THE BENCH: History lesson in leadership
The BENCH as you know has been with me since 1978, so I can say there is some history in the room, years of working hard, years of actual, and not to be gross, blood, sweat, and tears over those years on that bench but what is history in being a leader? What is it we need to take away when we look at these days and moments of Blood, Sweat, and Tears? LESSONS learned.
I see too many executives and so-called leaders, either living in the past, they had that one moment of success, that one great idea and they linger on it, feel this is it, and never ever try to improve or get better just stand on that one mountain forever. The flip is those that had one failure and now the fear that that might happen again, no way, that MINDSET of paralyzing fear prevents them from ever growing or learning again.
Think about the military, many will learn that the military loves to look at history, why? TO LEARN, epic battles that were won or lost show up in history, these help the leaders of today to grow, avoid a mistake or improve on a plan that was executed in the past, but they do not avoid the battles, they do not avoid stepping back on the field, rather they learn from this and move forward.
FEAR of either failing or even worse fear of change is a company and leader killer. I am at the stage in life where many are saying I need to slow down, I need to rest, I need to? I say, I need to learn new skills, I need to expand my brain and my body to do new and different things, standing still is moving backward and a true leader NEVER EVER does this, CHANGE, failing, OPEN MINDSET all are what YOU must do to grow and as important use HISTORY as a stepping stone to use for new learning, new growing, and your better future.
GO FOR IT! Use history not live in it.