Biggest mistake when wishing for more
Lead consciously #105. by Executive Coach Claudia Nuss lead consciously.
This time: the desire for more or having even less
Gerald S., CEO of a small company, urgently wants MORE:
He feels he has not enough customers, not enough income, not enough profit, NO financial security, no...
With every new rise in prices, desperation increases as to how things can continue.
With this despair, over too little, he radiates lack - in all directions!
There is a high probability that this will increase even further.
Have you realized what your desperate thoughts are doing?
Creating even more desperation.
Martina N., has improved her business figures since the beginning of the year. She is happy about every purchase, no matter how small, in her shop.
Last week she took the time to list everything she has and how RICH she is.
With her positive, confident attitude, she was open to talks, to new things, to plans. She was so inspired that she started a list of 50 ideas to increase sales, which she's now executing one step at a time, celebrating each success.
When you're feeling so stressed that your existential fears keep coming back and getting stronger by the day, then the spiked beta waves in the brain amplify. In this state, the tunnel vision increases more and more. Your perception is limited, you can then often only focus on one thing, in this case your existential fears. How will you be able to pay the next bill?
That is understandable.
In this state, the head usually feels separated from the body, a feeling that I'm "beyond myself".
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1. Get some exercise in nature. Go for a walk. This will ground you again, get you out of your head and into your body.
2. Fill your fridge, this also creates a feeling of fullness and security.
3. Become aware of everything you have, a roof over your head, a warm bed, your health,
4. Be glad (and thankful) for everything you have.
5. Look at other entrepreneurs who are successfully taking advantage of opportunities.
6. Have lots of conversations and exchange ideas with other confident people.
7. Find inspiration for next steps.
8. Exude happiness. (The situation may not be ideal, but it could be a lot worse!)
9. In this - more relaxed - way, the probability that you are open to new opportunities increases - disproportionately.
Feel your confidence soar and empower you to take action!
Share in the comments what your first steps are: moving from despair to confidence.
Claudia Nuss is an author, executive coach and keynote speaker. As a strategist and mental trainer, Nuss helps executives achieve personal bests, leading to excellent results up to the corporate level.
After more than 15 years in management positions in the field of strategic corporate management, she founded her own company in 2011.
She studied at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and completed a semester abroad at the University of California in Berkeley.
Funded by the Vienna Business Agency. A fund of the City of Vienna.