Balanced mind does greatest work

Balanced mind does greatest work

First we need to have a basic understanding of what we are trying to balance and then use this in practice, mind is the consciousness and energy regulator interacting with the brain, body is the brain and body, soul is the source energy that makes up all other energy, space, matter and life. So what we are balancing is really just the consciousness with the whole body, I use mind, body and soul in practice but my internal mantras are about balancing my consciousness with every cell in my body maximising energy efficiency.

A solid spiritual/energy identity is the first step in human self evolution, I share soul the source energy with all life as I bring mind, body and soul into balance and harmony I can feel this connection,This is a folk concept that goes back to ancient Greece. I doesn’t really mean anything, There’s lots of these, “unhinged” and so forth. I think this “balanced” idea refers to affect (emotional) regulation. Parenting that is “good enough” will allow the regulatory networks, especially in the orbital frontal cortex, to process fear and rage, for example, without reaching the hypothalamus and dumping stress hormones into the blood stream, Stress hormones are regulated throughout. the cortex when the amygdala is activated. If the human child is not over=traumatized this system works great and the individual is social, empathetic and calm. (Sometimes said to have high “emotional intelligence”).

The right and left hemispheres can synchronize and cooperate, rather than have a war. The “Balanced mind” is a consequence of adequate mothering, and the “mothering” I refer to is a caretaking experience, not a person, although it usually is the biological mother, but others can contribute, or even substitute. The denial of the importance of parenting is truly tragic. I think what you are trying to say is that you end up doing things that make you regret, or feel incomplete and unsure and anxious in the head? And you are assuming this is so because there’s no balance between the mind and the soul. Well, this is understandable. Whole lot of us are in the same ship with you.

I think we have made mind the master, or if not the master, an equal of the soul —why else would you use the word ‘balance’. But maybe that’s where the problem is. Soul is all powerful and it’s the true thing, mind is lighted by the soul, it has no power of its own, its only a reflection. But we make it seem like mind is independent. We must slowly de-power the mind by directly cutting down ninety percent of useless thinking which is a manifestation of the mind. Once the thinking and thoughts are gone, and we are neither idiots or lazy louts, but simply very pricey about thinking, we experience a freedom through which the soul shines. We must let that happen.

Soul is not visible in a overthinking mind. We should show the mind its place, the place of a servant of the soul. Balance is not the goal, for that would mean mind and soul are equal. They are not, so that would be unfair. We should simply let the master take over and the balance that we need will come by natural process of a master controlling the servant the way he should. When we handover the mind to the mind, we are mentally imbalanced. When we handover the mind to the soul, we are mentally balanced.

Our mind is a combination of both Consciousness and emotion which can also be called “consciousness (singularly) and emotion (duality). To make it simple and easy to grasp let's read below example: When we are in the “present moment of thought” we call it conscious mind, when our mind is trapped in “future and past” we call it emotional mind. Now let us differentiate between week, balanced and strong mind. Week mind: the one who is totally engage and involved in emotional(dual)thought has a week mind. Balanced mind: person who have experienced the state of both “conscious and emotional” thought has a balanced mind.

Strong mind: the one who managed to be always in the present(conscious) state of mind and never gets attracted towards emotional (duality) has achieved the state of bliss and have a strong mind. Thoughts: If you are having negative thoughts in your mind don’t take too seriously about it. Thoughts are just thoughts it’s we (consciously) who decide what is negative and and what is positive. Just let it go and don’t chase the thoughts. Tailor your life: If you are lacking self confidence, you can tailor your life. You can limit your environment to your suiting i.e. temporarily disable Facebook etc. Once you get proficient in your work then expand your environment. Large environment can clog your mind since there is a lot going on. Know what to include in your life and what not to include.

Work: Know whether the instability is from work. If yes, find out what’s causing these issues. It may be your boss, colleagues, environment or traffic. Life: Life is always unpredictable. Don’t take it too seriously enjoy your life equally. Know that ups and downs in life is common. Your friends maybe cheerful today but know that they will also have a tough time in future. Stop comparing yourself to others. Cognitive ease: If your problem is lack of confidence, then you should master your routine. Experience causes cognitive ease which produces confidence. If you know how to do what you do without a single fabric of doubt, then you will have less trouble doing it. Know your daily routine.

Look into the future: Anticipate what is coming and prepare accordingly. Preparation is very much needed and must be practical. It is a direction given to our mind so that it’s ready when the situation arrives. Small things matter: Stop treating things equally. Employ 80/20 principle in your life. Nothing is equal in this world. A small scar on your face can make your day good to worse or reading one good book can give you a edge over your colleagues. Small things can give you great results where as big things may turn out futile. Cheers!

Natasha Patel

Housekeeper on PICU ward



How to achieve balanced mind? How do I know the state of my mind? What is mind?

Deepa Sriram

Learn, Unlearn, Repeat



Abhay Desai

Visiting Faculty--Management & Certified Career Counselor


Brilliant quote kishore.

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