Benefits of Trying Improv
The Pack Theater Hollywood, May 2024

Benefits of Trying Improv

Okay, I know this isn’t a groundbreaking concept (gasp, an non-actor taking Improv classes in LA!) however I believe sharing my own experience could be just the nudge you need to explore something you might be curious about as well. At the beginning of the year I was looking for a new challenge, something to jostle me outside my comfort zone and create an opportunity for growth. I remembered how much I enjoyed this optional Intro to Improv workshop that I took during a work conference last summer and how energized I felt even after that truncated experience.  

So I pushed through my very real discomfort and self doubts and impulsively signed up with a little theater in Hollywood called The Pack Theater.  I just completed 16 weeks of classes and 2 live performances and wanted to share the positive and transformative benefits from this experience that I think translate in any personal or professional setting. 

Here were some of my major takeaways that I found to be advantageous in life and business:  

Teamwork & Emotional Intelligence

This is obvious and goes without saying, but to do Improv effectively requires collaboration with others. However what I found even more surprising was the level of trust and vulnerability it also required, allowing yourself to take big risks and knowing that your teammates would have your back. Watching others also be so vulnerable in that situation naturally encourages empathy and forces you to pay close attention to social cues and respond appropriately. 


Another obvious but essential skill you strengthen is communication, but not just with speaking in public. There’s a huge emphasis in Improv on active listening, not only while in the scene but while on the backline waiting to join. This is due to the fast pace, ever evolving nature of the storyline and the need to generate ideas quickly and pivot on a dime. Additionally you must be clear and concise when presenting your new scene/character/whatever so that everyone is able to respond to that prompt accordingly.

Adaptability & Letting Go

This actually might have been the easiest thing for me to do, given how adaptable I am in my day to day.  But for anyone who feels they get fixated on a particular outcome or can’t handle unexpected or unplanned events in life, this could definitely help. Through Improv, you learn to embrace uncertainty and navigate unexpected challenges by responding spontaneously and pivoting immediately when prompted.  Had a super funny character idea you want to play?! Well too bad that’s not the scene anymore, so kill it, and quickly think of something else on the spot!! 


Can I just emphasize how much FUN it was (after the nerves settled and I got comfy with my group of course) to have three hours a week set aside for adult imagination playtime?! No expectations, no consequences, no grades, no client approvals… It was incredibly liberating! Granted I’d leave every class mentally (and sometimes physically) exhausted, but found this resulted in me thinking more creatively and sharing new ideas more freely throughout the work week.


Finally, nothing builds confidence more than doing something new, and with Improv you are literally creating something brand new every time you step out on that stage.  The simple act of just going up there and trying something, whether it lands a big laugh or fails miserably, strengthens a confidence in yourself and what you can actually handle- which you start to realize is anything.  

Through this experience I was able to hone in and enhance the skills I had already processed while also discovering new areas of growth in a fun and playful environment. So now that classes are done, I’m not sure if I’ll continue but regardless am so happy that I decided to face my fears and try something that simultaneously excited and scared me!  I would encourage that if you have even the slightest interest in trying Improv you should do it- I promise you won’t regret it!

The Pack Theater 1078 Lillian Way, Los Angeles, CA 90038

Amy Evans

Content Marketer and Copywriter | Brand Strategy | B2B & SaaS


I love improv--it's weirdly taught me a lot in my professional life as well!

Madelyn Shaughnessy

Sales Director @BoomPop 🚀


I love this!!!!!! 🥰

Eric Wartman

Meta Reality Labs - Global Lead Field Sales




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