The Best Business Analysis Books You Must Not Miss
Confucius once said, "No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance."
This is very true for a business analyst. Business analysts must stay up to date with what’s happening in the world of business and technology. They must constantly learn new ways of handling current day-to-day issues or challenges.
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BA Technique - Stakeholder Interview
Stakeholder interviews are one of the most popular techniques business analysts use to verify facts, clarify ambiguity, trigger enthusiasm, engage end-users, identify requirements and solicit opinions and ideas. It is the most common form of the Elicitation Technique.
Check out the video where our expert talks about Stakeholder Interviews ...
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The SMART Approach to Cracking IIBA-CBDA on The First Attempt
Gain excellent practical knowledge of the business data analytics concepts to ace your IIBA®-CBDA certification exam on the first attempt.
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Mental toughness gives you the critical edge that distinguishes you from your peers, places you as a leader, enabling you to perform consistently better at work, and remain driven, confident, and cool under pressure.
Adaptive's Gift for Business Analysts
This eBook will provide you with in-depth information on BA Principles, Tasks, Techniques, Salaries, Certifications, and a lot more...
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