Book Byte #19: The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd

Book Byte #19: The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd

Imagining a New Story For Work and Life

Special Editor’s Note: This Author and this Book have had a real impact on my life, more than most of the other books I’ve reviewed. I deeply feel that for me, personally, and many others, it’s a book we would all have written for ourselves given enough time. Very rarely have I been so impacted by a book that I scour everything the Author offers in continuation because I feel such a connection to him and want to listen to everything he has to say from now on.

He is giving away a Digital Copy of his Book for Free, I suggest you take this opportunity to download it and read it when you have a quiet moment. It will certainly have an impact on you if you’ve had the same feeling as we have; like you were meant for something more than where your current career trajectory is taking you.

Download the Entire Book for Free Here:

📣 Curious Quotes from the Author:

“This is what the pathless path is all about. It’s having the courage to walk away from an identity that seems to make sense in the context of the default path in order to aspire towards things you don’t understand. It’s to experiment in new ways, to remix your own path, to develop your own personal definition of freedom, and to dare to have faith that it will be okay, no matter how much skepticism, insecurity, or fear you face.”

“Your life is too short and too valuable to fritter away in work. If you don’t get out now, you may end up like the frog that is placed in a pot of fresh water on the stove. As the temperature is gradually increased, the frog feels restless and uncomfortable, but not uncomfortable enough to jump out. Without being aware that a change is taking place, he is gradually lulled into unconsciousness. Much the same thing happens when you take a person and put him in a job which he does not like. He gets irritable in his groove. His duties soon become a monotonous routine that slowly dulls his senses. As I walk into offices, through factories and stores, I often find myself looking into the expressionless faces of people going through mechanical motions. They are people whose minds are stunned and slowly dying.”

“The pathless path is an alternative to the default path. It is an embrace of uncertainty and discomfort. It’s a call to adventure in a world that tells us to conform. For me, it’s also a gentle reminder to laugh when things feel out of control and trusting that an uncertain future is not a problem to be solved.”

“To her, the “best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.”

“Enough is the antithesis of unchecked growth because growth encourages mindless consumption and enough requires constant questioning and awareness. Enough is when we reach the upper bound of what’s required. Enough revenue means our business is profitable and can support however many employees/freelancers we have, even if it’s just one person. Enough income means we can live our lives with a bit of financial ease, and put something away for later. Enough means our families are fed, have roofs over their heads and their futures are considered. Enough stuff means we have what we need to live our lives without excess”

“Enough is knowing that no amount in my bank account will ever satisfy my deepest fears. It’s knowing that I have enough friends that would gladly open their door and share a meal if I was ever in need. It’s the feeling that I’ve been able to spend my time over an extended stretch of time working on projects that are meaningful to me, helping people with a spirit of generosity, and having enough space and time in my life to stay energized to keep doing this over the long‑term. Enough is seeing a clear opportunity that will increase my earnings in the short‑term, but knowing that saying “no” will open me up to things that might be even more valuable in ways that are hard to understand. Enough is knowing that the clothes, a fancy meal, or latest gadget will not make me happier, but also that buying such things won’t mean I’m going to end up broke. Enough is having meaningful conversations with people that inspire me, people that I love, or people that support me.”

“I have a suspicion that a whole bunch of energy will get unlocked. I’ll just start doing things, and creating things and talking to people, and going to places…that I cannot fundamentally imagine right now, and it will be that stuff that shapes my life going forward…I am curious what else will show up.”

“You cannot create a piece of art merely for money. Doing it as part of commerce so denudes art of wonder that it ceases to be art.”

“The comfort we feel when we do what is expected keeps us from developing the skills we need to face uncertainty.”

“Only by taking action do we learn and only by learning do we discover what we want.”

“The word burnout was coined in the 1970s by Herbert Freudenberger, an American psychologist who studied workers in free health clinics. He found that the prime candidates for burnout were those who were “dedicated and committed,” trying to balance their need to give, to please others, and to work hard. He noticed that when there was added pressure from superiors, people often hit a breaking point.

“The philosopher Andrew Taggart believes that crisis moments lead to “existential openings” that force us to grapple with the deepest questions about life. He argues there are two typical ways this happens. One is the “way of loss,” when things that matter are taken from us, such as loved ones, our health, or a job. The other path is the “way of wonderment,” when we are faced with moments of undeniable awe and inspiration.”

“After returning to work, I felt like I had gone through a major transformation, but to my colleagues, I appeared back to normal. I was physically present but detached. Rather than participating in meetings as a good team member, I observed them as a visiting anthropologist. I saw my colleagues with new eyes. Are they happy? What kind of pain or challenges are they dealing with? Is this how they want to be spending their time?”

“The longer we spend on a path that isn’t ours, the longer it takes to move towards a path that is.”

📚 Cognition of the Book’s Big Idea:

The Pathless Path is a Memoir of a typical Millenial Guy who did the things his generation was taught to do. He went to College, Graduated in a Business type Major, and went on to work at a Top 4 Consulting Firm. He did everything he was supposed to and was rewarded for it. But after burning out from overwork, he came down with a pretty significant illness and was forced to take a break from consulting for a while.

As the events of his life progressed, he began seeing everything in a different light. He noticed the consultant industry was full of people going through the motions and set processes of standard business practices-. Most were unhappy, the rest were burnt out in their minds but their bodies had no clue, they just kept dredging on.

Eventually, he would decide to save up a sufficient amount of money to travel and figure out his next move. Except that the next move never came, at least not in a corporate environment. His journey and self-discovery led him to meet amazing people, write this book, and survive on what he could muster as a freelancer whenever he would allow himself time. Reading the book is a must, this review won’t do it justice. So I highly recommend you read his story in his own words. You won’t regret it.

🛠️Fixing the Tech Industry

The Notion that everyone has a calling is something near and dear to me. We are always meant for more growth, in everything we do. However, we can become easily complacent in our Jobs. After 2 Years, most people will master any job they’ve done for that long. It’s after that event that you become comfortable with your life and job and salary that you stop growing and move into mindful retirement.

You stop volunteering for projects, you stop mentoring other people, and you stop growing in your position. This is a dangerous time for you, you feel the feeling like something needs to change, but if you become comfortable enough, your Monkey Brain throws out the need for risk-taking and lulls you into complacency, just like the frog in the hot water in the story. A Growth Mindset is the only real way to fix this.

Sure you can quit your job and travel the world like the Author did, but a lot of us have families and it becomes extra hard to do that with a Mortgage you can’t get rid of and a Family used to certain comforts. The important thing to do in that situation is to find something you can do and do it for yourself. Create Art, Write a Book, or do something so out of the norm for you that it launches you past the starting line and into the unknown. You’ll never know what you are capable of if you don’t jump out of that warm water pot and into the open fields of your curiosity.

🤝 Collaborate with others with this Social Media Prompt:

What is one thing you can do to make it so others you work with don’t get lulled into a sense of safety in their careers? If an Employee is doing everything right in his job but you can tell is miserable, how would you handle that? Would you let it go on for 4, 5, 6 years? This is a silent epidemic in the workplace today, do you want to help put a stop to it or continue to contribute to it?

A Large Part of why I run this Community is because of Paul and the big idea of his book of creating your own path to live life. If you can relate, please consider supporting us with a Premium Subscription to our Newsletter.

It would mean the world to me to know that my writing and book reviews have real value to you. If they can be improved somehow, DM Me! I'd love to hear from you!

I promise I’ll do everything I can to continue on this path of helping you discover these books that have helped inspire so many individuals to improve themselves.

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