Brain Health & Polyphenols
As we age, we lose neurons and experience brain shrinkage. This brain atrophy can lead to cognitive decline. Research indicates that brain atrophy and cognitive impairment is associated with inflammation, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Researchers were interested in weight loss interventions and brain health.
Researchers divided 224 participants with abdominal obesity into 3 groups: a control group; a calorie restricted Mediterranean (MED) Diet; and a calorie restricted MED Green Diet. The calories were limited to 1800 for men and 1400 for women. The MED Diet group limited simple carbohydrates, was high in vegetables, and included fish and poultry, rather than lamb and beef. The Green MED Diet added polyphenols, with consumption of 3-4 cups of green tea and a green shake with Mankai daily. Both MED Diets included daily walnuts (1/8 cup). Participants consumed these diets for 18 months.
The MRI brain scans revealed that participants with lower blood sugar (HbA1c), insulin, blood pressure, and weight exhibited younger anatomical brain age than expected, given the participant’s chronological age. The most significant beneficial change in brain age was improving glycemic control. “Younger brain age was driven by greater consumption of high polyphenols: green tea and Mankai.”
Previous research by this team demonstrated that Mankai improves glucose metabolism. Researchers believe that age-related neurodegeneration was improved in the MED Green Diet participants by the polyphenols in Mankia and green tea. Prior research demonstrated that polyphenols reduce inflammation in the brain and improve the birth of new brain cells in the memory-processing hippocampus. Green tea also improves cardiometabolic health, weight management, and cognitive function.
Mankai is an aquatic plant, also known as duckweed or watermeal, and a strain of Wolffia globosa. It provides vitamin B12 (rarely found in plants), highly bioavailable iron, and a complete protein (all 9 essential amino acids). It is available in powder or frozen cubes, which can be added to smoothies and soups.
Takeaway: To positively impact the trajectory of brain aging, consider reducing sugar and simple carbs, and consuming green tea and Mankai.
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Well-being is a journey, not a quick fix.
The Legal Brain: A Lawyer’s Guide to Well-being and Better Job Performance is available on Amazon.
Dafna Pacter, et al., Glycemic control contributes to the neuroprotective effects of Mediterranean and green-Mediterranean diets on brain age: the DIRECT PLUS brain-magnetic resonance imaging randomized controlled trial - ScienceDirect, Nov. 2024.
Taylor Wallace, Mankai: Ultimate Guide To This Supergreen – Forbes Health, Jan. 5, 2024.
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