Break the Loop #2
Well now, that’s our second week over with - I can’t believe how quickly time is flying! Welcome to all new subscribers, it’s great to have you here. This week’s episode is going to cover:
Let’s get to it!
The power of network
As well as sharing stories and tips on building resilience and networking (more on that below!), there was also a theme emerging from the discovery calls with clients this week. It’s a tough time out there right now: many people are unfortunately going through redundancy, and others are looking to change jobs to get away from toxic cultures or find more meaningful work. In these situations people need resilience to see them through the hard times and coming changes.
The key message I want to get across is that resilience isn’t solely an individual characteristic - so if you're not feeling resilient now, that doesn't mean you're failing. You don’t feel resilient - you feel strong, confident, love and other positive emotions, and conversely when you’re not resilient you feel scared, anxious and lonely. Resilience comes from the groups that you belong to. I’ve had to learn the hard way not to focus too much on work at the exclusion of other social groups - family, friends, hobbies and so on: when I burnt out earlier this year I had become very withdrawn and felt lonely and disconnected (autistic burnout = can't face socialising with people). So if you’re avoiding people or spending too much time in just one area of life (work!) then take that as a warning sign you need to get more balance.
Which brings us to networking: yesterday I shared tips on how to network, but my main advice is to start networking now. It’s as simple as joining communities and interacting with others: if you’re in Product that’s things like Women in Product, Product Tank or Friends of Lenny’s newsletter Slack community. By investing in your network in the good times, they’ll be there when things get a bit tough.
To round this section out, I also had the opportunity to contribute to two articles that Hustle Badger are creating: one on how to network, the other on preparing for an interview. I was interviewed by Susannah, their founder, and we had a really good chat where I shared my thoughts on both topics. I'll share the articles when they're published - but I want to point out, this opportunity came about because of my network (as have 99% of the other opportunities I've explored in the past two weeks since founding Product Karma).
Marketing retrospective
Marketing is a new skill for me. I've always collaborated closely with marketers on product initiatives like defining the value proposition, user and market research, and go to market strategy, but it's very different when you have to do it all yourself. I’ve had a very steep learning curve in the past two weeks’ to develop these marketing skills, and I’ve definitely got a long way to go before I nail it. Here’s some of my key learnings so far.
1.Product people don't search for coaching - before launch I ran some keyword research for terms like 'product coach', and learned that the traffic volumes are really low (not just in UK, but globally). That indicates it's not something that people search for online, but rather, people learn about product coaches through word of mouth referrals and Linkedin (this was validated in chats with other product coaches). Knowing this, I saved myself a bunch of time on optimising my website for SEO and paying Google for ads.
2. Content marketing is key. My goal is to create value for the product community through sharing what I know. In particular, my approach is to translate some of the aspirational ways of doing product out there into actionable applications that are context-sensitive. It’s one thing to read a book about how a Silicon Valley giant has done product, and quite another to apply that to a startup in the UK (or elsewhere!), where there are cultural differences not just in the business, but also in consumer attitudes and societal structures. I want to use my content to show people how to adapt those learnings and have the impact they want with their products and in their careers.
3. I ran an experiment this week focusing on one theme, which was resilience and networking. I was hoping for more engagement than I got, but I also recognise that this game has a slow build up. It would be great if you saw the content to let me know if you thought (a) it was valuable to have a theme for all content throughout the week, (b) if you learnt something from it and (c) if you preferred one format over another (I used carousel, video, Substack and long form post on Linkedin). I do worry that I was playing it a bit safe and the content was a bit too ‘vanilla’? I feel I’m still finding my voice, and I’m nervous about expressing opinions too strongly. But perhaps that’s exactly what I need to do? (This is the autistic anxiety coming out!)
4. Social media holds many mysteries - has anybody figured out how to get all the channels working together? I’m primarily focused on Linkedin, but I also have Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Substack and a website. Mostly these are to raise awareness of the brand and services I offer, to drive them into the funnel (via a discovery call) - but I realise I need to spend more time on understanding each platform’s audience and experimenting with content to see what works (so it's not just my mum liking my FB posts!). Right now, it’s just a bunch of reposting the same stuff from Linkedin to other social media, which I’m sure is not an effective approach.
5. Ideal Customer Profile - initially when I launched I had three: product managers, product leaders and founders. Last week I signed up to a free Crunchbase sub and researched which companies I want to target. I realised that a lot of early stage startups (Pre-seed, Seed, even Series A) already have product advisors who work for the investment firms and VCs. That meant I was probably too late to support founders, or surplus to their requirements (and ability to pay?). I've therefore dropped founders as an ICP I'm specifically targeting through marketing to concentrate on the other 2 (but if there's any out there who would benefit from product advisory I would be delighted to support).
6. You need to nail positioning - I listened to April Dunford's first two podcast episodes in the car this week, and had a eureka moment in respect of my own positioning. It goes without saying that I'm competing against other coaches and advisors (so what makes me different?) but I'm also competing against the other ways that product folk learn, e.g. books, podcasts, blogs, online courses, even their own manager! I followed this train of thought through and identified the downsides of each of these (for example, more than 80% of online courses bought are never even started!), and how product coaching is a better alternative - and have included that in the product coaching discovery pack that I send out to potential clients now (early feedback shows this resonates!)
There's so much more to learn about marketing, and if you have any stories or tips to share I'd love to hear them :)
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What's going on?
Hot jobs
These are my hand-picked jobs coming across my network this week, in industries with a strong social purpose.
X-lab are looking for a Senior Product Manager / Head of Product
HelloSelf are looking for a Senior Product Manager and a Product Manager
The Gym Group are looking for a Digital Product Manager
Flow are looking for a Product Manager - stories
Abatable are looking for a Head of Product
Busuu are looking for a Senior Product Manager - Growth
Atom Learning are looking for a Principal / Lead Product Manager
International development
Simprints is looking for a Lead Product Manager and a Technical Product Owner (quick note - I moved to Cambridge for my product role at Simprints. They’re a fantastic startup to work with, doing meaningful and impactful work in humanitarian and health care projects in LMICs).
That's all folks - have a fantastic weekend and see you on Monday!
Coaching ambitious female product leaders 🚀 | Coaching Psychologist | Ex-Product Director in B2B health-tech startups | ICF member | | Safe space to nerd out about 🪐 + 🧠
1yIf you would like to explore how product coaching enables you to have more impact, book a free discovery call here: