Call for Articles: The Indo-Pacific Region in 2040
The Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs is pleased to announce a call for articles for a thematic issue focusing on the Indo-Pacific region in the year 2040. As one of the leading scholarly publications in the field of international relations and security studies, we invite researchers, scholars, and experts to contribute their original research and analysis to this special issue.
Theme: The Indo-Pacific Region in 2040
In recent years, the Indo-Pacific region has emerged as a dynamic and crucial geopolitical space. This thematic issue aims to explore and anticipate the future trajectory of the Indo-Pacific region, with a specific focus on the year 2040. The year 2040 is chosen as a projection point to allow contributors to analyze and speculate on the potential developments, trends, challenges, and opportunities that may shape the Indo-Pacific region over the next two decades.
We welcome articles that address various dimensions of the Indo-Pacific region in 2040, including but not limited to:
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Please direct any inquiries regarding this call for articles or the submission process to the Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs editorial team at
We look forward to receiving your contributions and engaging in a comprehensive exploration of the Indo-Pacific region in the year 2040. Your research will play a crucial role in shaping our understanding of this dynamic and evolving geopolitical landscape.