Can you speak the C-suite Love Language with a Customer Experience Accent?
You may have 2 questions: 1. What is the C-suite Love Language? and 2. What is a Customer Experience Accent? The answer to the first question is something that you are already familiar with (I just gave it a CXy name) - Growth, Revenue, Cost Management, People, and Competitive name a few. The things that C-suite care about most and is measured by. The second question you may not be as familiar with, but this edition will attempt to be your 'Rosetta Stone' to help you understand key phrases in the Customer Experience accent that C-suite values most in their language. #NowThatsCXy
A popular mistake made by people responsible for leading customer experience efforts in organizations is attempting to win C-suite buy-in (and budgets) by using CX jargon, metrics and concepts. It may sound exciting, but it won't work...unless, a loud and clear connection is made with the C-suite Love Language. So, what CX concepts can be used in alignment with the C-suite Love Language? Read on.
In a previous edition of the #NowThatsCXy newsletter, we discussed that C-suiters are humans who want to make decisions that answer the WIIFM questions - What's in it for me? Will this work? Can I justify it? What assurances do I have it will be good for the business? Is execution possible? How disruptive will it be? Can we afford it? Can our infrastructure handle the change? Can our people handle the change? Will I be given the time to correct if it doesn't work? The recipe for winning C-suite buy-in is to answer as many of those questions using similar words but with solutions provided by Customer Experience Management. #NowThatsCXy
CXy Concept of the Month: Net Promoter Segmentation
Net Promoter Segmentation is a term used to describe the approach used by Net Promoter System advocates to identify the financial impact that differently behaving customers have on the business. By segmenting customers based on how they demonstrate their loyalty expression, and the attached financial impact of that behaviour, it allows C-suite to identify which profiles, drivers and behaviours are driving revenue or costs. It also helps C-suite identify pivot opportunities or investment decisions.
Net Promoter Segmentation classifies loyalty expression as a Promoter (one whose share of wallet, length of stay, and effort to refer demonstrate they are loyal - they add the most $$$), a Passive (one whose share of wallet could be higher, but they have the highest defection risk - their loyalty is unclear), or a Detractor (whose actions demonstrate they are disappointed, reduce their share of wallet, increase your Cost-to-Serve, and negatively promote your business - they cost you the most $$$). When married with the revenue they generate, their Customer Lifetime Value, their Retention Rates, their Referral Rates and their Net Revenue Retention, C-suite can see where attention is needed, where actions should be prioritized, where resources should be deployed, what upskilling may be necessary, or even which customer profiles may need to be discontinued.
Additionally, it buoys bespoke strategic planning, can direct employee engagement, can fine tune marketing messaging, identify product improvements, design customer retention strategies, do competitive benchmarking, and even offer some predictive capability. In summary, Net Promoter Segmentation can help C-suite figure out: where they can GROW and how; where COSTS can be streamlined; where PEOPLE and culture may need to pivot; and where COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE can be uncovered. #NowThatsCXy
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If you want to get a better understanding of the questions you and your business should have answers to, check out the IAMCX Assessment...FREE and reach out if you want answers to what it means to your business.
If you want to understand the possibilities for your business or request customized training, whether you're an entrepreneur, non-profit, small-to-medium enterprise or larger, reach out here at What are the possibilities for me?
Well, that's it for this edition of the #NowThatsCXy Newsletter. We pray that we've sparked questions and a reason for outreach at best, and improved understanding at the least. Please share your comments or feedback on this edition, and we'd love to earn your Like, Share and Subscribe. As usual, Go WIN!
Always yours in CX,
Roger Nicholas , Director of Customer Experience at Island Analytics & Marketing, LLC
Using Customer Experience Management to help businesses Create Value, Keep More Customers & Generate more Referral Revenue.
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Growth Strategist
1yThe problems arise when you have your core clients and customers as Detractors and Passives. You are not earning the most from their wallet share and there is a growth opportunity.
Using Customer Experience Management to help businesses Create Value, Keep More Customers & Generate more Referral Revenue.
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Using Customer Experience Management to help businesses Create Value, Keep More Customers & Generate more Referral Revenue.
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1yCongratulations on the new edition of your Newsletter! Can't wait to dive into it. 👍