Bystanders As Part Of The Ambush, With Trolls and Cyberbullies.
Some of us could relate to being exposed to protracted unreasonable behaviour in online network groups. With #Technology encouraging social interactions, online bullying takes shape in dialogue groups and is more similar to offline bullying than we think. If you are the targetted or an innocent observer, this is for us.....
We could have encountered these, the Non-Admins who self-appoint as “Admin Support”, identifying themselves to the likes of #Superheroes and #Anime characters. They spew their minds and pour their hearts online, inciting online engagement, usually from the perspective of #AgreeToDisagree. Aren't superheroes supposed to be #SilentAchievers upholding the general good as in the movies?
Trolling happens when one intentionally post uncalled-for inflammatory remarks. It’s similar to flaming in #Cyberbullying.
The best advice is to ignore and disengage with the troll, ‘Do not feed the troll’.
‘Remember who you are’, Mufasa (The Lion King).
Interestingly, #HarvardUniversity in their Kinder and Braver World Project (a research involving some 202,000 in 40 countries) points to others who #Reinforce the #Troll and the Silent #Observer reading on in the online community as Part of the #BULLYING bunch...
So when does a Troll tip over to a #CyberBully? When unabated mistreatment persists, the provocateur becomes commonly known as so.
How should we respond if we are the targeted and as bystanders? We can:
✔️ Mute and ignore the (troll, now) cyberbully. Empty vessels do make the most noise - just mute the online group instead of "feeding" with a response. Life is more than these.
✔️ Encourage - the #GroupAdmin to support a #ZeroTolerance policy. *This might be tough for paid memberships.
✔️ Refuse Repetition - Be firm and factual. Flag up extended unruly behavior to address its unacceptability. Stay Firm and Respectful and this might work on #Amateur #Cyberbullies.
✔️ Leave - The fact is, bullies are bullies, they feel their “earned” right to remain in the network and champion their "causes". One can easily be a passive online reader witnessing the “drama” or shrug off the errant in the name of keeping #Peace. What would you do if it happened to your child, will you keep this stance? The next option might be that we contribute as a force of positivity elsewhere where Group Admins really work.
How do you view Trolls and Cyberbullies? Do share as it will help others - I would love to learn from you.....
I am a growth-driven Strategic Doer with extensive APAC experience, managing businesses to double-digit growth. Know me professionally, ➡️ ᴛerific
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Welcome to connect with me, ➡️ Teri Teo
#BeKind | #BeFair | #BeGenuine | #CyberWellness | #lbfalumni
Photo credits: bharathshreyasphotography & nogar007
4yBe positive
Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could ignore and delete the bullies from our lives, the same way we do online Teri Teo
Built environment| Product Management| Business Development| Building Technologies and Solutions| Fire Suppression| IOT
4yNice article!
Troll must not be fed. But it's not just trolls, it's folks who get triggered by what they read.