Build in something fun for you
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” the famous song goes. The lyrics are mostly about lovely decorations and festivities, but there’s also a line in the middle that “Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again!”
If you have school-aged kids, they are most likely off school now for at least the next week and a half. No doubt you and your family have figured out coverage for days you have to be in the office, but I know a lot of parents take days off over the holidays too. By January 1st, everyone can be getting a little antsy.
So if that sounds like your situation, take a moment this weekend to think about how you might plan in something fun for you during this time.
Maybe it’s an adults-only dinner at a restaurant without chicken nuggets (I mean, unless you really like chicken nuggets!). Maybe it’s a meet-up with friends, or going to a concert. If you’ll need childcare coverage, figure out who can work, or figure out a trade-off with your partner, another relative, or friends.
But do make sure there is something you can genuinely look forward to. It’s great to make memories as a family over the holidays, but everyone needs a little break. Planning in something fun for you can make everything feel more festive.
This article originally appeared in an email to my newsletter subscribers. You can sign up at