Calling on Journalists to Denounce the Lack of Integrity and Transparency in Selection Process for President of World Bank

Calling on Journalists to Denounce the Lack of Integrity and Transparency in Selection Process for President of World Bank

Calling on all journalists to denounce the lack of transparency and integrity in the official selection process of the President of the World Bank Group. Please see below my email to David Theis requesting, in writing, the procedure for presenting my candidacy as President of the World Bank as a French citizens in protest to Trump's nomination, David Malpass. Additionally, the fact that I am on the same page as French President Macron politically regarding the necessity for centrist ideologies and voices (versus the extremism of the conservatives and liberals, who both have sold-out to corporate greed, special interests groups, and power-hungry male-supremacists and alpha-dominance feminists vying for power) makes ME, an 'opted-out, game-player' the most highly qualified candidate for the position. As seen with all of the former appointees of Trump's facing scandals and criminal indictments, his track-record in picking honorable, principled, and respectable 'leaders' has MUCH TO BE DESIRED. For over 40 years I have been observing the manipulations and 'games' of power-hungry, ladder-grapplers in public and private sectors on both sides of the Atlantic. I can spot a 'con-jobs' and 'con-artists' from a mile-away, and why I can ASSURE the WORLD that the internal mis-management problems in the World Bank (and its sister organizations IMF and UN) be CLEANED-UP! See my report "Workplace Bullying in the IMF."

First, the fact that the Trump Administration announced their candidate, David Malpass, a day BEFORE the official selection process was open is reason enough to question the integrity of the process, and THEREFORE THE LEGITIMACY of the future President of the World Bank. However, that the position would be given to a bankruptcy-building, Wall Street insider 'hit-man', should be producing PROTESTS from governments and PEOPLE in countries around the world, instead of apathy and complacency. And, Lebanon's candidate Hayek, is not an 'alternative' to Malpass, as he is just as much of a bankruptcy-building banker as Malpass.

Trump won the US elections with a promise to "drain the Swamp" because the 'Swamp' needs DRAINING. But, it needs DRAINING of all the 'seat-warmers' and 'con-artists' within its federal agencies and institutions, as much as those which permeate the World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations, George Washington University (GWU), Georgetown University, and American University, whose negligence I have been exposing for the past decade in my activism work and CALL FOR ACTION. Washington, DC has the most highly-educated and highly-paid work forces in the world, yet they are all as ignorant and backwards as the 'dumbest, back-water, in-bred, hill-billy' or 'deposed, rich-white, trophy-wife' they are so openly disdaining, denigrating, and marginalizing, in their efforts to grapple-up the 'ladder-of-success'.

The failure and REFUSAL of World Bank, IMF and UN staff to assure that their respective organizations fulfill their mandates is one of the biggest 'CON-JOBS' in history, and is DEFRAUDING taxpayer's around the world of $1B a year in operating costs alone. As I demonstrate in my research and activism work of the past decade, the human rights movement of the past 80 years is just a secular movement of the religious Christian movement started under the teaching of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. However, as seen by:

  • the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the Roman-empire,
  • Catholic Church Inquisitions of the 12th c. to 19th c., rise of religious reformation movements throughout Europe in 15th, 16th, and 17th c. (Calvinist, Protestant, Puritan, Quaker, Baptist, etc.),
  • long-standing practices of pedophilia and sexual abuse by its clergy, and its systemic cover-up by the Vatican

'Christians' have MISERABLY failed to implement the teaching and ideologies of Jesus Christ into practices and customs. Instead, the psychopathic and histrionic men and women in these organizations and communities, have manipulated and transformed the 'words of God' into justification for some of the most heinous crimes perpetrated against human beings in the history of mankind.

Members of the development community, with World Bank, IMF and UN staffers at the lead, have done exactly the same thing with their organizations and institutions, and why sexual abuse and harassment, bullying and other abuses of power, as well as its cover-up are as prevalent within these organizations (as well as government agencies and institutions they are charged with overseeing and holding accountable) as found within the Catholic Church. The exact same problem is found within domestic violence and family court systems, which are also covering-up for pedophilia, sexual harassment and assault, and rampant corruption, misogyny and discrimination within the legal community. At every turn, it is a case of the 'Fox guarding the Hen House' with all the 'emperors' being played for PHOOLS by all the alpha-dominance feminists and 'managerialism' managers in the 'Swamp'.

TIME FOR JOURNALISTS TO CALL FOR INTEGRITY, TRANSPARENCY, AND ACCOUNTABILITY, rather than cover-up after cover-up by the 'Game-players' in power.

From: Quenby Wilcox <>

Date: Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 3:56 PM

Subject: Assuring Integrity and Transparency in Selection Process for President of World Bank

To: David Theis <>

Cc: <>, <>, <>, Chami, Ralph <>, Andrew Berg <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Dear David Theis,

Pursuant to my voicemail of 2/13/2019 to which I have not yet received a response, I am requesting in writing that you provide me with the proper procedure for presenting my candidacy of President of the World Bank Group as a French citizen, during what you call “an open, merit-based and transparent selection process” in your press release dated January 10, 2019. I called the office of the French ED, Hervé de Villeroché, in order to inquire as to the procedure for presenting my candidacy, and was referred back to you, and why I left you another voicemail.

Please find attached my email of June 9, 2017 to the IMF EDs regarding the gross mis-management within the IMF, as well as legal liability of implicated parties in regards to that mis-management. Unfortunately, as is habitual custom within the IMF, World Bank, UN, and entire development community, the EDs are playing the same “ignore her ‘til she goes away Game,” as everyone else in the ‘Swamp’. All the reports of the development community consistently state that all the ‘experts’ need to come down from their ‘ivory-towers’ and LISTEN to civil society reps, however, they are all too busy playing histrionic games and grappling the ladder-of-success, to bother. As you may note on all my correspondences to ‘civil servants’ in the past decade in the US State Department, White House, US Congress, British Monarchy[1], IMF Management, IMF Family Association (Anne Sinclair and Xavier Giocanti), World Bank Family Network (Younsook Lim), Trump Administration, Spanish Defensor del Pueblo, Consejo General del Poder Judicial, Fiscalia General del Estado, Colegio de Abogados, and Instituto de la Mujer, posted on my activism website ([2]) I am not going to just conveniently give up and “go away.”

But, rather I will continue to pursue implicated parties in the international courts (or Nuremberg II Trials if everyone continues in cover-up after cover-up), as I have repeatedly informed them. My case, Wilcox vs. Spain, challenges the defense of the Spanish government in the 2nd jurisprudence of violence against women (VAW) as human rights violations, Gonzalez Carreno vs. Spain, ’14 which claimed “judicial error and a failure to exhaust domestic remedies.” What I demonstrate in this case is the “judicial errors” are NOT “errors,” but rather intentional manipulations of misogynistic and discriminatory judicial actors to cover-up all evidence of abuse. Additionally, I demonstrate that “domestic remedies” are non-existent due to incompetence, misogyny and discrimination against women by ‘civil servants’ in ‘regulatory’ functions, as well as NGOs who should be overseeing, and assuring accountability of government agencies (including UN Women, World Bank and IMF). 

While NGOs throughout Europe and the USA are implicated in the cover-up of judicial corruption, the negligence of staffers in Amnesty International, Spain; Women’s Link Worldwide; FIBGAR and ILOCAD of Baltasar Garzon; National Organization for Women (NOW); Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF); and board members (Honorary included) of IMF Family Association (IMFFA) and World Bank Family Network (WBFN) particularly elevate the tort and liability of these organizations and their staff under human rights conventions. Additionally, implicated is former Presidential candidate of Colombia and FARC captive, Ingrid Betancourt and her sister Astrid Betancourt, ex-wife of former French Ambassador to Colombia then Mexico, Daniel Parfait. Ingrid’s ostrich-playing[3] at present is demonstrating that she abandoned her children and left her husband in ’89 to pursue a career in Colombian politics, because she was nothing but a bored housewife of a French diplomat looking for fame and fortune. Betancourt’s political campaign (as self-proclaimed Jean d’Arc of Colombia) was based on combating corruption, particularly judicial corruption, and promoting Peace, but was obviously nothing but a ‘popularity’ contest filled with empty-rhetoric and false promises—as is ‘habitual custom’ of politicians around the world. What Sinclair[4], Giocanti[5], Lagarde, Betancourts, and Parfait are failing to calculate in the ‘ostrich-playing’ (to the plight of me and my children), is that under French penal law, French citizens have an obligation to assist a ‘person in danger’. And, if my children are eventually murdered by their father[6], these ‘big-wigs’ and ‘experts’ along with implicated French Ambassadors and Consuls in Spain, will be facing accessory to murder charges. Extremism and civil unrest are rising exponentially because NONE of the civil servants or public authorities are doing THEIR JOBS.    

My family has been challenging and combating the same empire-building, predatory and oppressive forces that reign within the status quo for over 500 years (eg. Thomas Wilcox, 1549-1608; Thomas Wilcox, 1622-1687; John Dickinson, 1732-1808; John Paul Jones, 1747-1792; Winston Churchill, 1847-1965; Curtis Paul Wilcox, 1887-1961; and William Curtis Nash Wilcox, MD, b. 1930). However, at present mankind is at the cross-roads of humanity, and must choose between his survival and that of the planet or his violent demise on a dying planet by global-warming and/or a nuclear Holocaust[7].

At present in my on-going activism work (and since Congresswoman Maxine Waters was appointed Chair of the House Financial Services Committee), I am requesting an investigation into the failure of the IMF and World Bank to fulfill their mandates, but instead be the motor behind the global problems they should be addressing, (see my blogs, “Phishing for Phools at the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings ’16[8]”). I am also requesting an investigation into their internal mis-management problems, and the systemic cover-up of sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination within them—through which staff members have consolidated power of extremist elements and terrorist-cells within them for decades. Instead of dealing with the labor rights violations being produced, policies of their HR departments, and practices throughout these organizations, protect the perpetrators and simply gets rid of the victims. The crux of the problem is that the HR industry has thoroughly embraced alpha-dominance feminism, along with managerialism, both of which are creating havoc in workplace, and nowhere is this more evident than in the IMF and World Bank (and UN). Please see my 150-page report “Workplace Bullying in the IMF[9]” for pertinent details.

The manner in which IMFFA, WBFN, and UN LESA chapters are covering-up for the re-victimization of millions of women and children victims of domestic abuse, as well as the prevalence of human-trafficking globally, and plight of victims is DISGUSTING and CRIMINAL enough. However, it pales in comparison to the ‘window-dressing’ propaganda of the Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas (FAWCO) on shareholder’s ‘dime’. What IMFFA and WBFN, in collusion with Elizabeth Legrain (their DV Prevention Coordinator) are doing (or rather NOT doing), quite frankly makes my blood-boil. But, what FAWCO, in collusion with Paula Lucas’s American Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center (AODVCC), and their ‘window-dressing’ initiatives are doing, is in a category by itself—and why these ‘women’s clubs’ attract only 1% of their constituency in their memberships.

If I had been given credit for the work I did in IMFFA, and if IMF, World Bank, and UN staff (or the business and capital venture communities) were serious about implementing the SDGs, then Global Expats[10] would be up-and-running, as it holistically implements these goals. And, the project would be challenging the alpha-dominance feminists and their claims about “having it all,” as well as the cesspool of “too many chefs spoil the soup,” “managerialism” (Burnham, ’41) in the ‘Swamp’. I would also be short-listed in consideration of jobs like the President of the World Bank. What IMF staff who have ‘protected’ Anne-Marie Keller Semadeni (former Chair of IMFFA) fail to appreciate is that before she illegally ‘terminated’ me, she made sure that IMF HR had signed an MoU with IMFFA. This MoU transferred legal and financial liability of any wrongdoing of IMFFA board members onto the IMF, and its staff. (Check the date on the MoU signature in ‘11, it was the same day as the IMFFA Volunteer Luncheon with Anne Sinclair, and the day before Keller illegally gave me a 2-week notice, and ‘disappeared’ in Switzerland, “unavailable for communication with other board members” for those 2-weeks.)

The manner in which this vicious, viperous, psychopathic woman has made a PHOOL out of IMF staff, while implicating them in penal litigation and liability for substantial financial damages, exposes them for the incompetent phools they are, just like in the children’s fairytale, “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” As you can see in my letter to Sharmini Coorey, dated, November 2, 2015[11], I have been very clear to EVERYONE as to the consequences they will be facing for their actions, and cover-ups, but they are so sure of their ‘protected’ status that they simple do not care. During my 7-year tenure in the IMF, I observed the histrionic games of all its staff with DISGUST, as well as the fact they considered taxpayer’s money a bottomless piggy-bank for all their partying, jet-setting, and extra-marital affairs—rather than any dedication to the Fund’s mission. The very few who impressed me with their intelligence or integrity either left the Fund and World Bank of their own volition or were forced-out due to their ‘subversive’ ideas, such as former Chief Economist of the World Bank, Joseph Stiglitz. The truth of the matter is that the ‘experts’ (particularly women) with ‘stellar’ careers, like Nemat Shafik, currently Director of the London School of Economics, or Anne-Marie Slaughter, Director of ‘New America’, need to be investigated for their collusion and cover-up for systemic abuses of power in their respective organizations and professions, rather than lauded for their ‘success’.

The IMF (and World Bank and UN) are run like a big huge ‘Frat House’, with ‘couch-casting’ and cronyism the name of the ‘Game’. This culture in the Fund was exposed by the surfacing of IMF economist Piroska Nagy’s letter to IMF Management complaining of sexual harassment and her coerced affair with Dominique Strauss-Kahn (in order to advance her career)[12], 3‑years before he was arrested in ’11 for sexual assault of a NYC hotel maid. Unfortunately, Christine Lagarde has done nothing to combat and eradicate this culture during her tenure as MD—or as Chairman of Baker McKenzie. The culture of harassment is as prevalent in this law firm as it is in the legal community in general, and further proof that the ‘legal community’ is NOT self-regulating as it hypocritically contends. It is also high-lighted by the failure of Jim Yong Kim to combat and eradicate this culture as President of the World Bank (or as President of Dartmouth University—where the culture of hazing and sexual harassment and deviance is as prevalent there as it is on Wall Street which is populated by a large number of Dartmouth alumnae).

In fact, a more plausible reason for Dr. Kim’s early resignation as President of the World Bank is, as a source inside the World Bank has told me, his extra-marital affair(s) and upcoming divorce—and everyone’s fear for an ensuing scandal. Given the voracity of journalists for sex scandals of powerful men since Trump took office, exposure of his affairs in the press would be reminiscent of DSK’s downfall. One of the problems with ‘status quo’ candidates for President of the World Bank is that they have all been embroiled in immoral and illegal behavior for decades, either as principles or accessories after the fact. And, I am sure that Trump’s candidate, David Malpass, will eventually be faced with the same type of scandals, and high-profile lawsuits, as other Trump appointees and legal counsel. It was my familiarity with bankruptcy-building business owners in the USA, particularly East Coast real-estate moguls, that I knew Trump Administration would eventually self-destruct, and why I called for dissolution (not annulment like Robert Reich) of the American government under Trump the day after he won the US presidential elections, and after having unsuccessfully campaigned for Clinton in ’16.  

Achieving the SDGs, by liberating large sums of money from off-shore accounts, is not as difficult as the development community pretends. Once reparations to victims of illegal ‘shenanigans’ by lawyers, bankers, politicians, economists, businessmen, etc., are paid out to victims, these funds will be released back into economies, significantly helping to reverse the tide of increasing income inequality in high-income countries. The quantity of monies which will be paid in reparation to divorced women who have been defrauded of assets during their divorces, will be able to deblock a substantial portion of monies held in off-shore accounts, and needed for the SDGs, however, they are not alone. Concurrently, the dysfunctional, chaotic and immoral status quo which the alpha-dominance feminists and ‘managerialists’ are promoting, MUST be successfully challenged if monies are to be used in a responsible and productive manner, instead of the predatory and exploitative manner of empire-building corporations and governments.

My efforts to find partners and funding for Global Expats in the USA, Spain and France has exposed 70+% negligence rates within IT developers and capital venturists whose only interest is “to get in and out as fast as possible, while making as much money as possible.” These people are just as bad as all the hedge-fund managers and traders, many of which who are right on target in their analysis of volatile financial markets and banking systems, but only interested in ‘get-rich-quick-schemes’. All of these high-flying financiers are as much the motor behind increasing volatility and instability of these systems as those they are profiting from, and are simply not capable, or willing, to contribute to the success of the SDGs. 

In ’09, the first head-hunter I met with told me she would have a difficult time finding me a job, because anyone who interviewed me would be afraid that in 6-months I would have their jobs. And, that has consistently been my problem in my job search of the past 10 years, with me racking-up evidence of age and gender discriminations in a wide-variety of industries and professions for which I am highly qualified—including discrimination by IMF staff. Not only are 85% of job-postings not advertised, but jobs are metered out through cronyism and nepotism, rather than merit, knowledge or experience. Additionally, jobs in Washington are restricted to long-time ‘Game-players’, as well as ‘fresh-meat’ looking to enter the ‘Game’.. Amongst many of the ‘scandalous’ accusations against DSK was for ‘pimping’, by attending parties where prostitutes were available for lecherous and powerful men. However, this situation is no different than hiring and promotional practices in the IMF, World Bank, and throughout the ‘Swamp’, which assure a fresh supply of ‘meat’ of impressionable young men and women seeking entry into the ‘corridors of Power’ for all the lecherous men and women in the ‘Game’.

Cronyism is so prevalent and overt, that as one man in the ‘Game’ recently told me, HR departments only really look at resumes submitted internally by their own employees. Unfortunately, these practices are just inciting and promoting cronyism, sexual harassment, bullying, and labor rights violations in workplaces—as well as incompetence and stupidity. It also demonstrates the degradation of standards in workplaces in Washington since the ‘80s. In those days, (while paying my way through college), I was constantly being recommended for jobs, due to my impeccable work-ethic, integrity, diligence, transparency, team-work, and leadership abilities. However, in the current paradigm, these traits are so threatening to everyone in the workplace, that I am being ostracized at every turn.

ICD’s USELESS Office Manager, Adrianne Thapa, even ‘terminated’ me because my competence threatened her TOTAL INCOMPETENCE. And, when ICD’s ‘House of Cards’ comes crashing down, the victims of this woman’s bullying and incompetence will be ‘coming out of the wood-work’ in protest—just as seen in the ‘Me Too’ movement. The contention of ICD staff that a woman who in ’85 got a 98% on the mid-term of an international economics course, which “even the econ majors failed at least once,” and tutored her classmates who all Aced the final is STUPIDER than a IMF secretary whose claim to fame was her ability to previously type 75 wpm. The idea that a brilliant student in economics, as well as international law, would have been rendered the STUPIDEST of STUPID, because she ‘opted-out’ of a histrionic and corrupt labor force to have children and travel the world is misogynistic and discriminatory—and exemplary of the psychopaths who are in control in the ‘Swamp’ at present.

Effective capacity-building initiatives MUST focus on challenging and dismantling these unfair hiring and promotional practices, as well as recognizing the horrific damage affirmative action and sham ‘diversity’ initiatives have had on economies and societies. By concentrating power in the hands of previously oppressed minorities, which are now in turn oppressing their targeted groups (with ‘deposed trophy-wives, white woman’ being one of their ‘favorites’) is why much of Trump’s supporters are the wives of ‘middle-class America’ whose jobs have been stolen by minority groups and affirmative action. At the international level my research has divulged a predominance of bullying and histrionic manipulations by Indian and Hindu women (Sharmini Coorey, Adrianne Thapa, Kalpana Kochhar, and Gheeta Ravindra), while at the national level, it is Afro-American women (Bathsheba Philpott and Aurora Amoah) who are particularly obnoxious and prevalent. One of the reasons opioid addiction is highest amongst Afro-American males in Washington is because their wives and mothers “have them by the balls,” as one Latino man so aptly told me in’16. Additionally, these black men are particularly targeted by police and police brutality, elevating their stress and anger, which they anesthesize with opioids and other drugs (legal and illegal)—until the pressure-cooker finally explodes into raping and pillaging of the ruling-elite. 

The damage the ‘War on Drugs’ policies of the American government has done to the American people, its judicial systems, and breakdown in the rule of Law, as well as to populations in Latin America is CRIMINAL, and in violation of art. 7 of the Roma Statutes. And, the fact that the international community has remained silent to the horrific crimes being perpetrated against all ‘Americans’ (North and South) by corporate greed and political expediency is no different than how Europeans (and the international community) turned a blind-eye to the rise to power of Hilter, the Third Reich, and their Holocaust. Please see my blogs for Sean Penn and his “El Chapo Speaks” article in ’16[13], as well as letter to Pacific Alliance countries[14], which explains the parallels.

Capacity-building does NOT entail “training and more training,” but rather accountability of incompetent and bullying histrionic civil servants like those found in the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) (eg. Sharmini Coorey, Gina Paone, Ana Daie, Kate Philips, Adrianne Thapa, Elizabeth Elliott, Imel Yu, Kathryn Indre-Nelson, Carla Cullatti, Jocelyn Vanderhaagen, Jennifer Chidac, etc.) as well as Carla Grasso who is responsible for overseeing ICD’s activities; Nemat Shafik who was responsible for the ‘creation’ of ICD; as well as Kalpana Kochhar, IMF’s HR Director responsible for HR personnel. ICD staff are wasting $330M (or as indicated on another report $780M) of taxpayer’s money on empty-rhetoric training programs. And, while I lack the figures that the World Bank is spending in ‘capacity-building’, I am familiar with the World Bank online ‘capacity-building’ courses—which I know from my activism work, and INACTION of EVERYONE, is nothing, but empty-rhetoric a waste of hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money.  

One cannot ‘train’ unethical, immoral, histrionic people to be hard-working and diligent, these are inherent traits and values learned very early on—particularly from their mothers. IMF’s ICD and HR departments are a perfect example of how alpha-dominance feminism coupled with managerialism is damaging social orders and workplaces. While everyone in the press is focusing on the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling in the US presidential elections, I cannot wait until they start examining the role ICD staff in collusion with World Bank Civil Society Team in October ’16 played in election meddling in favor of Trump. The audacity of ‘game-playing’ secretaries, Imel Yu and Katherine Nelson-Indre, in trying to silence me by black-listing from the Annual Meetings ‘16, and interfere in the US presidential elections, is INCREDIBLE, as are the efforts of Sharmini Coorey, Gina Paone, Kate Philips and Ana Daie to cover-up the entire MESS. The manipulations and ‘games’ of these women is just added proof as to how ‘civil servants’ around the world are OUT OF CONTROL.

Once financial markets and banking systems collapse, and the ‘witch-hunt’ against Christine Lagarde begins, the press will be looking for any scandal they can find—and the IMF is just teaming with them. Once the flood-gate of victims coming forward with their stories, ‘big-wigs’ and ‘small-fries’ throughout the ‘Swamp’ will be facing scandal after scandal, law-suit after law-suit, and prison sentence after prison sentence. It is the job of public relations representatives to deal with the fall-out, and questioning of reporters, when scandals surface, and you, along with Gerry Rice and Frederick Lawrence Jones will have your work cut out for you. Please see my blog “Labor Laws of Slavery & Other Fractured Fairytale Constructs: Observations of a CSO Rep at IMF/WB Spring Mtgs – Part 36”[15] for which Gerry Rice won an ‘Ostrich-Award’ in ’16.

As Susan Faludi explains in her book, Backlash: The Undeclared War on American Women, whoever controls the rhetoric controls the ‘Game’. And, members of the ‘Game’ can continue to ostracize and attempt to silence me for as long as they like. However, as seen time and time again in history, the empire-building and predatory and dysfunctional paradigm that IMF and World Bank staff are so zealously protecting will eventually collapse. So, while I will continue to vocally denounce the policies and practices of the IMF and World Bank which are increasing economic instability, civil unrest and violence in the world; I am also offering my services as President of the World Bank Group in order to demonstrate my good-faith, as well as bad-faith of those within the World Bank and IMF who are attempting to silence me, and my ‘dissent’.

Apart from David Malpass, another Trump nominee whose candidacy ‘scandalized’ me was Indra Nooyi, former President of PepsiCola—and another long-time Indian/Tamil woman in the ‘Game’. The junk-food and soft-drink industries are just as predatory, exploitative and damaging to consumers (and citizens) as pharmaceutical companies, drug-cartels, and techy-liberal IT companies, and should be ‘disempowered’ by the development community in efforts to achieve SDGs—instead of empowered and assisted, by junk-food junky drug-pushers of the American corporate elite. While I may be and ‘unlikely’ candidate for position of President of the World Bank as a French national, President Macron was also an ‘unlikely’ contender in his Presidential bid—but won due to the anger and dissent produced by ‘game-playing’ of incompetent and histrionic ‘civil servants’. Desperate times calls for desperate measures, and I could assure implementation of the ‘desperate measures’ everyone in the development community is espousing but failing to implement.  


Quenby Wilcox 



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