Book Excerpt - Science of Selenium - Ch-9 Advanced Features of Selenium Using Java & Python
Dear All
Using this forum to share some excerpts to raise the interest levels of the book I wrote and published through BPB Publications. I will share some excerpts every week to get your inputs and suggestions for future work.
This week, I am focusing on the Chapter - 9 Advanced Features of Selenium Using Java & Python. This covers the following aspects
Table of Contents
Chapter 9 Advanced Features of Selenium Using Java and Python
“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of meeting the schedule has been forgotten.” - Anonymous
Some of the core features of Selenium used by most of the automation projects include Page Object Model, File Handling, Reporting, Database interactions and continuous integration using CI/CD pipeline tools. It is very important to know about these concepts. This chapter covers advanced Selenium concepts such as advanced features of Page Object Model (POM), Reading and Writing Files, XLS, CSV, Reporting, Use of Object Repository, Integration with Jenkins, GitHub, Maven, and Database connectivity using examples in Java and Python.
We will look at the following concepts to test the automation knowledge; and leverage content as a reference and tips to be followed. These include coverage on the following topics.
- Test Automation Approach
- Page Object Model Features
- File Handling Reporting
- Database Management and Connectivity
- Integration with Jenkins, GitHub, and Maven
Understand the concepts outlined as per the objectives and be in a position to handle POM, file and database handlers and use the packages to produce meaningful reports using Python and Java programming examples in Selenium.
Page Object Model
One of the great features of Selenium web automation is the use of a very solid object-oriented design pattern – the Page Object Model (POM). With the use of the POM, it is very easy to maintain the code and reduce the amount of effort required to do efficient automation. The POM is an object created at each web page level that is utilized like a design of the page pattern. In other words, the Page Object of a page acts as an interface to the web page you are automating with. Typically, a POM is extended to a PageFactory and all the pages of an application can be built, maintained, and managed in a simple and an easy-to-understand manner. A Page Object Model is the easiest way to replicate a complex web application easily. POMs become very handy when a very large application with hundreds of pages needs to be automated. With a traditional way of linear or record-and-playback automation, the overall effort needed to automate is exhaustive. The effort needed to maintain and manage changes will be exorbitant. Using the POM is also a good way to write test cases in a business-relevant language. This is possible using frameworks such as Cucumber and other ATDD frameworks available. It is also easier to segregate the logic between the automated test cases and the actual code that is being automated. This segregation is very important as the scripts can be built into an object repository that can be referred to across the automation suite. This gives a good maintainability capability as well. A Page Factory is an extension of a Page Object and uses implicit
@FindBy() instead to define the FindElement or FindElements methods using the By() methods in a Page Object without a Page Factory. It also allows caching of the web elements, it can be very useful in automating applications with an exhaustive set of pages, and hundreds of webelements as the cached search is a lot quicker than a non-cached one that is typically used in a Page Object.
A Page Object Model Design Pattern consists of two key components. First, a page class that covers the page is tested and then, a test case class is used to invoke the POM and test the functionality. The web element locators and the test scripts using the POM and the web elements are stored and run separately. Let us see this in a simple diagram as follows:
As you can see in the preceding diagram, with the use of the design patterns and modular design, we will be able to build a lot simpler application automation design. Let us see some of the examples to understand how we can design a Page Object Model framework using Java and Python, to begin with.
Page Object Model using Python
In the second example, we will use a website similar to a B2B/B2C style web application that corresponds to most of the application. We have taken two core Page Object Models: one for the landing page and the other for a user administration page. We have identified a couple of more pages to be a part of the POM as well. For utility, we have built a few functions that can be helpful for the application. Let us see how the POM works in Python with this example:
- Orange HRM Landing Page -
- Orange HRM – User Addition / Registration Page
Page Object Classes
- Orange_HRM HomePage -
- Orange_HRM User Registration page -
- – User Search POM for searching users before registering
- – A POM for a user name search on the registration page
Test Classes / Utils
- Locators.Py – Locator class that holds all the Web Element Locator definitions
- – Definition of Utils classes for starting and closing of the POM objects
- – Utility class for taking screenshots as evidence
- – Test class to run the Page Object Model for Home POM created
- test_OrangeHRM_RegistrationPage. py – Test class to run the Page Object Model for user registration POM created
Let us see the flow of the programs.
Firstly, we need to define the locators for various web elements we will be using in the program. This can be identified by clicking on the web element, right clicking and inspecting it or using Chrome or Firefox extensions to get various types of locators such as CSS, XPATH, and ID to identify the locators. As a recommendation, one can use Firefox developer tools at bare minimum or good extensions such as firepath or Ranorex to get the locators.
The idea of the Locators class is to get all the locators for various pages in the OrangeHRM application and use them in the POMs for various pages. This is used commonly with the Locator identifier. The definition of Find By will be implemented during the locator usage. We can use a naming convention such as _xp or _css or
_id to indicate the locator type as well.
Some of the code used for POM example in Python =========== =========== class Locators(object): # #home page locator logo = '//*[@id="divLogo"]/img' user_name = '//*[@id="txtUsername"]' password = '//*[@id="txtPassword"]' login = '//*[@id="btnLogin"]' forgot_pass = '//*[@id="forgotPasswordLink"]/a' forgot_pass_xp = '//*[@id="forgotPasswordLink"]/a' # #User Management Locators user_admin = '//*[@id="menu_admin_viewSystemUsers"]' user_admin_menu = '#menu_admin_viewAdminModule > b' user_admin_mgmt = 'menu_admin_UserManagement' user_add_user = '//*[@id="btnAdd"]' user_search_field = '//*[@id="searchSystemUser_userName"]' user_search_button = '//*[@id="searchBtn"]' # # Add User page locator user_role_role ='//select[@id="systemUser_userType"]' employee_name = 'systemUser_employeeName_empName' user_name_log = '//*[@id="systemUser_userName"]' #JohnSmith user_status = '//select[@id="systemUser_status"]' user_password = '//*[@id="systemUser_password"]' user_password_conf = '//*[@id="systemUser_confirmPassword"]' save_user_button = '//*[@id="btnSave"]' cancel_user_button = '//*[@id="btnCancel"]' =========== =========== from import By from Locators import Locators class Home(object): def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver self.logo = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.logo) self.user_name = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.user_name) self.password = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.password) self.login = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.login) self.forgot_pass = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.forgot_pass) def getLogo(self): return self.logo def getUserName(self): return self.user_name def getPassword(self): return self.password def getLogin(self): return self.login def getForgotPass(self): return self.forgot_pass def setUserName(self,uName): self.user_name.clear() self.user_name.send_keys(uName) def setPassword(self,pwd): self.password.clear() self.password.send_keys(pwd) def clickLogin(self): def clickForgotPass(self):
================== ================== import unittest import datetime from selenium import webdriver class POMExampleSetup(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.driver = webdriver.Chrome("c:\\Selenium\\chromedriver.exe") print("**************************************************************") print ("Starting Execution at :"+str( print("**************************************************************") self.driver.implicitly_wait(20) self.driver.maximize_window() def tearDown(self): if (self.driver!=None): self.driver.close() self.driver.quit() print("**************************************************************") print("Run Completed at :" + str( print("**************************************************************") ================= =================
from import By from import Select from HomePage import Home from Locators import Locators class Register(object): def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver # registration page locators defining , you can directly call the WebElement from here self.user_admin_menu = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, Locators.user_admin_menu) print("self.user_admin_menu") self.user_admin_mgmt = driver.find_element(By.ID, Locators.user_admin_mgmt) print("self.user_admin_mgmt") self.user_admin = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.user_admin) self.user_add_user = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.user_add_user) self.user_search_field = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.user_search_field) self.user_search_button = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.user_search_button) print("user_search_button") # self.user_role_role = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.user_role_role) print("user_role") print(self.driver.current_url) self.employee_name = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.employee_name) print("employee_name") self.user_name_log = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.user_name_log) self.user_status = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.user_status) self.user_password = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.user_password) print("self.user_password") self.user_password_conf = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.user_password_conf) self.save_user_button = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.save_user_button) self.cancel_user_button = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, Locators.cancel_user_button) print("all initialization done") #you can return WebElement from method and call it also, and useful method with parameter you define here # def getUser_role(self): # return self.user_role_role def setUserSearch(self,userName): self.user_search_field.clear() self.user_search_field.send_keys(userName) def setEmpName(self,eName): self.employee_name.clear() self.employee_name.send_keys(eName) def setUserNameLog(self,uName): self.user_name_log.clear() self.user_name_log.send_keys(uName) # def setUser_role(self): # self.user_role_role.select_by_visible_text('ESS') def setStatus(self, UserStatus): self.user_status.clear() self.user_status.send_keys(UserStatus) def setPassword(self, pwd): self.user_password.clear() self.user_password.send_keys(pwd) def setConfirmPassword(self, pwd): self.user_password_conf.clear() self.user_password_conf.send_keys(pwd) def submitRegistration(self): def submitUserSearch(self): def clickAddUser(self): def clickUserAdminMgmt(self): def clickUserAdminMenu(self): def clickUserAdmin(self):
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment /Continuous Testing with Selenium
DevOps is a very popular word these days; thanks to the growth in rapid delivery cycles and rapid code development practiced by innovative organizations. As a result, the continuous development, integration, build, deployment, and real-time testing is a very important for all innovative teams focusing on leveraging excellence through automation.
Let us see how we can leverage some of the leading tools available for CI/CD and DevOps using Selenium. One of the examples of how DevOps gets into the mix with Selenium can be seen in the following diagram:
The success of Selenium is largely driven by the flexibility it offers to deliver CI/ CD test automation for firms requiring to test applications continuously using an automation pipeline. There are quite a few applications available to do this. However, in a simple example for representation, let us take Jenkins, TestNG, Selenium, Maven, GitHub, and JIRA for the representation of continuous testing need. All the applications are open source and free to download and use.
In the preceding example, we can use Jenkins to do the following:
- Check for the new code check-ins to the software configuration management tool such as GitHub, Git, Subversion or any commercial tool.
- Kickoff automated build and test scripts based on a trigger or at a scheduled time.
- Kick off the build management tool Maven or any other tool such as Gradle, Ant or Bamboo to run builds automatically.
- Run test suite defined by TestNG and produces reports, updates the test management tool such as Microfocus ALM or JIRA by updating the test status and defect status.
- Act as a continuous feedback management tool by integrating with a tool such as Slack or connecting with a Bot monitored by the developers to update about the status of broadcasting to a developer community in an automated fashion.
All the end-to-end pipeline tools are easy to configure in the form of simple XML tags that are self-explanatory in a simple English language. This makes the process very smooth and effective overall. Maven itself runs on a POM.xml file that is driven by a Project Object Model (not page object model though) that modularizes the entire project management process by compartmentalizing it; just like we do with the Page Object Model examples we saw earlier in the chapter.
Overall, with the end-to-end automation pipeline integration, the ease of software development lifecycles improve by many notches. Selenium plays a major role by automating the test validation based on a trigger. Without this end-to-end pipeline automation, the software development lifecycle may take ages to complete.
In this chapter, we covered the advanced concepts used for building a test automation framework. To build a solid data-driven or a hybrid automation framework, we need to leverage advanced concepts available in the programming language of choice. We covered the key concepts such as Page Object Model, File handling, Database Handling, and how to do Reporting in Selenium. There are many concepts available across the languages available for building a Selenium-based automation framework that could be handy such as Lambda functions and regular expressions in Python to Domain-specific language using Cucumber for an implementation of a Behavior- driven Development for test automation. In the next chapter, we willbroach into another important feature of Selenium that made it so popular with automation testers today. Cross-Browser and Cross-Platform Testing is very important to validate the working of a web or a mobile application as it can be used across a myriad of choices. One of the strong points of Selenium is the ability to do this effectively. Let us see this in detail in the next chapter.
- What is a Page Object Model?
- What are the benefits of using a Page Object Model?
- What is the difference between a Page Class and PageFactory class in a Page Object Model?
- What are the differences in Page Object Models across programming languages supported by Selenium?
- How will you handle a Properties file using Selenium? Where will you be using a Properties file?
- How will you implement a data-driven testing framework in Selenium using an Excel-based data setup?
- What are the benefits and disadvantages of using a Comma Separated Values file and an Excel file when it comes to data-driven testing in Selenium? Which one would you use?
- Can you explain how a database can be accessed in a Selenium Web Driver Program? What are some of the benefits of using a database for your selenium automation?
- Given a choice for a data setup for your automation, what would be your choice: CSV Vs XLS Vs Database? Why would you choose your choice?
- What are the reporting choices you have for your Selenium Tests?
- What are some of the challenges while using the basic library available in Selenium for reporting and debugging? What would be your approach?
- What are the benefits of using TestNG with a Selenium program?
- What are some of the features available in TestNG that can be used for running different types of tests while using a tool such as Maven or Jenkins?
- What are some of the CI/CD tools you can use with Selenium for running a DevOps Model?
- What are some of the monitoring tools that you can use for a Selenium-based DevOps Model?
- What are some of the Deployment tools for Continuous Deployment that can be used along with Selenium?
Hope you enjoyed the excerpts from Chapter-9. What are your comments?
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4yIshan Ranjan
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4yI've been thinking of posting an excerpt from my book. Maybe I will.
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4yAwesome share my friend 👏👏Kalilur Rahman
Selfless Service With Smile (SSS) MBA (Information System Management), ITIL 4
4yExcellent and very informative Kalilur Rahman 🙏
I Help Brands Stand Out by Creating Awareness, Visibility, and Lasting Presence to Drive Growth
4yCongratulations dear Kalilur Rahman I wish you all the best 🍀