Best Performers Have Great Coaches
Written by Kristen O'Shea & Trey Burton
I remember as a young kid I wanted to learn how to play tennis. I finally convinced my mom to let me attend an all-day camp the high school coach put on each summer. I learned a few basics by attending and I kept playing with my neighborhood friend in the driveway but I didn’t get much better. It wasn’t until I joined the high school team and worked with the coach on a regular basis that I started to really improve. I not only improved but I had more success and more fun. There was a direct correlation between the success I had on the court to the amount of coaching I received. The same thing happened when I tried to teach myself to play the piano. We often think about these external talents and working with a coach, but we don’t very often think about working with a coach to improve our internal talents. One-day conferences are a lot like the one-day tennis camp I attended. There is a great introduction to basic concepts, but it is only through coaching that behaviors change and there is a lasting impact on our success.
I have seen this happen in my professional life too. I was able to grow as a leader through the regular coaching I received and witnessed positive development in the people I have coached. Let’s walk through the steps of working with a coach. First off the client has a desired outcome or goal in mind. Then the coach provides the following:
Clarify desired outcomes and challenges
We need to recognize that in some ways we are like a fish that doesn’t see the water. We seldom pause to reflect on what is right in front of us that needs our time, attention, and energy. Whether it be to bring focus to our desired goal or analyzing the various paths we have to choose from, a coach can help us arrive at the best possible options. A coach can help refine and narrow the scope for us and the team. The unmanageable becomes manageable once it is clearly known and understood.
Increase self-awareness to understand and manage strengths, triggers, vulnerabilities, motivations, values, etc. by digging deep
A coach can be the difference from hoping things get better to actually making them better once they help move the unconscious to the conscious. As Dolly Parton said, “find out who you are and do it on purpose.”
Connect Strengths to Success
Reflect on past successes to understand your use of strengths and start doing more of what you do best
Awareness of your strengths is the beginning of leveraging them in a meaningful way. Analyzing the ingredients of our past success allows us to willfully bring everything together to maximize the chances of success moving forward. Once the recipe is known, we can, with intention and purpose start doing what we do best with ease, enjoyment, and excellence to the benefit of others.
Customized Tools
Personalized tools and exercises are provided to practice
There are lots of books, tips, and exercises about growth and development out there. But much like a personal trainer, you need to be working out the areas most pertinent to your unique needs. A coach will actively listen and understand to then introduce just the right tools.
Re-frame unhelpful habits
Whether thinking or behavioral patterns, working to creatively and strategically move off auto-pilot to intentional and positive thinking and behaving
Repetition often creates habits - both good and bad. A coach can observe what patterns we may be unaware of then re-frame them to help us see differently.
Stick-to-it processes and structure to reach goals
Bob Proctor said, “accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.” Coaches are well-positioned to encourage dedication to a process and plan for accomplishing the intended goal. Research has demonstrated that accountability dramatically increases the chance of achieving desired results.
Increase confidence to move forward and make progress
Coaches can help create an environment where confidence grows. They can help enhance a culture where people can display an experimental attitude as they explore and expose thought patterns keeping them in fear. Realistic and humble confidence is a powerful element of meaningful growth.
O’Shea Strengths Coaching strives to be great facilitators, listeners and communicators, while using our positive energy, motivation, and inspiration to help our clients see a new perspective and successfully achieve their goals.
Article Written by Trey Burton and Kristen O’Shea
Reach out to Trey or Kristen for coaching at, or