A Big Artistic Favour
Dear Friends
I have a really, really big favor to ask. Four, actually (!)
Here is a a photo. It shows 93 artistic care packages put together by a professional artist to give to the emergency food hamper program. This man makes his living from art.
Get this: He gave away ALL HIS ART SUPPLIES.
He sent me this photo this morning and said:
"That took a bit of thinking of how to help. I kept thinking of the students I would of been working with, and began missing them. I was once told by my artist mentor: "Lets make this world a beautiful place to live" by sharing the knowledge through art and always give, help, and support the young generation. He did this for me, I was a recipient of HIS own art supplies, stuff he used! So, I always pay it forward and always encourage art as a way of life."
The second photo is one of 10 coloring book drawings created by another artist friend who is homeless. He wants to photocopy his drawings and give them to the kids and parents in the shelters. Can we make his beautiful dream come true?
So I would like to humbly ask you to:
1) Donate any extra art supplies you have
2) Please ask your friends to do the same
3) Drop the art supplies off (please message me for coordinates)
4) If you have money (any amount helps), you can donate towards photocopying a coloring book for children at shelters during this time. Do we all have $10 to spare? Please email it to me at annagarleff@gmail.com with the password:
I will take on the job of getting the packages to the artist for the emergency shelters - and arranging for the drawings to be copied, and made into coloring books, so that the other artist can distribute them to the kids in the shelters.
Please feel free to forward/ share/repost this article. If you are too far away for a drop-off, please consider donating to the colouring book fund. Kids in shelters are having a particularly hard time right now.
I know we can make a big impact.
With many thanks, blessings on your day, and healing energy for body, brain, and spirit during this difficult time. Thank you for helping.
🧡Anna Garleff