre cada situación, el equilibrio emocional es una búsqueda diaria y continua.
Coaching leaders & entrepreneurs to become holistic high performers.
3ythanks for sharing
Founder, evolution evolution⭐️Coach & Advisor for Leaders on a MISSION in their WORK⭐️Talent, Interview, Hiring Expert⭐️Guy with a Golden Voice: Keynote/Corporate Speaker⭐️Former Priest - say what?!
3yThanks for the opportunity to contribute Yoshi. Simple - create space on my calendar that is blocked off. I thrive on a full schedule of clients, meetings and opportunities to connect. However, I also desire space daily that allows me to "be" in the moment. This is what has sustained a positive balance.
PhD Candidate La Trobe University | Research Assistant
3y“An unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates Yes !! This quote has been and will continue to be a huge motivator for me. It’s so hard to find balance as what is balance for you will be changing constantly. I guess it’s also about having a flexible mindset where you understand nothing is permanent and self awareness to shift when things feel out of whack. It’s like holistic proprioception.