An organization’s security culture requires care and feeding. It is not something that grows in a positive way organically. You must invest in a security culture. A sustainable security culture is bigger than just a single event. When a security culture is sustainable, it transforms security from a one-time event into a lifecycle that generates security returns forever.
A sustainable security culture has four defining features. First, it is deliberate and disruptive. The primary goal of a security culture is to foster change and better security, so it must be disruptive to the organization and deliberate with a set of actions to foster the change. Second, it is engaging and fun. People want to participate in a security culture that is enjoyable and a challenge. Third, it is rewarding. For people to invest their time and effort, they need to understand what they will get in return. Fourth, it provides a return on investment. The reason anyone does security is to improve an offering and lower vulnerabilities; we must return a multiple of the effort invested.
A strong security culture not only interacts with the day-to-day procedures, but also defines how security influences the things that your organization provides to others. Those offerings may be products, services, or solutions, but they must have security applied to all parts and pieces. A sustainable security culture is persistent. It is not a once-a-year event, but embedded in everything you do.
Why does an organization need a security culture? The primary answer is something that deep down we all know. In any system, humans are always the weakest leak. Security culture is primarily for the humans, not for the computers. The computers do exactly what we tell them to do. The challenge is with humans, who click on things they receive in email and believe what anyone tells them. The humans need a framework to understand what the right thing is for security. In general, humans within your organization want to do the right thing—they just need to be taught.
Luckily, wherever an organization sits on the security culture spectrum, there are things that can be done to make the culture better.
1. Instill the concept that security belongs to everyone
Many organizations have the opinion that the security department is responsible for security. Sustainable security culture requires that everyone in the organization is all in. Everyone must feel like a security person. This is security culture for everyone. Security belongs to everyone, from the executive staff to the lobby ambassadors. Everyone owns a piece of the company’s security solution and security culture.
At superior Hotels, we are trying to change our employees' security stories. By creating programs catered to region, department, and role, our people understand that security is part of their story and our culture.” This is an example of a company that truly believes that security belongs to everyone and bakes security into everything they do.
You can achieve this “all in” mentality by incorporating security at the highest levels into your vision and mission. People look to these things to understand what they should focus on. Update your vision or organizational objective to clearly articulate that security is non-negotiable. Speak about the importance of security from the highest levels. This does not mean just the people who have security in their title (CISO, CSO), but also from other C-level execs all the way down to individual managers.
2. Focus on awareness and beyond
Security awareness is the process of teaching your entire team the basic lessons about security. You must level set each person’s ability to judge threats before asking them to understand the depth of the threats. Security awareness has gotten a bad rap because of the mechanisms used to deliver it. Posters and in-person reviews can be boring, but they do not have to be. Add some creativity into your awareness efforts.
On top of general awareness is a need for application security knowledge. Application security awareness is for the developers and testers within the organization. In your organization, they may sit within IT, or they may be the engineering function. AppSec awareness is teaching the more advanced lessons that staff need to know to build secure products and services.
Awareness is an ongoing activity, so never pass up a good crisis. Bad things are going to happen to your organization, and many times they will be tied directly to a security problem. Grow your security culture with these teachable moments. Do not try to hide them under the rug, but instead use them as an example for how the team can get better.
Accountability before awareness is crazy. People want to do the right thing, so show them through an awareness program and then hold them accountable for the decisions they make after gaining the knowledge.
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3. If you do not have a secure development lifecycle, get one now
Secure development lifecycle (SDL) is foundational to sustainable security culture. An SDL is the process and activities that your organization agrees to perform for each software or system release. It includes things like security requirements, threat modeling, and security testing activities. SDL answers the how for your security culture. It is sustainable security culture in action.
Customers across industries are starting to demand the crazy idea that organizations have an SDL and follow it. If you do not have an SDL at this juncture, Microsoft has released most of the details about its SDL free of charge. The lineage of many industry SDL programs traces back to the Microsoft program.
A reasonable place for the SDL to live is within a product security office. If you do not have a product security office, think seriously about investing in one. This office sits within engineering and provides central resources to deploy the pieces of your security culture. While we do not want the entire organization to farm off security to the product security office, think of this office as a consultancy to teach engineering about the depths of security.
4. Reward and recognize those people that do the right thing for security
Look for opportunities to celebrate success. When someone goes through the mandatory security awareness program and completes it successfully, give them a high-five or something more substantial.
The other side of reward is security advancement. Provide opportunities for team members to grow into a dedicated security role through advancement. Make security a career choice within your organization. . If you say security is important, prove it by providing growth potential for those with a passion for security.
5. Build security community
Security community is the backbone of sustainable security culture. Community provides the connections between people across the organization. Security community assists in bringing everyone together against the common problem, and eliminates an "us versus them" mentality.
Security community is achieved by understanding the different security interest levels within the organization: advocates, the security aware, and sponsors. Security advocates are those people with a down-home passion for making things secure. These are the leaders within your community. The security aware are not as passionate but realize they need to contribute to making security better. The sponsors are those from management who help to shape the security direction. Gather all of these folks together into a special interest group focused on security.
Security community can manifest as one-on-one mentoring and weekly or monthly meetings to discuss the latest security issues. It can even become a yearly conference, where the best and brightest from the organization have a chance to share their knowledge and skills on a big stage.
6. Make security fun and engaging
Last, but certainly not least, is fun. For far too long people have associated security with boring training or someone saying no all the time. To cement a sustainable security culture, build fun and engagement into all the process parts. If you have specific security training, ensure that it is not a boring voice over a PowerPoint presentation. If you engage your community through events, do not be afraid to laugh and goof around some. In my previous role, at each monthly security community event, we started the meeting off with a game of security trivia with a different security category each month. We did hackers in the movies one month and security news in another. This is just an example of how to bring fun and engagement into the process.
What kind of security culture do you have?
Of course, every organization has a security culture. If they say they don't, they are either lying or afraid to admit they have a bad security culture. The good news is that any security culture can positively change how the organization approaches security. But culture change takes time, so don't expect your members of your organization to overnight become pen-testing Ninjas that write secure code while they sleep. With the right process and attitude, you’ll get there.
9moWah! Josh. What a masterpiece? Please keep it up.
Attended Kenya institute of studies in security and criminal justice.
11moThanks for sharing Sir
I help Organizations and Professionals achieve Security Excellence through Optimization of Security Risk Management Frameworks that align with ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard Guidelines.
11moThanks for sharing this well articulated piece Josh Abuor Very useful insight on the SDL for tech applications security.