is MR a spending or an investment?
I know that this happens in many sectors because talking to professionals from different fields tell you about it, but I work in market research and for me it is obviously crucial.
It is essential that every organization, public or private, for non-profit or profit, plans and observe the different expenditures parcels -among other considerations- to be viable. Thus, it is fundamental to decide in which resources the organization will spend.
And it is at this point that I allow myself to spin of the "spending" to the "investment" one. In the context of a competitive world where there is not only one but multiple players it is fundamental to know, analyse and position them and ourselves to know where we are to calculate what we have to do to be where we want to be.
And yes: not everything is valid! It is not the same to measure with steps as with a tape measure. A handful is not the same as five units. It is not the same a “we´ll see” a NOW.
Would you define your basis organization strategy from a "we'll see in a handful of steps" or "the five units measured NOW”?
#berelevant #marketresearch #strategy #business #commitment
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