Building a Culture of Innovation in Aged Care
Strategies for Success
The implementation of innovations in the aged care realm can be extremely complex and challenging. This is due to various reasons, like the constant evolving needs of clients, and the values and expectations held by various other diverse stakeholders, such as families, staff and external healthcare providers.
Researchers in implementation science suggest that focusing on organisational culture within aged care services, could help improve the success of implementation initiatives. The i-PARIHS framework describes culture as an important implementation consideration at both unit and organisational levels. A new systematic review set out to identify what aged care organisations can do to support these initiatives.
The study identified six effective approaches that aged care professionals can use to foster a supportive cultural environment. Key among these were fostering collaboration, valuing contributions and ensuring alignment between the organisation’s vision, culture, and the innovation itself. Additionally, the study also highlights that these approaches should be seen as interconnected and mutually reinforcing, rather than in isolation.
The findings from this systematic review have informed a new resource which offers practical guidance for aged care entities who want to evolve by adopting new innovations.
Additional JBI Aged Care Resources
Davy, Carol Patricia; Windle, Alice; Harvey, Gillian
JBI Evidence Implementation 22(4):p 405-417, November 2024.
DOI: 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000465