Business Meeting Nightmares
In the last five years I've attended around 4,000 business meetings ranging from one on ones to small and large group meetings.
During these years I've certainly met some amazing people which have helped further my knowledge, insights and overall business. During this time I've also witnessed some real shocking business etiquette. As such I wanted to share some of these bad meeting experiences with you, so as to help you keep your professional brand in tact.
Let's start with PUNCTUALITY. This has to be the one that unfortunately occurs the most frequent (I certainly despise this one the most, to the point where I have lost a couple of friendships over it). Now let me set the bar, everyone has circumstances which pop up that can make them late for a meeting or appointment (heavy traffic, child has been sick, car accident, another appointment has run over, the list or excuses can go on and on.......) however there should be no excuse for not letting the person you are meeting know what has happened and how late you will be. If you don't do this, even if you are going to be one minute late, you give off the perception that your time is more valuable than everyone else's and that you simple don't respect the other persons time or value them enough (now I did say perception).
SET YOURSELF THIS RULE: Remember that you are valuable and so is your time, so if the person you are meeting is running late by more than 15 mins and they have not contacted you, simply make it a rule to cancel that meeting and continue on with your day.
Even more disrespectful is the NOT EVEN TURNING UP. With electronic calendars and reminders these days, there should be no excuse for missing a meeting cause you simply forgot or you weren't aware. Again if an unforeseen circumstance arises (which happens to all of us from time to time) ensure that you let the person know as soon as possible and not 10 mins before the meeting is due to commence.
SET YOURSELF THIS RULE: if you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment ensure that you email, text or call the person and ensure they have received your notification and acknowledged it. Apologise and give a reason as to why you cannot make the meeting.
You've all heard about being PRESENT AND IN THE MOMENT. This means giving 110% of your attention to the person in front of you. Put your phone away and I mean away (not in your pocket where it can vibrate and distract you for a few seconds, I mean away like either have it face down on the table with the vibration and ring setting off or even better leave it in the glovebox of your car or in your desk drawer). Guess what the world won't end whilst you are have having your meeting, no one is that important! If there is an extremely important call that you are expecting then set the expectation that this might happen and why (there are only a few reasons important enough for this to occur like your partner going into labour).
Now I've seen people who check their phones during meetings and even text. You have the right to ask them to put their phone away. I've even had one guy pick up a call during a meeting and proceeded to chat. After waiting approx 30 seconds for him to hang up and apologise expecting him to say something along the likes of "I'm so sorry, my wife and I are expecting a baby any day now and I thought she was going into labour," but as this didn't happen and it sounded like just another personal call, I simply grabbed my things and walked out. When I received a call from him later that day I simply explained that my time is extremely valuable and if he wishes to do business with me then he can arrange another appointment at a time that's convenient to myself, no second chances for this type of rudeness.
SET YOURSELF THIS RULE: make sure you are always in the moment and treat everyone you meet with the utmost respect. In turn have the same level of respect and dignity for yourself.
What about REFRESHMENTS? It's not always required but if you are hosting the meeting be courteous and offer the person a drink. If you have arranged the meeting at a cafe ensure that you pick up the bill.
I attended a lunch meeting not long ago where the person who invited me brought along a few of their colleagues and then expected me to pick up the tab. I couldn't believe this one (insert wow face here).
SET YOURSELF THIS RULE: only have a drink or meal yourself if the other person is drinking or eating (like for like) and always always make sure to pay if you have arranged the meeting.
The above points may all seem simple but so many people disregard them. Make sure you are not one of them and that you keep your professionalism at the highest possible standard with always doing what you say you will do, with consistency!
Dino Pacella
Multi Award Winning Business Development Manager
Founder of National Finance Brokers Day
This content has been prepared for general information purposes only, all views expressed are my own and is not (and cannot be construed or relied upon as) personal advice, as it does not take into account your personal, financial situation or market conditions.
Managing Director
7yCouldn't agree more Dino. If someone isn't prepared to get the small things right they are probably not going to be reliable when it comes to making meaningful decisions and forging relationships in general.
Wealth Creation | Wealth Expert | Wealth Coach | Financial Planner | Financial Strategy | Brisbane
7ySpot on!
⚒️ Founder & CEO of National Finance Brokers Day 🔱 Head of Marketplace Finance 🎙️ Co-Host No Hair Just Finance Podcast 🎤 Master of Ceremonies 🏉 Melbourne Storm Supporter
7yThe key is communication Anthony
Learning Partner | Reskilling teams to excel in the future of work through effective learning
7yAgree with most of what you have written here Dino. While I appreciate your time is valuable, we never know what is happening in the world of others. Acknowledging a text or call might be critical to this person, and once the moment has passed, can provide 100% focus and attention.