Capitalizing on innovation at MaximoWorld and TRIRIGAWorld 2023
By Kendra DeKeyrel , IBM
We are at a pivotal time when new technology is available that can significantly change how we work. Technology available today is ready to take mountains of industrial data and transform it into insight, automation, and innovation that can help drive competitive advantage, but how do we capitalize on it?
This decision will dictate how we thrive in our industries, how we increase technician productivity, and how we work together to maximize operational efficiency.
Capitalizing on innovation was the focus across the board at MaximoWorld and TRIRIGAWorld, a event, where IBM took the stage to showcase new and advanced capabilities of IBM Maximo Application Suite and IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite. These new innovations are being put to work in helping users address issues associated with workforce shifts, asset reliability, regulatory considerations, environmental impacts and more.
Getting maintenance, inspection and reliability leaders on the same page
There is an acceleration that is happening around AI, around data, and in the areas that bring those things together to augment technicians and employees’ abilities to drive continuous improvements in their workplace and for their customers.
Capitalizing on that acceleration requires the ability for management, maintenance, and reliability leaders to get on the same page and create a new operating model for their organizations.
That's why IBM is making significant investments to enhance our intelligent asset management and connected technician solutions, as well as introduce a "journey to reliability" path for our clients. These enhancements will be available to the market starting September 27th, as part of the Maximo Application Suite release 8.11 and will provide new capabilities for each functional leader in the asset lifecycle, but also “left shift” reliability capabilities and data across users, allowing them to transform their daily operations and maintenance for managing assets and performance.
Build a foundation for growth with intelligent asset management
Some of the critical capabilities that IBM announced that we will add to the asset lifecycle management portfolio in September to help clients continue to help (1) improve end-user productivity, (2) reduce unplanned downtime and (3)reduce costs from operations included:
Marketplace for Maximo
Maximo IT
Mobilize a productive workforce of connected technicians and employees
Because decision-making and control continue to move closer to the customer, and employees and technicians need to grow and apply technical skills, IBM’s solution portfolio for the connected technicians will continue to expand. The new expected enhancements are designed to help improve productivity, increase first-time-fix-rates, and drive engagement, driven by Maximo Mobile, with updates that:
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Achieve your sustainable transformation by accelerating the journey to reliability
Lastly, IBM launched the journey to reliability to extend clients’ asset management activities to a broader set of strategies that incorporate reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) approaches, data and tools across their management, monitoring, and maintenance activities. To this end, IBM announced:
Uptake Asset Strategies Library acquisition
Omnio Edge connection integration:
The action wasn’t just limited to the stage — the expo floor and the session rooms were hotspots for showcasing Maximo Application Suite’s full spectrum of capabilities. Whether they were in sessions learning more about migration strategies for moving to the application suite or how to take MAS to the next level with Generative AI.
Attendees were also at our booth getting hands on-experience with our new capabilities across management, monitoring, predictive maintenance and mobility; there were plenty of new experiences to go around within the booth. Many had a chance to try their luck reducing their environmental impact with IBM’s sustainability activation fresh off the road from IBM THINK; this scenario-based experience was inspired by the work being done with the Downer Group to help improve asset performance while reducing their carbon footprint.
See you next year at MaximoWorld and TRIRIGAWorld
We hope that we met you at MaximoWorld and TRIRIGAWorld this year, and you were able to catch a glimpse of the future of our portfolio with these new announcements. These new updates can help you connect to our existing capabilities and provide a broader set of capabilities for asset lifecycle management for reaching higher levels of reliability, sustainability and innovation.
We hope to see you at MaximoWorld and TRIRIGAWorld 2024 in Phoenix, AZ.
To see what IBM Maximo Application Suite could mean for your business, schedule a free 30-minute call with an IBM expert here, or sign up for the product tour here.
1 and 2: IDC Business Value of IBM Maximo Snapshot, sponsored by IBM, published by IDC, March 2022.
3: IDC Business Value of IBM Maximo, sponsored by IBM, published by IDC, March 2022. Get access to the full report by signing up here.
A fantastic vision of a future available today. IBM MAXIMO nails the basics, the mid level and the advanced technology needs of the most demanding asset management applications.
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