It can be tough at the moment.
Ways to avoid burning out in your job search
March 2024 David Morgan
There is a lot to contend with in 2024 and looking for a new job can be exciting and stressful. One thing is certain right now, it is probably going to take longer than you hoped. It is tough.
Recent data shows the time to hire has actually increased, while the number of advertised jobs has declined since the peak of 2022, organisations are being accused of "window shopping" and some critically indecisive in their process or simply seeking unicorns.
Having an experienced and knowledgeable recruiter on your side as an ally has never been so important. They are more contactable for updates, closer to the process, consulting on market conditions and ahead of future opportunities. An honest recruiter is an asset.
However, jobseeking can be a major source of anxiety, depression, and burnout. But it doesn’t have to be this way! There are several tactics you can incorporate into your job-hunting strategy that can help you avoid job search burnout.
Job search anxiety and burnout warning signs to look out for:
First, it’s important to know the signs that your job search is causing you to burnout so that you can take steps to reduce stress and anxiety.
Burnout is characterised by feelings of exhaustion or of being overwhelmed and is commonly caused by excessive and prolonged emotional, mental, and physical stress – like hunting for a new job. Signs you are feeling burnt out can include:
Increased irritability and frustration
If you notice an increased level of irritability and frustration that spills over into other areas of your life outside of your job search, you may be close to burnout through your efforts to find a new role.
Lack of desire to socialise
Avoiding talking to your friends and family or avoiding other social situations can be a sign of a wider loss of motivation caused by focus on your new position, interviews, technical tests and more.
Declining physical or mental health
Perhaps you’ve been getting sick more often or having trouble sleeping? If you’ve noticed changes to your health, however small, this can be a sign you are suffering burnout.
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Procrastinating over small tasks
Finding simple tasks that would normally take you a few moments to complete are becoming increasingly difficult can be a sign that your mentally exhausted from your job search.
5 ways to prevent job search burnout
Whether you’ve noticed some of the signs for job search burnout, or you are looking for ways to prevent burnout from beginning, here are some great strategies to reduce the stress and anxiety of hunting for a new role:
1. Stop panic applying
Doubling down on a bad day or a run of rejections by sending out a flurry of applications to roles you aren’t well suited for or don’t really want can lead to a rolling cycle of further rejection and panicked applications. Slow down and apply only for jobs that genuinely excite you.
2. Develop a realistic schedule
Expect the process to take longer, data shows organisations are taking longer in their time to hire. Try a routine: one hour networking, two hours filling out job applications, one hour updating your CV. Don’t forget to take regular breaks and build in time for other activities.
3. Develop a new skill or expand your current skill set
Taking some time to focus on personal development not only has the benefit of making your CV look more polished but succeeding in other areas of your life outside your job search boosts your confidence and increases your happiness.
4. Keep networking and connecting
Combat feelings of isolation by connecting with people who make you happy. Keeping connected can help boost your mood, beat depression, and break up the monotony of job hunting. It’s also a great informal way of maintaining connections with your network. Who knows perhaps a friend has a tip about a position you’d be perfect for!
5. Change where you look for jobs
Finding the perfect role won’t happen if you only look in the same places. Jobs boards can get stale quickly or only have access to entry level or non-specialised roles. Be open to new possibilities, use your networks, or consider using a specialist recruitment consultancy such as Morgan Law. Often we are ahead of the game with vacancies and can be a good source of market intelligence.
Looking for a supportive recruiter to assist you through you job search?
If you are feeling lost while searching for your next role or are thinking about starting your job search, Morgan Law can help. As experienced public and not-for-profit sector recruiters we specialise in matching you with roles and employers that are the right fit for your skills and experience.
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1yUseful article, thanks for sharing. It's important to keep a positive mindset and do not sweat small stuff.