Building Intelligent Q* Agents with Microsoft's AutoGen: A Comprehensive Guide

Building Intelligent Q* Agents with Microsoft's AutoGen: A Comprehensive Guide

This guide is a culmination of everything I've learned about creating intelligent agents, focusing on a reinforcement learning approach, specifically the Q-Star method. It's a straightforward, practical walkthrough of using Microsoft's AutoGen library to build and modify these agents.

The aim is to provide clear, step-by-step instructions, starting from setting up the environment, defining the agent's learning capabilities, to managing interactions and user inputs. I've included detailed explanations of each code section, ensuring that the process is transparent and accessible for those looking to implement or understand intelligent agents in their projects.

Whether you're a beginner or have some experience in AI, this guide is designed to offer valuable insights into the world of intelligent agent development.

Understanding Intelligent Agents

What Are Intelligent Agents?

Intelligent are software entities that can autonomously perceive their environment and act to achieve specific goals or tasks. These agents leverage advanced large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4, enhancing their ability to understand and generate human-like text. AutoGen enables the creation of these agents, focusing on simplifying their development and enhancing their capabilities.

Purpose of Intelligent Agents: The purpose of intelligent agents, especially when developed with AutoGen, extends beyond basic automation. They aim to orchestrate, optimize, and automate workflows involving LLMs. This framework allows for the integration of agents with human inputs and tools, facilitating complex decision-making processes in dynamic environments. The automation achieved through AutoGen's intelligent agents is marked by enhanced interaction capabilities and conversational intelligence.

Microsoft AutoGen

Microsoft AutoGen represents a significant advancement in the field of artificial intelligence, particularly in the development and deployment of intelligent agents. This open-source Python library, developed by Microsoft, is designed to revolutionize the way AI agents are created and integrated into various applications.

Core Concept

AutoGen primarily focuses on leveraging the capabilities of advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4. It brings these powerful models to the forefront of AI development, enabling the creation of agents that can understand and generate human-like text. The framework simplifies the orchestration, optimization, and automation of workflows involving LLMs, making it easier for developers to build sophisticated AI solutions.

Key Features:

  • Customizable and Conversable Agents: AutoGen offers tools to create agents that are not only customizable but also capable of engaging in meaningful conversations. This is crucial in applications requiring nuanced understanding and responses, such as customer service chatbots or virtual personal assistants.
  • Integration with Human Inputs and Tools: One of AutoGen's strengths lies in its ability to integrate AI agents with human inputs and existing tools. This integration allows for a more collaborative approach, where human expertise and AI efficiency are combined for optimal outcomes.
  • Multi-Agent Conversations: AutoGen supports automated chat functionalities where multiple agents can interact with each other. This feature opens up possibilities for complex scenarios where different AI agents can collaborate to solve problems or provide services.

Q-star and Reinforcement Learning

Q-Star, a variant of Q-learning, is a crucial aspect of reinforcement learning in the realm of intelligent agents. It represents a method where agents learn to make decisions by trial and error, receiving rewards for successful actions. This approach is vital for autonomous decision-making, particularly in environments where the agent must adapt to changing conditions without explicit programming.

Reinforcement learning, and by extension Q-Star, empowers intelligent agents to optimize their behavior based on experience, making them more effective and adaptable. This technique is particularly significant in complex scenarios, such as autonomous navigation, strategic game playing, and personalized user interactions, where predefined rules are insufficient for optimal performance.

Q* Agent Introduction to the Code Base

Purpose and Usage: This code base is designed to facilitate the creation and operation of intelligent agents using Microsoft's AutoGen library. Its primary use is in the field of artificial intelligence, particularly in applying reinforcement learning through the Q-Star approach. The code is structured to guide users from initializing the environment and setting up agents, to real-time interaction and feedback processing, making it suitable for both educational and practical AI projects.

Key Techniques

  • Reinforcement Learning (Q-Star): A key technique employed is Q-learning, an aspect of reinforcement learning, allowing the agent to learn optimal actions based on rewards and penalties.
  • Multi-Agent Interaction: The code leverages AutoGen's capability to handle multiple agents, enabling complex interactions and learning scenarios.
  • User Feedback Integration: User inputs and feedback are integral to the learning process, allowing the agent to adapt and improve over time.

Running the Agent

To properly configure and run the script using the OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json file, and ensure all dependencies are met in both a Docker environment and Replit, follow these steps:

Configuring OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json

  1. JSON Configuration: The OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json file is used to configure the AutoGen library with the necessary model and API key. Your example configuration looks like this:

        "model": "gpt-4-0314",
        "api_key": "sk-your-key"

  • model: This should be set to the specific model you want to use, such as "gpt-4-0314" for a GPT-4 model.
  • api_key: Replace "sk-your-key" with your actual API key provided by OpenAI.

To properly configure and run the script using the OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json file, and ensure all dependencies are met in both a Docker environment and Replit, follow these steps:

Configuring OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json

  1. JSON Configuration: The OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json file is used to configure the AutoGen library with the necessary model and API key. Your example configuration looks like this:jsonCopy code[ { "model": "gpt-4-0314", "api_key": "sk-your-key" } ]model: This should be set to the specific model you want to use, such as "gpt-4-0314" for a GPT-4 model.api_key: Replace "sk-your-key" with your actual API key provided by OpenAI.
  2. Location of JSON File: Place the OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json in the root directory of your project where your main Python script is located, or adjust the path in the script to point to the correct location of this file.

Running the Script in Docker

  1. Docker Setup:Ensure you have Docker installed on your system. If not, download and install it from the official Docker website.
  2. Create a Dockerfile:Write a Dockerfile to define the environment for your script. This should include the Python version, installation of necessary libraries, and steps to copy your script and JSON file into the Docker image.Example Dockerfile snippet:

FROM python:3.9
COPY . /app
RUN pip install autogen numpy
CMD ["python", "./"]        

  1. Building and Running the Docker Image:Build the Docker image: docker build -t autogen-agent .Run the Docker container: docker run -it --rm autogen-agent

Running the Script in Replit

  1. Replit Setup:Create a new Python project in Replit.Upload your script and the OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json file to the project.
  2. Dependencies:Add necessary dependencies (like autogen, numpy) to a requirements.txt file, or install them directly in the Replit shell.Example requirements.txt:


  1. Environment Variables:In your script, you have a check for the REPL_ID environment variable to identify if the script is running in Replit. Ensure that this variable is set in the Replit environment if needed.
  2. Running the Script:Run the script directly in the Replit interface.

By following these steps, you should be able to configure and run your script with the AutoGen library both in a Docker environment and on Replit, leveraging the configurations provided in the OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json file. Remember to handle your API keys securely and never expose them in public repositories or shared environments.

Code Structure

The structure of the code is segmented into distinct sections, each fulfilling a specific role in the overall functionality:

  1. Library Imports and Environment Setup: This section includes importing necessary libraries and setting up the environment, which is essential for the subsequent parts of the code to function correctly.
  2. Q-Learning Agent Definition: Here, we define the Q-learning agent, central to the reinforcement learning process. This agent learns from its environment to make decisions, guided by the Q-Star algorithm.
  3. ASCII Loading Animation: To enhance user interaction, a loading animation is implemented, which visually indicates processing or waiting times.
  4. AutoGen Configuration and Agent Creation: This crucial part involves setting up the AutoGen framework, which includes configuring the agents, initializing the group chat, and managing agent interactions.
  5. User Interaction Loop: The main loop of the code handles real-time user inputs, processes them, and updates the agent's learning based on the feedback received.
  6. Error Handling: Robust error handling ensures the stability of the code by catching and logging exceptions.

Step 1. Importing Libraries

import os
import autogen
from autogen import config_list_from_json, UserProxyAgent, AssistantAgent, GroupChatManager, GroupChat
import numpy as np
import random
import logging
import threading
import sys
import time        

  • os: Provides functions for interacting with the operating system.
  • autogen: The core library for creating intelligent agents.
  • config_list_from_json, UserProxyAgent, AssistantAgent, GroupChatManager, GroupChat: Specific components from the Autogen library used in the agent's setup.
  • numpy (np): Supports large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a vast collection of high-level mathematical functions.
  • random: Implements pseudo-random number generators for various distributions.
  • logging: Facilitates logging events into a file or other outputs.
  • threading: Allows the creation of thread-based parallelism.
  • sys, time: Provides access to some variables used by the interpreter (sys) and time-related functions (time).

Step 2: Setting Up the Script and Logging

# Determine the directory of the script
script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

# Set up logging to capture errors in an error_log.txt file, stored in the script's directory
log_file = os.path.join(script_directory, 'error_log.txt')
logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, level=logging.ERROR)

# Check if running in Replit environment
if 'REPL_ID' in os.environ:
    print("Running in a Replit environment. Adjusting file paths accordingly.")
    # You may need to adjust other paths or settings specific to the Replit environment here
    print("Running in a non-Replit environment.")        

  • Determines the directory of the script for relative file paths.
  • Sets up a log file to capture errors.
  • Checks the environment (Replit or non-Replit) and adjusts settings accordingly.

Step 3: Defining the Q-Learning Agent

# Define the Q-learning agent class
class QLearningAgent:
    # Initialization of the Q-learning agent with states, actions, and learning parameters
    def __init__(self, states, actions, learning_rate=0.1, discount_factor=0.95):
        self.states = states
        self.actions = actions
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.discount_factor = discount_factor
        # Initialize Q-table with zeros
        self.q_table = np.zeros((states, actions))

    # Choose an action based on the exploration rate and the Q-table
    def choose_action(self, state, exploration_rate):
        if random.uniform(0, 1) < exploration_rate:
            # Explore: choose a random action
            return random.randint(0, self.actions - 1)
            # Exploit: choose the best action based on the Q-table
            return np.argmax(self.q_table[state, :])

    # Update the Q-table based on the agent's experience (state, action, reward, next_state)
    def learn(self, state, action, reward, next_state):
        predict = self.q_table[state, action]
        target = reward + self.discount_factor * np.max(self.q_table[next_state, :])
        self.q_table[state, action] += self.learning_rate * (target - predict)        

Initialization (__init__): Sets up states, actions, learning parameters, and initializes the Q-table.

  • choose_action: Decides whether to explore (choose randomly) or exploit (use the best known action).
  • learn: Updates the Q-table based on the agent's experiences.

Step 4: ASCII Loading Animation

# ASCII Loading Animation Frames
frames = ["[■□□□□□□□□□]", "[■■□□□□□□□□]", "[■■■□□□□□□□]", "[■■■■□□□□□□]",
          "[■■■■■□□□□□]", "[■■■■■■□□□□]", "[■■■■■■■□□□]", "[■■■■■■■■□□]",
          "[■■■■■■■■■□]", "[■■■■■■■■■■]"]

# Global flag to control the animation loop
stop_animation = False

# Function to animate the loading process continuously
def animate_loading():
    global stop_animation
    current_frame = 0
    while not stop_animation:
        sys.stdout.write('\r' + frames[current_frame])
        current_frame = (current_frame + 1) % len(frames)
    # Clear the animation after the loop ends
    sys.stdout.write('\r' + ' ' * len(frames[current_frame]) + '\r')

# Function to start the loading animation in a separate thread
def start_loading_animation():
    global stop_animation
    stop_animation = False
    t = threading.Thread(target=animate_loading)
    return t

# Function to stop the loading animation
def stop_loading_animation(thread):
    global stop_animation
    stop_animation = True
    thread.join()  # Wait for the animation thread to finish
    # Clear the animation after the thread ends
    sys.stdout.write('\r' + ' ' * len(frames[-1]) + '\r')

  • frames: Defines the visual frames for the loading animation.
  • animate_loading: Handles the continuous display and update of the loading frames.
  • start_loading_animation and stop_loading_animation: Start and stop the animation in a separate thread.

AutoGen Configuration and Agent Setup

# Load the AutoGen configuration from a JSON file
    config_list_gpt4 = config_list_from_json("OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json")
except Exception as e:
    logging.error(f"Failed to load configuration: {e}")
    print(f"Failed to load configuration: {e}")

llm_config = {"config_list": config_list_gpt4, "cache_seed": 42}

# Create user and assistant agents for the AutoGen framework
user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(name="User_proxy", system_message="A human admin.", code_execution_config={"last_n_messages": 3, "work_dir": "./tmp"}, human_input_mode="NEVER")
coder = AssistantAgent(name="Coder", llm_config=llm_config)
critic = AssistantAgent(name="Critic", system_message="Critic agent's system message here...", llm_config=llm_config)

# Set up a group chat with the created agents
groupchat = GroupChat(agents=[user_proxy, coder, critic], messages=[], max_round=20)
manager = GroupChatManager(groupchat=groupchat, llm_config=llm_config)        

  • Loads the AutoGen configuration from a JSON file.
  • Initializes user and assistant agents with specific configurations.
  • Creates a group chat and a group chat manager to facilitate interactions.

User Interaction and Main Loop

# Print initial instructions
# ASCII art for "Q*"
print("  ____  ")
print(" / __ \\ ")
print("| |  | |")
print("| |__| |")
print(" \____\ ")
print("       * Created by @rUv")
print("  ")
print("Welcome to the Q-Star  Agent, powered by the Q* algorithm.")
print("Utilize advanced Q-learning for optimized response generation.")
print("Enter your query, type 'help' for assistance, or 'exit' to end the session.")        

  • This snippet displays the ASCII art representing "Q*", symbolizing the Q-Star algorithm.
  • It introduces the user to the Q-Star Agent, highlighting its use of advanced Q-learning.
  • Instructions are provided for interaction, such as entering queries, seeking help, or exiting the session.

display_help Function

def display_help():
  print("🔍 Help - Available Commands:")
  print("  'query [your question]': 🐍 Ask a Python development-related question.")
  print("  'feedback [your feedback]': 🧠 Provide feedback using Q-learning to improve responses.")
  print("  'examples': 📝 Show Python code examples.")
  print("  'debug [your code]': 🐞 Debug your Python code snippet.")
  print("  'exit': 🚪 Exit the session.")
  print("  'help': 🆘 Display this help message.")        

  • This function lists available commands for the user.
  • Commands include asking questions, providing feedback, viewing examples, debugging code, exiting the session, and displaying the help message again.

Instantiating the Q-Learning Agent

# Instantiate a Q-learning agent
q_agent = QLearningAgent(states=30, actions=4)        

  • Creates an instance of the Q-learning agent with specified states and actions.
  • This agent is essential for the reinforcement learning part of the program.

Initialization of loading_thread and chat_messages

# Initialize loading_thread to None outside of the try-except block
loading_thread = None

chat_messages = groupchat.messages        

  • Initializes loading_thread to None. This variable will later control the ASCII loading animation.
  • chat_messages holds the messages from the group chat, facilitating communication between agents.

Helper Functions

def process_input(user_input):
    """Process the user input to determine the current state."""
    if "create" in user_input or "python" in user_input:
        return 0  # State for Python-related tasks
        return 1  # General state for other queries

def quantify_feedback(critic_feedback):
    """Quantify the critic feedback into a numerical reward."""
    positive_feedback_keywords = ['good', 'great', 'excellent']
    if any(keyword in critic_feedback.lower() for keyword in positive_feedback_keywords):
        return 1  # Positive feedback
        return -1  # Negative or neutral feedback

def determine_next_state(current_state, user_input):
    """Determine the next state based on current state and user input."""
    return (current_state + 1) % q_agent.states        

  • process_input: Analyzes user input to determine the current state of the agent.
  • quantify_feedback: Converts critic feedback into numerical rewards for the Q-learning algorithm.
  • determine_next_state: Calculates the next state based on the current state and user input, crucial for the agent's learning process.

Main Interaction Loop

# Main interaction loop
while True:
        user_input = input("User: ").lower()
        if user_input == "exit":
        elif user_input == "help":

        # Enhanced state mapping
        current_state = process_input(user_input)

        # Dynamic action choice
        exploration_rate = 0.5
        chosen_action = q_agent.choose_action(current_state, exploration_rate)

        # Execute the chosen action
        loading_thread = start_loading_animation()
        if chosen_action == 0:
            user_proxy.initiate_chat(manager, message=user_input)
        elif chosen_action == 1:
            # Additional logic for assistance based on user_input
            print(f"Providing assistance for: {user_input}")
        elif chosen_action == 2:
            # Additional or alternative actions
            print(f"Performing a specialized task for: {user_input}")
        for message in groupchat.messages[-3:]:
            print(f"{message['sender']}: {message['content']}")

        # Critic feedback and Q-learning update
        critic_feedback = input("Critic Feedback (or press Enter to skip): ")
        if critic_feedback:
            reward = quantify_feedback(critic_feedback)
            next_state = determine_next_state(current_state, user_input)
            q_agent.learn(current_state, chosen_action, reward, next_state)        

  • This loop is the core of user interaction, handling inputs and directing the flow of the program.
  • Handles user commands and uses the Q-learning agent to determine actions.
  • Manages the loading animation and processes feedback to update the Q-learning agent.
  • The loop continues indefinitely until the user decides to exit.

Exception handling block

except Exception as e:
    if loading_thread:
    print(f"Error: {e}")        

  1. except Exception as e:This line catches any kind of exception (an error during program execution) that occurs in the try block preceding this except block.Exception is a base class for all built-in exceptions in Python (except for system exiting exceptions and keyboard interruptions).as e assigns the exception object to the variable e, which can then be used within the block to get more information about the error.
  2. if loading_thread:Checks if the loading_thread variable is not None. This variable is associated with the thread running the loading animation.If loading_thread exists, it implies that the loading animation is currently active.
  3. stop_loading_animation(loading_thread)Calls the stop_loading_animation function with the loading_thread as an argument.This function is designed to stop the loading animation safely. It ensures that the thread handling the animation is terminated properly, preventing any issues that might arise from abruptly stopping a thread.
  4. logging.error(str(e))Logs the error message to a file (or another logging destination set up earlier in the code).str(e) converts the exception object e to a string, which typically contains a message describing what went wrong.This is important for debugging purposes as it records the errors that occur during the execution, which can be reviewed later to understand and fix the underlying issues.
  5. print(f"Error: {e}")Prints the error message to the standard output (usually the console).The f before the string indicates that it's an f-string, a way to format strings in Python. {e} within the string is replaced by the string representation of the error.This provides immediate feedback to the user about what went wrong.


This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough for creating intelligent agents using Microsoft's AutoGen library and the Q-Star reinforcement learning approach. It covers essential steps from setting up the environment and configuring dependencies in Docker and Replit, to defining the Q-learning agent and implementing user interaction loops.

The guide emphasizes key techniques like multi-agent interaction and user feedback integration, ensuring a deep understanding of each code segment for effective agent development. Whether for beginners or those experienced in AI, this resource offers valuable insights and practical knowledge for building advanced, adaptable AI agents in various applications.


Common Issues and Solutions:

  1. Dependency Errors:Ensure all required libraries listed in requirements.txt are correctly installed.For specific version dependencies, verify that the correct versions are installed.
  2. Configuration File Issues:Double-check the OAI_CONFIG_LIST.json for correct formatting and valid API keys.Ensure the file is placed in the correct directory as per your script's requirements.
  3. Docker Environment Problems:If the Docker container fails to run, revisit your Dockerfile for any syntax errors or missing commands.Ensure Docker is properly installed and running on your system.
  4. Script Execution Errors:Look for any syntax errors or typos in your script.Use logging statements to help identify where the error occurs in the script.
  5. Agent Behavior Issues:For unexpected agent behavior, review the logic in your agent’s decision-making algorithms.Experiment with different parameters for learning rate, exploration rate, etc., to fine-tune the agent's performance.

Need More Help? If you encounter issues not covered here, don't hesitate to comment on this post. Sharing your problem, along with any error messages and relevant code snippets, will allow the community to provide more targeted assistance. Remember, detailed descriptions often lead to more effective solutions!

Mal Cohen

Self Employed at n/a


The technology is amazing, but the global political/security system has no idea of what this will evolve into.

Jin W.

Generative AI Prompt Curator | Pharmacist | Connector of people across technology, healthcare and finance



Fred M Davis .

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This is incredible in it all, however that one of us, Reuven Cohen is able to understand it enough to post this AGI info

Markus Schetelig

Product Leader with focus on innovation, value and growth through Data & AI | Committed to deliver tangible business results embedded in solid strategy + organizational development.


Fascinating. I wonder how this could be combined with ReAct-Prompting-Type reasoning in an AutoGen moderated agent network 🤔

Edward B.

Group Head of Digital @ Quintet Private Bank | Investment Management | Private Banking | Digital Transformation


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