Brilliant Mindfulness 6 Ideas That Bring Calm & Productivity
It’s official, January, has kicked into high gear and for many Administrative Professionals, the added stress from the holidays in both your personal and work life bring their own challenges. Frankly, it’s left many feeling spent at the end of it all. The working world never ceases, and home life continues to add daily pressure. Giving yourself the gift of Mindfulness, isn’t just relaxing, it encompasses the mentality of total well-being including stress-reduction and resilience.
Mindfulness starts with blocking off time to do something that makes you happy. A couple of resources that focus on this subject that I found fascinating are: The Mindfulness Exercises Company which offers both exercises and free practice courses, as well as community discussions of the many aspects to Mindfulness. The book titled “Business Balance & Bliss” is trending high on Amazon, and it’s author and speaker Amy Vetter along with her company put their own vision and touches of how Mindfulness transforms both career and life.
Consider that time should be spent (even if it needs to be scheduled) doing something calming all throughout your work week. We often cave to this idea that we must keep working as long as possible without quitting, but how productive will that work-time really be if your body and mind are exhausted? Here is a challenge we hope you’ll accept…to set aside one evening a week to schedule a relaxing activity. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite ways to relax to help you get some inspiration!
1. Technology Blackout
It’s not uncommon for Administrative Professionals to be tied to their Executive/Boss 24x7. It might be a Sunday, but you’re still checking texts and emails. Give yourself a few hours break from your computer and your phone, and spend your time doing something else that engages you!
The following ideas are 10x more effective when coupled with the above!
2. Spa Time/ Massage
Ahhh, nothing says “relax” like a spa. Whether it’s getting your feet rubbed and detoxed, or getting a massage or a facial, investing a little time in your body never hurt (in fact, quite the opposite). This is a popular perk in Silicon Valley, as companies realize employees’ attitudes and health improve, and offer this either free or with a minimal fee. Depending on your budget, maybe this is something you want to incorporate into your routine once every couple weeks - it’s totally up to you - but try giving back to your body, because it gives so much to you.
3. Mommy’s/Daddy’s Night Out
Those of us who are parents, we love our little ones no doubt. Sometimes, though, we need a little time to ourselves that has not been borrowed by work or the kiddos. Find a sitter that you trust, maybe even your partner, and go outside your house. Maybe you need a Friends’ Night, or a date? Maybe you just need a little alone time with yourself. Whatever it is that you need, a night that is just for you is not asking too much.
4. Yoga / Meditation
Learn how to quiet your mind. All those thoughts are constantly flying in and out, leaving us dizzy in the wake. As an Administrative Professional, we are multitasking all day long, balancing goodness knows how many tasks, appointments, information and inventory. Many times, that results in stress and overwhelming anxiety. Once you discover how to tune out the noise, it will serve you well both in your relaxing periods and in the office. The book titled “Business Balance & Bliss” is trending high on Amazon, and it’s author and speaker Amy Vetter along with her company put their own vision and touches of how Mindfulness transforms both career and life.
5. Friend’s Night
It’s true, we get by with a little help from our friends. Having an evening to catch up, have some laughs, and sip a little coffee (or wine) can be just what the doctor ordered. Especially when times get rough, it’s wonderful to be surrounded by people who care about you. Maybe you are struggling with an issue at work? Maybe you just need to be perked up? Friends are a fabulous gift to provide us with the support we need and vice-versa. If you have some super friends, make sure you spend some quality time with them - it’s good for your soul!
6. Taking a Walk
So simple, yet so powerful. Walking has an incredible amount of benefits for you, from boosting your immune system to improving your mood, and your overall health. It’s a great option if you are looking for something to do on a budget because walking around our world is free! Go get caught up in the environment around you and get a little healthier and happier. You can also read more of the benefits at
Obviously, there are endless possibilities when it comes to finding a way to relax - the point is that you find one that works best for you! Getting overstressed just decreases your productivity and the quality of your work, and it’s not worth the health risks it brings. Take time to finesse some “Me Time” into your week and see for yourself how much it will improve your work and your life! It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
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4yExcellent article Joanne, with practical and achievalble ideas. If we are not keeping our own batteries charged, how can we possibly be effective in our roles, and in supporting others?